Survivors are to op and killers get the blame

This honestly just sounds like you're not that good of a killer yet.15
No, you need to fix your skills as a killer.11
I get why you say that but to be honest I wreck with Billy and freddy but all other killers kinda just suck and every survivor is pretty much like a gremlin.
4 -
Their the same
0 -
By nerf survivors do you mean take away everything that makes them fun or fix the mehcanics of the game which doesnt only involve survivors as the problem.
2 -
Both need fixed I'm sure we can agree but to be honest what do you think if you don't mind me asking.
0 -
Hooks need fixing/a rework, and so do gens. The devs just keep changing the chase instead. The devs need fixing first, nevermind the game xD
also @rhox32592 how tf do you "wreck" as freddy x) im just gonna assume you are rank 8+ cz red ranks usually ######### on freddies.
and @Vietfox dont post useless ######### that has no value, killer's skill doesnt determine a win in this game, unless you play nurse.
3 -
Tazare said:
Hooks need fixing/a rework, and so do gens. The devs just keep changing the chase instead. The devs need fixing first, nevermind the game xD
also @rhox32592 how tf do you "wreck" as freddy x) im just gonna assume you are rank 8+ cz red ranks usually ######### on freddies.
and @Vietfox dont post useless ######### that has no value, killer's skill doesnt determine a win in this game, unless you play nurse.
I main a hag as a killer and i can get good results, you just need to get good. Skills DETERMINE the "win".
The only thing that has no value here are your skills.7 -
Ok people friendly. I wreck with Freddy because his play style suits me and I believe in some ways he broke with the right add ons plus knowing the map and where peopke travel sets up a beautiful downing session
4 -
What sucks is when the vets no what coming and whento wake up and how to do it quickly so game plan change but if you learn to adapt quickly you can get it done. Me myself like to look at this game like art of war. Use mind games to rattle your opponents into maybe messing up but all in all patience and knowing when to strike or sit and spin.
2 -
Op the problem is you more than the things you described, yes there's imbalance but it also starts with you as an individual. You need to as a killer know where the totem spawns are, where the safe and unsafe pallets spawn.
Where the good and bad looping spots are, where gens spawn at, map layouts all variations, how to spot a good looper from a bad looper. When to chase someone and when to not chase someone, and if you're playing as Hag or Trapper where to place your traps at.
You need to learn the strengths and weaknesses of each character and their perks, wheres the good places to hide and evade and where not to try that. If you don't have all that knowledge then you're a at disadvantage and blaming it on game deficiencies just covers up your own shortcomings.
3 -
@Global said:
By nerf survivors do you mean take away everything that makes them fun or fix the mehcanics of the game which doesnt only involve survivors as the problem.lets talk about those mechanics that were not originally in the games design that are "fun" survivor broken as f... mechanics , SWF was never in the game to start with , they added it because survivors whined enough about it and then because they are afraid to balance around what it brought to the table has thrown the balance of power completely out the window . Now if I even decide to play a killer I have to deal with the 3and 4man swf ds/sb/sc/adr junkies over and over or play the lobby dodge simulator .
Then we have the mechanics of not all killers are designed to be good at all ranks , this is where skill plays into it , some of the less skilled killers just plain suck it at high ranks even with a skilled player using them . Then we get daily quests for those same killers that blow at high ranks or have been nerfed into oblivion . this makes for some great fun as a killer , nothing like doing freddy quest against a 4man swf tryhard group at rank 2 .
Then we have the deranking groups whos only real skill is the use swf to bully low rank killers with their p3 tricked out tryhard groups , I don't think ive ever heard anyone complain about people doing that before …
or how about those who use the swf groups to get their level 2 buddies into rank 16 killer matches , because we all know that a rank 16 killer is soo op that a skilled rank2 survivor stands little chance , once again we haven't heard about this happening either have we ….
now let me see since ive been playing survivor for the past several months mostly what have I seen there …
SWF 3 mans who ignore and use the 4th as bait . I see this one regularly . they come up to where I am and start making noise blooms for the killer to come my way so they can run off and keep their friends safe . I don't think we have heard of these things happening before either...
either way to me the biggest and longest running f'ed up mechanic in the game is swf , because they refuse to do anything about balance around it . Just add the voice coms to the game already and then balance around what they bring and stop cowering in a corner from the pro swf toxic tards .
