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Maybe Generator SPEEDS Aren't The Problem



  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    I think it's pretty relevant to state what level you are playing at before offering your opinion? There's people on here who will argue game balance like they are speaking facts when they are playing in the yellow/green ranks and never been above that. There's also a ton of people who only play 1 side.

    I completely agree with him, by the way. Gen regression from regular kicks is meaningless. And honestly, even with pop you will feel those seconds you have to waste actually having to kick a gen. I don't even run regression against SWF because I know trying to control the gens will largely be meaningless, and my best option is to basically just hard-tunnel someone to death ASAP then collect more kills with NOED.

  • Write_By_Daylight
    Write_By_Daylight Member Posts: 126

    No it isn't. You're trying to brag in order to give your opinion some fictional weight.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    Do you want to hear opinions on game balance from people playing at rank 10, or rank 1? When the developers themselves have stated rank 1 is easy to get.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    It's important to have information about certain topics before passing judgement. Different ranks also have different metas, surprisingly. People have also had different experiences, as I for one have versed more Hillbilly players than people have actual SWF hit-squads, or claim to have on these forums anyway.

    And hearing from all ranks is important to me on this issue, because my killer rank has slipped quite far lately and kicking a generator for me helps a lot. But like I said, I also run Surveillance.

    Different ranks have different issues and I wanted to see how they all felt about this topic.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    When I go to look up a build for a League Champion, I'm not looking up the builds of silver/bronze people. I look at the diamond/challengers and attempt to emulate them. It's not different for DBD, I am not sure why people treat it as such. While DBD ranks are not nearly as accurate of an indicator of skill; they at least express a certain level of competence. Especially for killers, I will usually notice if I am playing against rank 1-2 killers just by their actions ingame.

    But for survivor? It's all over the board. Green and Purple ranks are literal babies to me, many being liable to get 2 tapped by the wraith while at a safe loop. Red rank survivor is a mashup between actual gods and default Bill's who will camp the shack pallet.

    It's one thing if you just haven't played in a while so your rank is low, but it's another if you just never made it there in the first place.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Making regression matter is not the right approach. As a killer you should be striving to accrue pressure by hunting and downing survivors. What is ridiculous is that starting at 0 pressure means the killer can lose a large number of objectives before he can secure his down on a map that is filled with max pallets. Currently band aid fixes like corrupt help but I hate having to reiterate the same thing every time this discussion comes up but a perk should not be mandatory to see success against decent players. Say nothing of large maps where some killers will lose one gen (due to a lack of mobility) before they can even cross the map. A brief degrading gen slowdown effect for the first minute ought to suffice. From that point on its up to you as a killer to create enough pressure to get survivors off gens. Kicking gens and playing the attrition game should be the exception not the rule and making gen regression matter is creating a significantly less chase just to hold gens.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    its like being in copper in siege and saying kapkan is op

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Kapkan is good if they don't expect him. Take that from a Kapkan main!

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789
    edited September 2020

    kapkan is awful, just go frost shes just a better kapkan

    or better yet go lesion or ela

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Now, this may be because I am a Pig main and I play a certain way, but for me as a killer I basically have a hand in EVERYTHING. My current perk build has Ruin, BBq, Nurse's and Surveillance. Tracking and regression.

    Surveillance has been one of the ultimate tools for me to track survivors as majority of them never expect it. It requires that I kick generators (when Ruin is destroyed). Generator now regresses and I have more map pressure through Intel. Yes, I still hunt and slug, but those are the ways survivors EXPECT me to apply pressure.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    I do worry about the devs plans to slow the early game gen times. I think it might be a better option to just look into buffing the weaker killers instead of touching gen speed.

    Most recent DLC releases and the slew of newly buffed killers I feel are all pretty well equipped to handle current gen times. It could get pretty ridiculous if you start increasing the length of the trails when it comes to the current meta killers. Even an extra minute or two is huge when you have killers like the Oni running around; able to chain 2-3+ downs off essentially a single M1 attack.

    But I don't think any killer should be losing a gen before he can find the first survivor, that would just stem from an oversight in the killers build.

    There's multiple early game perks that will help you prevent that from happening. Whispers, Discordance, Corrupt, and Monitor + Abuse all come to mind. I'd say if you are playing a 115% 32m terror radius killer you want at least one of those.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    The Russian SMG is actually pretty strong and Frost's traps are more predictable than guessing of Oni has Infectious Fright or not.

    I've won so many rounds because of an unexpected Kapkan trap. Just crouch when you place them so they're actually at shin height. It works better than expected.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I've lost two generators before finding a single survivor before on Haddonfield and still won. Another one I'd just started to hook the first and same result.

