It really hurts when you complete a challenge, then discover you didn't select it.

Finally did the Devour Hope challenge. Without a Mori, without any offerings, or anything else to help. Then discovered I had a survivor challenge selected. The pain! The agony! I thought I had completed it, only to learn I had not. I did everything the intended way, and got blocked by forgetting to change challenges. Whenever I do have the challenge selected, even when I get a good map for totems, my totem always spawns in the worst place possible. And I don't have many map offerings so I have to rely a bit on luck to get a good map.

I know its my own fault for forgetting, but that doesn't make it sting any less.


  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    I think all unlocked challenges should be active at once. This allows plays to be more efficient and rewards better play.

    3K with the Wraith's perks and down 25 survivors for example would be good to have active at the same time.

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    Wish we could get some UI in the match for our actual progress of missions. It's really dumb that we actually don't have something simple.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Finally got the challenge thanks to Rancor. I put on NoED as a backup. Devour got cleansed at 5 stacks, so I just followed the poor obsession until I could Mori them.

    They could definitely improve the system I think. Let you have multiple challenges selected at once. (At least one for survivor and one for killer at the bare minimum). I know that caters more to people who play both sides, but shouldn't it?

  • aylawell
    aylawell Member Posts: 119

    This just happened to me this morning.. was set up for the Dwight perk escape but had ace perk escape active XD, not hard challenges, but a hard facepalm moment lol.