5 -
I agree but when you have people that also know this. Then you reach the next level where the only thing that separates killer vs survivor is the game mechanics. That's where I like to be finding what's broke an what's not lol.1
Very nicely put0
Just so everyone can laugh this is the second time I had to level up because I no longer have my original gamer tag or anything so I started back up to play again because I really like this game
I been playing about month straight when I realized all that is broke and all that isn't. Me personally would love be for them just to tighten down on a few things but if it doesn't happen well I probably still keep playing. Lmfao when people abuse things sucks but to find the balance is really the goal0 -
@Vietfox Youve taken those pictures before? your bloodpoint and iridescent shards are different in both pictures so i dont know if thats your rank now but you have been rank 1 which is interesting.
Though you said you "can get good results" which yeah, everyone "can" but its not really about your skill, its if the survivors want to play fairly, if a gen isnt done in 2 minutes of your match then you know that the survivors arent good or arent trying to escape.
Tbh your rank doesnt prove much, it just tells me youve actually put time in the game. Getting to rank 1 isnt hard if you tunnel and camp properly. That fact alone is problematic to me as its unfun gameplay for the survivors to be camped and tunneled which you might have done.
This discussion isnt about skill really, his complaints where about he was forced to camp to safely get a pip, and that gens had an affect on if he got more than 1 kill or not.
These are real problems that make the game unfun. Hag has a low skill cap as do most of the killers so even if you play optimally as hag, a tryhard swf group will almost always leave you in the dust. SURE you can do good and you might play optimally quite a lot, but im sure its the survivors fault if they let you get more than 2 kills, and its not about how you did so amazingly.
Dont tell him to get good without addressing why the problem isnt a problem, gens can be done in less than 5 mins, but if you play optimally and so do the survivors itl probs be done in sround 8 minutes, which still isnt enough time for you to get a 4 man on a good swf team so theres your proof, dbd isnt a game full of much skill, its a casual game with mechanical problems that dont work properly for the competitive side.
Im at rank 1 and mainly play nurse if you wanted to know, im quite competitive so i know skill caps in games, dont try prove me wrong as itl go nowhere, and thats not what this discussion is about.
3 -
Hey Tazare if you don't mind me asking but have you had a match finish in like 3 mins top no kills and s,,t to show for it. I swear to God I had a match that timed with my phone that lasted that and I couldn't find a fxxxing soul. The only thing you could think was cheaters but I really hate to think that.0
Tazare said:
@Vietfox Youve taken those pictures before? your bloodpoint and iridescent shards are different in both pictures so i dont know if thats your rank now but you have been rank 1 which is interesting.
Though you said you "can get good results" which yeah, everyone "can" but its not really about your skill, its if the survivors want to play fairly, if a gen isnt done in 2 minutes of your match then you know that the survivors arent good or arent trying to escape.
Tbh your rank doesnt prove much, it just tells me youve actually put time in the game. Getting to rank 1 isnt hard if you tunnel and camp properly. That fact alone is problematic to me as its unfun gameplay for the survivors to be camped and tunneled which you might have done.
This discussion isnt about skill really, his complaints where about he was forced to camp to safely get a pip, and that gens had an affect on if he got more than 1 kill or not.
These are real problems that make the game unfun. Hag has a low skill cap as do most of the killers so even if you play optimally as hag, a tryhard swf group will almost always leave you in the dust. SURE you can do good and you might play optimally quite a lot, but im sure its the survivors fault if they let you get more than 2 kills, and its not about how you did so amazingly.
Dont tell him to get good without addressing why the problem isnt a problem, gens can be done in less than 5 mins, but if you play optimally and so do the survivors itl probs be done in sround 8 minutes, which still isnt enough time for you to get a 4 man on a good swf team so theres your proof, dbd isnt a game full of much skill, its a casual game with mechanical problems that dont work properly for the competitive side.
Im at rank 1 and mainly play nurse if you wanted to know, im quite competitive so i know skill caps in games, dont try prove me wrong as itl go nowhere, and thats not what this discussion is about.
I gotta admit i didnt read the whole wall text.
Yeah, those screenshots were taken in different times because i play more as a survivor.
Those screenshots are from ps4, and i bought the ps4 2 weeks ago. (i already had experience on pc)
Edit; if rank doesnt prove anything why u ask me about my rank?
