The real reason I'm upset about the pop nerf.

I must confess, it's not about the nerf... I use pop as a timer for ds running out.... now I have to count off an additional 15 seconds .
How could you use pop as a timer for ds?
Pop starts when you hook a survivor while ds starts after the survivor gets unhooked
So you just dont use pop on a gen and keep it as a timer?
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What Pop is not a good Timer for ds...
Use Make your choise ;)
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yeah cause ds triggers when you hook someone
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Uh.. End Game Collapse. You hook someone, they are unhooked immediately and downed again. Pop timer still activates. You wait til it's gone, you pick up.
Not sure how people don't see that..
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I guess nobody else in this thread don't run into the swf where the guy who just gets off a hook, abuses the fact he has ds to save someone after you just hooked them so you down the rescuer who has DS and watch the PGTW timer to guesstimate the ds timer.
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Um... Pop isn't a DS timer. That's MYC. DS activates on unhook, not hook.
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Pop is still in a good place. I used to run the old version when the max tier was 30 seconds & it was still really good. 45 seconds seems fair.
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Because I rarely let someone get unhooked for free, especially in the later game. It's a trade, I hook the next guy, chase the injured guy, down him, and if pop is running out, I know ds is about up too.