    But I totally agree with buffing killers instead of nerfing other things. Except Spirit. She needs to be toned back.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    While I agree with a lot of what you say big maps have become more common and more common. Ormound, sanctum of wrath, midwich, dead dawg saloon all recent addition's. Its extremely easy to lose a gen just as you find someone simply walking to the location survivors are at. Again yes corrupt helps a lot but were back to the issue of weaker killers being forced to use a perk slot they desperately needing that slot for snowballing to not get screwed by big maps and setups where survivors spawn next to gens Or crush you by spreading out. Most of the perks you name don't assist in crossing distance the key issue most 115% immobile killers face. I know the spawns and even then it doesn't matter those gens are getting done because my fat clown, pig, Wraith (without windstorm) can't hurry up. Worst of all for this issue is deathslinger who is capped at 110% and has a limited range of 18 meters that's negated by obstructions. Sure in chase these killers will have tricks and such some I'll admit is too powerful

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    If your enjoying yourself excellent. Do what brings you fun. But being frank your style of play reeks of inefficiency. Thrilling tremor's is a superior surveillance as your not losing precious time kicking a gen. Nurses is a perk I dropped ages ago because for the most part survivors don't heal and will throw themselves at gens whiles there are still a large number of pallets in play. Ruin imo suffers from a. being a hex perk and b. requires pressure that a pig cannot exert. Which is why I run pop instead. This also encourages survivors to finish gens forcing trap activation at inopportune moment's. If you insist on ruin, hex undying is a must (relatively new so it might get MoM'ed/changed). BBQ is just common sense the grind is heavy in this game and getting as much bp as possible is always smart. The last perk slot can be a flex slot I encourage experimentation maybe dragon's grip if you want to get more value out kicked gens with pop.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Well, I did actually get to rank 8 one season with this build but it might have been with old Ruin. I have my concerns with Temors for my playstyle, mainly that it relies in me picking up survivors.

    Nurse's is great on stealth killers as you have no TR for half the game.

    I've also had great success if Ruin is left for a few hooks. Pig's best form of pressure actually comes from having at least 1 survivor trapped and away from generators, effectively removing them from the game. Pig can DEFINETLY exert the pressure for Ruin, but you have to play her differently to do so.

    And like I've said with Surveillance, nobody ever expects it.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    Now, to be fair, I would argue you can do totally fine as a killer without any perks or add-ons; with the majority of the roster. If you think about it, there's really only a handful of killer perks that are going to have the same impact as the second chance perk stack you will typically be going against. There is:

    Ruin+Undying (if it manages to stay alive)



    That's all I can think of as far as extremely impactful killer perks. And Pop + Corrupt is really only as good as the killer makes it. The majority of everything else are essentially feel-good perks or meme perks. Not that they are bad, but I can't think of anything else that compares to having 12-16 extra lives and the loads of time they can introduce into the game.

    So if you are not running those specific combos, I would say you could probably be winning perkless.

    My favorite streamer plays perkless / add-onless at rank 1 alot of the time. I will see my youtube reccomendations *otz wins 50 in a row* and then he's running fully decked out builds and add-ons while this dude is getting almost the same results with ~nothing~

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    I kinda agree? I mean, yes, a lot of killers don't kick generators, but like a lot of people said, there's not much of a point. Even when I play killer with Pop, I feel like I have to usually give up something more important- a chase- just to get regression. I guess that's why I prefer Ruin+Undying. I get to have generator regression while still being able to maintain pressure on other survivors.

    Tbh, I think the big issue is just map size. It's hard for killers to pressure maps when they can't get to the gens in time- which is just made worse by killer movement speed, which is why the high mobility killers do so well imho.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    I always kick gens, even if a survivor is right there. The scratch marks, blood pools, and sounds give them away. You can always find them really fast, it's not like kicking takes a lot of time and I used to play before they made it fast. Same style, haven't changed. Finding survivors, especially injured ones, is incredibly easy.

    Now, if all they're doing is rotating to hide and nobody is on gens, that's a pain.

  • Hyraga91
    Hyraga91 Member Posts: 16

    What would be good for me is that they improve the mechanics of kicking generators. It could be that a mechanic is added that is activated when kicking a generator, and that when this happens, the generator has a regression effect that is only removed when a survivor goes to repair it for 5 continuous seconds. Since it is true that it is absurd that with just touching the generator for a microsecond the generator stops reverting, making the reversion of it a total waste of time if you do not have POP.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I get a huge map, I pick my 3-Gen Lock and pretty much only orbit that area taking what falls my way. The simple truth is I play Myers and Rotten Fields is impossible for him to patrol efficiently. Even attempting it just all but assures (unless my Survivors screw up) that I'll lose any defensible 3-Gen and be lucky to get a 1K. So, I make a choice early depending on the Map and my build.

  • It's that combined with the size of some maps. The gen speed isn't too bad, and buffing the gen regression would pressure survivors to go back on it a bit more and damaging a gen normally without any perks would actually serve as a threat, but it doesn't help that on certain maps, like mother's dwelling or maps the same or similar size that you can attempt to patrol all gens as soon as you spawn in.

    But if you don't have some kind of detection perk or just find survivors soon, that they can finish a gen with you barely done with your patrol. It's to the point where devs have just said, on those maps, just lose a few gens. I don't think it's fair to be put on the back foot because of poorly designed maps.

  • Xeticus
    Xeticus Member Posts: 71

    I'm a red rank killer and kicking gens just doesn't buy you that much time. I still do it more often than a lot of killer players but the regression rate on it is pretty miniscule.