I never camp nor tunnel. I run myc because i dont tunnel/camp3 -
TBH it made me feel like ######### just happened0
@Grimbergoth said:
@Global said:
By nerf survivors do you mean take away everything that makes them fun or fix the mehcanics of the game which doesnt only involve survivors as the problem.lets talk about those mechanics that were not originally in the games design that are "fun" survivor broken as f... mechanics , SWF was never in the game to start with , they added it because survivors whined enough about it and then because they are afraid to balance around what it brought to the table has thrown the balance of power completely out the window . Now if I even decide to play a killer I have to deal with the 3and 4man swf ds/sb/sc/adr junkies over and over or play the lobby dodge simulator .
Then we have the mechanics of not all killers are designed to be good at all ranks , this is where skill plays into it , some of the less skilled killers just plain suck it at high ranks even with a skilled player using them . Then we get daily quests for those same killers that blow at high ranks or have been nerfed into oblivion . this makes for some great fun as a killer , nothing like doing freddy quest against a 4man swf tryhard group at rank 2 .
Then we have the deranking groups whos only real skill is the use swf to bully low rank killers with their p3 tricked out tryhard groups , I don't think ive ever heard anyone complain about people doing that before …
or how about those who use the swf groups to get their level 2 buddies into rank 16 killer matches , because we all know that a rank 16 killer is soo op that a skilled rank2 survivor stands little chance , once again we haven't heard about this happening either have we ….
now let me see since ive been playing survivor for the past several months mostly what have I seen there …
SWF 3 mans who ignore and use the 4th as bait . I see this one regularly . they come up to where I am and start making noise blooms for the killer to come my way so they can run off and keep their friends safe . I don't think we have heard of these things happening before either...
either way to me the biggest and longest running f'ed up mechanic in the game is swf , because they refuse to do anything about balance around it . Just add the voice coms to the game already and then balance around what they bring and stop cowering in a corner from the pro swf toxic tards .
Almost all your points are on SWF. SWF doesnt make isnt the only thing to make the game fun for survivors though it definetlly does help. People who actually abuse SWF to make the killer have a not fun game are no lifes. Nothing you can do about them. And that is only 1 mechanic. What survivors do is because they are allowed to do it its not their fault. If there was a mechanic you could use to destroy a team of survivors would you use it? If so are you really any better than them? How is bad map design any fault of survivors. How are what perks do any fault of the survivors. As many survivors have said their job is in their name.
2 -
@Global said:
Almost all your points are on SWF. SWF doesnt make isnt the only thing to make the game fun for survivors though it definetlly does help. People who actually abuse SWF to make the killer have a not fun game are no lifes. Nothing you can do about them. And that is only 1 mechanic. What survivors do is because they are allowed to do it its not their fault. If there was a mechanic you could use to destroy a team of survivors would you use it? If so are you really any better than them? How is bad map design any fault of survivors. How are what perks do any fault of the survivors. As many survivors have said their job is in their name.
you are correct that I did focus mostly on swf , because as I stated it the largest and longest running "fun" survivor mechanic that is broke beyond compare . and the reason I single it out is when I try to play a killer if I do lobby dodging to avoid swf groups it can take me 15 mins of insta ques to find a simple 2 solo and a 2man group because the other 30 or 40 were 3 and 4 mans . Im going off the majority not the minority . and yes back in the day camping especially was considered a broken issue and I didn't use that , still don't unless I have bbq and I see there are 2 or 3 close by then ill look for them . sadly I don't even play killer anymore except for the dailies when I get them . I enjoyed playing killer until the fun was no longer there , I don't enjoy survivor either much anymore for the same reasons . this is the state of the game and it will not get any better . BVHR has proven over and over that the one and only concern here is $$$ , so they cater to the majority and use quarterly content to replace the killers they drive away imo . They say they are going to change something only to string us along hoping we are too stupid to see that "Soon" realy means in a couple years or until you forget about it .
And the funny thing is they use the "Soon" as a running joke , kinda like hatch changes , ds changes , bans , balance issues and so on .unless people just stop playing killer all together they wont try to really balance the game . they don't have to they just replace killers with ftp weekends and new killer content .
issues like swf balance , infinite loops , map design in general , these are not new issues and why a lot of vets get tired of hearing them , they have been around for a year or even years . as i said "soon" is a running joke , one on us ...
