Why so many people ship myers with Jake?

Is there actually a "reason" or is just fanfiction?
I havent caught wind of this yet...so mysterious...
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This is the first I'm hearing of this so...
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Because they are weird.
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I think it's because Jake leans more to the silent type, but i think that's the only reason.
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I’ve seen it around too often and don’t quite understand it. Don’t want to understand it either.
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Real ones ship Myers and Ghostface.
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I ship spirit's sword and her hand cause it's inside her.
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I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but there are ships for this game...? I am surprised. I must go google. For science.
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Because the internet has made it almost socially acceptable to just embrace every weirdo instinct we have and thus we create weirdo deviant echo chambers in every fandom.
The existence of "waifus" makes me weep for humanity.
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Don't go to the fanfiction side of dbd I've read "interesting" fanfictions of myers and jake
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fanfiction ingeneral is for certain people..... very few aren't just awful or out right stupid.
Don't acknowledge them and move on like the weird kid who talks about embarrassing things his mom says around him but he is just socially inept.
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Cannonically? No reason. But because we practically get drip fed lore in this game, it's easy for fanon to be even more prevalent in the fandom side.
Personally I just enjoy them together because it's an interesting concept depending on the portrayal- it can create a really interesting dynamic that I personally enjoy.
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Here's a better question:
Why do people ship fictional video game/movie characters?
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What? Myers is in love with Amanda.
What kind of messed up fanfiction are you reading?
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Myers with Ja-
Ah yes, shipping killers with normal people is a thing now.
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What does ship mean
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The act of one wanting/supporting two individuals involved in a sexual relationship.
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Never heard of that one before, I have heard the common siblings shipping but that is just messed up.
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these are probably the same nerds who say "shirtless myers when?!", which is dumb because myers has never, ever been shirtless in his movies.
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seems homosexual
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Myers with Jake? First I've heard of this and I'm a Mikey main.
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No clue why they're shipped but the comic is funny
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I'm gonna point you toward Claudette + Hillbilly if you haven't stumbled across it. The fan art is generally so super adorable; it actually redeems Claudettes.
This is assuming that your "scientific interests" are of a more wholesome nature, of course. <.<
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The only time I saw them together was when somebody posted this screenshot here 😆Was kinda cute😋 Don't mind Jake's knee lol
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Jake gets shipped with everyone and I just don't get it.
The guy obviously just wants to be left alone in the forest with his crows, so he can break meathooks and live a life away from his jerk dad - there's no room for a man (or a woman) in his life.
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scratch the 'sexual' ship comes plainly from 'relationSHIP' regardless of the kind
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I've noticed that Jake x myers is the biggest ship in the fandom. I say this because there's so many fanarts and fanfics of this two together, but I never understood why so many people ship them together, I thought "oh maybe something happened in the lore that I don't know??" I guess I was wrong
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If you check twitter, tumblr or something like that you gonna find slot of this ship, I still have no idea why is so popular...is so random
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Yea, nothing as far as I know.
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Because is fun? The only thing I don't understand is why Jake and myers together is so popular, usually there's a reason
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Personally I'm more of a fan of MinxKate
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If that's your idea of fun, then I'm very sorry. Really.
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Just let people enjoy things, you don't need to like it anyway so, who cares
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Shipping has always been nothing in almost every community and it probably will almost be a thing in every community.
Why does it happen well some reason can be because people want to see their two favourite characters get together or want to see the character they relate to most get with the character that they like the most.
If you want me to explore the various other reasons as well that could take a hot minute.
Now if you're going to try to call out someone's idea of fun you're ready doing a losing battle. Something being a fun is a subjective context in the same way you might look down on people who like ships and find it fun somebody out there might find the things that you like and consider fun to be something they look down on.
Let people like what they like as long as it's not illegal or immoral you really have no right to judge them for it.
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Well I'd be going more for the menz who love menz but the Claudette could be hilarious LOL Claudette + Hillbilly could be awesome. Although he's like, extra creepy looking XD
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I think they ship them because they don't just want michael as a killer and jake as a loner. People ship characters together usually because they feel like they would be better together. The size difference could also be a factor some people like to ship characters who are different in size.
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Idk just people having fun I guess. I don't care for it but that's none of my business what people draw or write about.
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Because that's just what certain communities have been doing for an eternity. I think it's peak cringe, especially from adults, but if it makes someone's day better then who's to judge.
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I think it’s cuz Jake is canonically a super loner. (The man left behind wealth and civilization to live in the middle of the woods, just him and nature) And Myers is mute……also people be simpin’. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Post edited by Inquisitive_Rain on0 -
I ship Myers with Judith
's Tombstone