Killer Perk Idea (Thoughts?)

Your devotion to The Entity allows you to find more options to get a Survivor to the hook. While carrying a survivor, grants the ability to perform pallet break at 90% speed, and the vault action at 70/80/90% speed. Gain 25/50/75% more Bloodpoints for actions in the Sacrifice Category.
The Bonus Bloodpoints are only awarded during the trial.

Values change when Fire Up, Bamboozle, and Brutal Strength are equipped.


  • some_shape
    some_shape Member Posts: 35

    I think the pallet break effect to be a litte to much, it should be a separated perk, but the rest seems balanced to me. Maybe change the sacrifice point gain to be 50% across all levels

  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164
    edited October 2018
    No BP gain. This perk should be to vault windows while transporting, which would be nice for basement builds. I say you should vault at full speed but no pallet stuff.