0 -
@Grimbergoth said:
@Global said:
Almost all your points are on SWF. SWF doesnt make isnt the only thing to make the game fun for survivors though it definetlly does help. People who actually abuse SWF to make the killer have a not fun game are no lifes. Nothing you can do about them. And that is only 1 mechanic. What survivors do is because they are allowed to do it its not their fault. If there was a mechanic you could use to destroy a team of survivors would you use it? If so are you really any better than them? How is bad map design any fault of survivors. How are what perks do any fault of the survivors. As many survivors have said their job is in their name.
you are correct that I did focus mostly on swf , because as I stated it the largest and longest running "fun" survivor mechanic that is broke beyond compare . and the reason I single it out is when I try to play a killer if I do lobby dodging to avoid swf groups it can take me 15 mins of insta ques to find a simple 2 solo and a 2man group because the other 30 or 40 were 3 and 4 mans . Im going off the majority not the minority . and yes back in the day camping especially was considered a broken issue and I didn't use that , still don't unless I have bbq and I see there are 2 or 3 close by then ill look for them . sadly I don't even play killer anymore except for the dailies when I get them . I enjoyed playing killer until the fun was no longer there , I don't enjoy survivor either much anymore for the same reasons . this is the state of the game and it will not get any better . BVHR has proven over and over that the one and only concern here is $$$ , so they cater to the majority and use quarterly content to replace the killers they drive away imo . They say they are going to change something only to string us along hoping we are too stupid to see that "Soon" realy means in a couple years or until you forget about it .
And the funny thing is they use the "Soon" as a running joke , kinda like hatch changes , ds changes , bans , balance issues and so on .unless people just stop playing killer all together they wont try to really balance the game . they don't have to they just replace killers with ftp weekends and new killer content .
issues like swf balance , infinite loops , map design in general , these are not new issues and why a lot of vets get tired of hearing them , they have been around for a year or even years . as i said "soon" is a running joke , one on us ...
Now, i can agree with all that is said here tho.
0 -
Grimbergoth said:
@Global said:
By nerf survivors do you mean take away everything that makes them fun or fix the mehcanics of the game which doesnt only involve survivors as the problem.lets talk about those mechanics that were not originally in the games design that are "fun" survivor broken as f... mechanics , SWF was never in the game to start with , they added it because survivors whined enough about it and then because they are afraid to balance around what it brought to the table has thrown the balance of power completely out the window . Now if I even decide to play a killer I have to deal with the 3and 4man swf ds/sb/sc/adr junkies over and over or play the lobby dodge simulator .
Then we have the mechanics of not all killers are designed to be good at all ranks , this is where skill plays into it , some of the less skilled killers just plain suck it at high ranks even with a skilled player using them . Then we get daily quests for those same killers that blow at high ranks or have been nerfed into oblivion . this makes for some great fun as a killer , nothing like doing freddy quest against a 4man swf tryhard group at rank 2 .
Then we have the deranking groups whos only real skill is the use swf to bully low rank killers with their p3 tricked out tryhard groups , I don't think ive ever heard anyone complain about people doing that before …
or how about those who use the swf groups to get their level 2 buddies into rank 16 killer matches , because we all know that a rank 16 killer is soo op that a skilled rank2 survivor stands little chance , once again we haven't heard about this happening either have we ….
now let me see since ive been playing survivor for the past several months mostly what have I seen there …
SWF 3 mans who ignore and use the 4th as bait . I see this one regularly . they come up to where I am and start making noise blooms for the killer to come my way so they can run off and keep their friends safe . I don't think we have heard of these things happening before either...
either way to me the biggest and longest running f'ed up mechanic in the game is swf , because they refuse to do anything about balance around it . Just add the voice coms to the game already and then balance around what they bring and stop cowering in a corner from the pro swf toxic tards .
0 -
I'm so tired of killer cry threads. I really am. You are playing a game in god mode where only you can harm the other players. Yet I see threads constantly on these forums where you would think it is the other way around. Are you playing as a killer or a child who just got his lollipop taken away? Less crying. More killing.
5 -
I got a 3K with one gen left through camping, and NOED. You can imagine the massive amount of salt I received, I was making a brew and came back to 2 gens left.
Just keep practicing pal, you'll get there
2 -
@Vietfox said:
yeet said:@Vietfox said:
@Tazare said:
@Vietfox why are you bringing my 'skills' into conversation. You are being toxic, what rank are you? Id like to know just for credibility
this explains a lot
Yup, bought it 2 weeks ago cause my laptop is being fixed. Got the same rank there btw.rank 1 isn't difficult nor impressive, one of my friends was rank 1 in his second week of playing killer, and soon after for survivor, and I have been perpetually rank 1 since release
0 -
yeet said:
@Vietfox said:
yeet said:@Vietfox said:
@Tazare said:
@Vietfox why are you bringing my 'skills' into conversation. You are being toxic, what rank are you? Id like to know just for credibility
this explains a lot
Yup, bought it 2 weeks ago cause my laptop is being fixed. Got the same rank there btw.rank 1 isn't difficult nor impressive, one of my friends was rank 1 in his second week of playing killer, and soon after for survivor, and I have been perpetually rank 1 since release
What was your point then?
I agree, rank 1 isn't difficult to reach, but i don't understand why u said that about consoles then right after my reply you say rank doesn't matter, lol
Make up your mind!6 -
How the hell is taunting strategic? What? XD
0 -
yeet said:
@Vietfox said:
yeet said:@Vietfox said:
@Tazare said:
@Vietfox why are you bringing my 'skills' into conversation. You are being toxic, what rank are you? Id like to know just for credibility
this explains a lot
Yup, bought it 2 weeks ago cause my laptop is being fixed. Got the same rank there btw.rank 1 isn't difficult nor impressive, one of my friends was rank 1 in his second week of playing killer, and soon after for survivor, and I have been perpetually rank 1 since release
6 -
lyric said:yeet said:
@Vietfox said:
yeet said:@Vietfox said:
@Tazare said:
@Vietfox why are you bringing my 'skills' into conversation. You are being toxic, what rank are you? Id like to know just for credibility
this explains a lot
Yup, bought it 2 weeks ago cause my laptop is being fixed. Got the same rank there btw.rank 1 isn't difficult nor impressive, one of my friends was rank 1 in his second week of playing killer, and soon after for survivor, and I have been perpetually rank 1 since release
Yeah, i heard that thing about console players before and now that i got my own ps4 i don't get it, i've met many good players on both sides.4 -
Grimbergoth said:
@Global said:
By nerf survivors do you mean take away everything that makes them fun or fix the mehcanics of the game which doesnt only involve survivors as the problem.lets talk about those mechanics that were not originally in the games design that are "fun" survivor broken as f... mechanics , SWF was never in the game to start with , they added it because survivors whined enough about it and then because they are afraid to balance around what it brought to the table has thrown the balance of power completely out the window . Now if I even decide to play a killer I have to deal with the 3and 4man swf ds/sb/sc/adr junkies over and over or play the lobby dodge simulator .
Then we have the mechanics of not all killers are designed to be good at all ranks , this is where skill plays into it , some of the less skilled killers just plain suck it at high ranks even with a skilled player using them . Then we get daily quests for those same killers that blow at high ranks or have been nerfed into oblivion . this makes for some great fun as a killer , nothing like doing freddy quest against a 4man swf tryhard group at rank 2 .
Then we have the deranking groups whos only real skill is the use swf to bully low rank killers with their p3 tricked out tryhard groups , I don't think ive ever heard anyone complain about people doing that before …
or how about those who use the swf groups to get their level 2 buddies into rank 16 killer matches , because we all know that a rank 16 killer is soo op that a skilled rank2 survivor stands little chance , once again we haven't heard about this happening either have we ….
now let me see since ive been playing survivor for the past several months mostly what have I seen there …
SWF 3 mans who ignore and use the 4th as bait . I see this one regularly . they come up to where I am and start making noise blooms for the killer to come my way so they can run off and keep their friends safe . I don't think we have heard of these things happening before either...
either way to me the biggest and longest running f'ed up mechanic in the game is swf , because they refuse to do anything about balance around it . Just add the voice coms to the game already and then balance around what they bring and stop cowering in a corner from the pro swf toxic tards .
3 -
Tazare said:
Hooks need fixing/a rework, and so do gens. The devs just keep changing the chase instead. The devs need fixing first, nevermind the game xD
also @rhox32592 how tf do you "wreck" as freddy x) im just gonna assume you are rank 8+ cz red ranks usually ######### on freddies.
and @Vietfox dont post useless ######### that has no value, killer's skill doesnt determine a win in this game, unless you play nurse.
4 -
Legacy_Zealot said:
I got a 3K with one gen left through camping, and NOED. You can imagine the massive amount of salt I received, I was making a brew and came back to 2 gens left.
Just keep practicing pal, you'll get there
4 -
Well, you dont need 4k to technically succeed as killer.
Theres -1 to +2, 0 being an average game.
The flashlight teabag guy can be completely ignored the entire match and still get a 0 game.
The real problem seems to be pallet rotation, and how fast you can get them to drop them so they wont be there next time.
If a survivor is actually using a pallet correctly, it is a massive time waster for killer. There always seems to be at least one though will run to each pallet to drop it. Screws all other survivors.
Anyways, +2 games mean you are extremely good, -1 means you could have done more. It doesnt take alot to at least get 0.1 -
@lyric said:
yeet said:@Vietfox said:
yeet said:
@Vietfox said:
@Tazare said:
@Vietfox why are you bringing my 'skills' into conversation. You are being toxic, what rank are you? Id like to know just for credibility console this explains a lot @yeet
Yup, bought it 2 weeks ago cause my laptop is being fixed. Got the same rank there btw.
rank 1 isn't difficult nor impressive, one of my friends was rank 1 in his second week of playing killer, and soon after for survivor, and I have been perpetually rank 1 since release
You act like console players are worse when really it’s just the hardware that’s worse , same game same objective. What I hate is how these other guys call @Vietfox out , he proves himself and then it gets brushed off to the side. That right there is why we can’t have intelligent conversations on this forum, we have a guy who like myself plays both sides but just because he plays survivor more than killer it’s immediately discredited, what I would like to know is if rank one is so easy and all these people are so terrible then what is all the bitching about? Which is it? Is it so easy anyone can get there or so hard nobody can win it seems like the narrative always changes to suit people’s arguments on here when they get trapped in a corner
yeah thats the point, console is a different game because console has such a poor control scheme, controllers are inferior, there's also a lot more factors that come in to peoples enjoyment of the game than just weather they rank up, but somehow that's inconceivable
1 -
@lyric said:
yeet said:@Vietfox said:
yeet said:
@Vietfox said:
@Tazare said:
@Vietfox why are you bringing my 'skills' into conversation. You are being toxic, what rank are you? Id like to know just for credibility console this explains a lot @yeet
Yup, bought it 2 weeks ago cause my laptop is being fixed. Got the same rank there btw.
rank 1 isn't difficult nor impressive, one of my friends was rank 1 in his second week of playing killer, and soon after for survivor, and I have been perpetually rank 1 since release
You act like console players are worse when really it’s just the hardware that’s worse , same game same objective. What I hate is how these other guys call @Vietfox out , he proves himself and then it gets brushed off to the side. That right there is why we can’t have intelligent conversations on this forum, we have a guy who like myself plays both sides but just because he plays survivor more than killer it’s immediately discredited, what I would like to know is if rank one is so easy and all these people are so terrible then what is all the bitching about? Which is it? Is it so easy anyone can get there or so hard nobody can win it seems like the narrative always changes to suit people’s arguments on here when they get trapped in a corner
Its not about being "better" or "worse".
But a true gamer that wants to get into a game will buy a PC and play more competitively.
Ofc you cant really say that or console players will come with their torches, but please face reality (look at the console tournaments for example....)4 -
@lyric said:
Legacy_Zealot said:I got a 3K with one gen left through camping, and NOED. You can imagine the massive amount of salt I received, I was making a brew and came back to 2 gens left.
Just keep practicing pal, you'll get there
See even this guy can get his kills while roasting marshmallows and watching some poor dude die lmao and if his avatar is his main he’s using the weakest killer doing so
look up why anecdotal evidence is a fallacy buddy, since you seem to claim to want to have a "rational argument" then use disingenuous statements and logical fallacies consistently.
0 -
DeadByFlashlight said:
@lyric said:
yeet said:@Vietfox said:
yeet said:
@Vietfox said:
@Tazare said:
@Vietfox why are you bringing my 'skills' into conversation. You are being toxic, what rank are you? Id like to know just for credibility console this explains a lot @yeet
Yup, bought it 2 weeks ago cause my laptop is being fixed. Got the same rank there btw.
rank 1 isn't difficult nor impressive, one of my friends was rank 1 in his second week of playing killer, and soon after for survivor, and I have been perpetually rank 1 since release
You act like console players are worse when really it’s just the hardware that’s worse , same game same objective. What I hate is how these other guys call @Vietfox out , he proves himself and then it gets brushed off to the side. That right there is why we can’t have intelligent conversations on this forum, we have a guy who like myself plays both sides but just because he plays survivor more than killer it’s immediately discredited, what I would like to know is if rank one is so easy and all these people are so terrible then what is all the bitching about? Which is it? Is it so easy anyone can get there or so hard nobody can win it seems like the narrative always changes to suit people’s arguments on here when they get trapped in a corner
Its not about being "better" or "worse".
But a true gamer that wants to get into a game will buy a PC and play more competitively.
Ofc you cant really say that or console players will come with their torches, but please face reality (look at the console tournaments for example....)
#########, true gamer? Is this some sort of degree now or what?
I already had the game on pc and bought it for console because, among other reasons, met cool people from the forums and now i get to play with them, so i'm glad about that.
Btw, a true gamer doesn't derank on purpose to have easier matches.
Edit: like you do (in case other people don't know that about you)2 -
@Vietfox said:
DeadByFlashlight said:@lyric said:
yeet said:
@Vietfox said: yeet said:
@Vietfox said:
@Tazare said:
@Vietfox why are you bringing my 'skills' into conversation. You are being toxic, what rank are you? Id like to know just for credibility console this explains a lot @yeet
Yup, bought it 2 weeks ago cause my laptop is being fixed. Got the same rank there btw. rank 1 isn't difficult nor impressive, one of my friends was rank 1 in his second week of playing killer, and soon after for survivor, and I have been perpetually rank 1 since release
You act like console players are worse when really it’s just the hardware that’s worse , same game same objective. What I hate is how these other guys call @Vietfox out , he proves himself and then it gets brushed off to the side. That right there is why we can’t have intelligent conversations on this forum, we have a guy who like myself plays both sides but just because he plays survivor more than killer it’s immediately discredited, what I would like to know is if rank one is so easy and all these people are so terrible then what is all the bitching about? Which is it? Is it so easy anyone can get there or so hard nobody can win it seems like the narrative always changes to suit people’s arguments on here when they get trapped in a corner
Its not about being "better" or "worse".
But a true gamer that wants to get into a game will buy a PC and play more competitively.
Ofc you cant really say that or console players will come with their torches, but please face reality (look at the console tournaments for example....)
#########, true gamer? Is this some sort of degree now or what?
I already had the game on pc and bought it for console because, among other reasons, met cool people from the forums and now i get to play with them, so i'm glad about that.
Btw, a true gamer doesn't derank on purpose to have easier matches.
Edit: like you do (in case other people don't know that about you)I dont try to play DBD competitively anymore, I have said this multiple times already
But whether you derank or abuse the situation on console and play SWF there, mhm its pretty much the same imo0 -
DeadByFlashlight said:
@Vietfox said:
DeadByFlashlight said:@lyric said:
yeet said:
@Vietfox said: yeet said:
@Vietfox said:
@Tazare said:
@Vietfox why are you bringing my 'skills' into conversation. You are being toxic, what rank are you? Id like to know just for credibility console this explains a lot @yeet
Yup, bought it 2 weeks ago cause my laptop is being fixed. Got the same rank there btw. rank 1 isn't difficult nor impressive, one of my friends was rank 1 in his second week of playing killer, and soon after for survivor, and I have been perpetually rank 1 since release
You act like console players are worse when really it’s just the hardware that’s worse , same game same objective. What I hate is how these other guys call @Vietfox out , he proves himself and then it gets brushed off to the side. That right there is why we can’t have intelligent conversations on this forum, we have a guy who like myself plays both sides but just because he plays survivor more than killer it’s immediately discredited, what I would like to know is if rank one is so easy and all these people are so terrible then what is all the bitching about? Which is it? Is it so easy anyone can get there or so hard nobody can win it seems like the narrative always changes to suit people’s arguments on here when they get trapped in a corner
Its not about being "better" or "worse".
But a true gamer that wants to get into a game will buy a PC and play more competitively.
Ofc you cant really say that or console players will come with their torches, but please face reality (look at the console tournaments for example....)
#########, true gamer? Is this some sort of degree now or what?
I already had the game on pc and bought it for console because, among other reasons, met cool people from the forums and now i get to play with them, so i'm glad about that.
Btw, a true gamer doesn't derank on purpose to have easier matches.
Edit: like you do (in case other people don't know that about you)I dont try to play DBD competitively anymore, I have said this multiple times already
But whether you derank or abuse the situation on console and play SWF there, mhm its pretty much the same imo
SWF is a game feature, deal with it.
Btw, i can't speak for everyone here but i play more solo than swf.3 -
@Vietfox said:
DeadByFlashlight said:@Vietfox said:
DeadByFlashlight said:
@lyric said: yeet said:
@Vietfox said: yeet said:
@Vietfox said:
@Tazare said:
@Vietfox why are you bringing my 'skills' into conversation. You are being toxic, what rank are you? Id like to know just for credibility console this explains a lot @yeet
Yup, bought it 2 weeks ago cause my laptop is being fixed. Got the same rank there btw. rank 1 isn't difficult nor impressive, one of my friends was rank 1 in his second week of playing killer, and soon after for survivor, and I have been perpetually rank 1 since release
You act like console players are worse when really it’s just the hardware that’s worse , same game same objective. What I hate is how these other guys call @Vietfox out , he proves himself and then it gets brushed off to the side. That right there is why we can’t have intelligent conversations on this forum, we have a guy who like myself plays both sides but just because he plays survivor more than killer it’s immediately discredited, what I would like to know is if rank one is so easy and all these people are so terrible then what is all the bitching about? Which is it? Is it so easy anyone can get there or so hard nobody can win it seems like the narrative always changes to suit people’s arguments on here when they get trapped in a corner Its not about being "better" or "worse". But a true gamer that wants to get into a game will buy a PC and play more competitively. Ofc you cant really say that or console players will come with their torches, but please face reality (look at the console tournaments for example....) @DeadByFlashlight
#########, true gamer? Is this some sort of degree now or what?
I already had the game on pc and bought it for console because, among other reasons, met cool people from the forums and now i get to play with them, so i'm glad about that.
Btw, a true gamer doesn't derank on purpose to have easier matches.
Edit: like you do (in case other people don't know that about you)
I dont try to play DBD competitively anymore, I have said this multiple times already
But whether you derank or abuse the situation on console and play SWF there, mhm its pretty much the same imo
SWF is a game feature, deal with it.
Btw, i can't speak for everyone here but i play more solo than swf.Deranking is a game feature and the devs even support streamers that do it via DCing (I dont even DC), deal with it
3 -
@DeadByFlashlight said:
@lyric said:
yeet said:@Vietfox said:
yeet said:
@Vietfox said:
@Tazare said:
@Vietfox why are you bringing my 'skills' into conversation. You are being toxic, what rank are you? Id like to know just for credibility console this explains a lot @yeet
Yup, bought it 2 weeks ago cause my laptop is being fixed. Got the same rank there btw.
rank 1 isn't difficult nor impressive, one of my friends was rank 1 in his second week of playing killer, and soon after for survivor, and I have been perpetually rank 1 since release
You act like console players are worse when really it’s just the hardware that’s worse , same game same objective. What I hate is how these other guys call @Vietfox out , he proves himself and then it gets brushed off to the side. That right there is why we can’t have intelligent conversations on this forum, we have a guy who like myself plays both sides but just because he plays survivor more than killer it’s immediately discredited, what I would like to know is if rank one is so easy and all these people are so terrible then what is all the bitching about? Which is it? Is it so easy anyone can get there or so hard nobody can win it seems like the narrative always changes to suit people’s arguments on here when they get trapped in a corner
Its not about being "better" or "worse".
But a true gamer that wants to get into a game will buy a PC and play more competitively.
Ofc you cant really say that or console players will come with their torches, but please face reality (look at the console tournaments for example....)A true gamer is anybody who plays games, PC or console. Playing on a different system doesn't make somebody less of a gamer, nor does playing casually.
2 -
@Vietfox if you read the sentence after the "rank doesnt matter" youll see that i said "it tells me youve actually put time into the game" just confirming that you werent a newb before responding to you, but now i know that nothing you say is really credible or useful so ill just ignore you for now