The double standards here baffle me

For the record, I am stating that this is NOT going after anyone here or is here to start any form of witch hunt. I just want to point out the hypocrisy behind a perk change, while another has the same issue of being 60 seconds and doing something else
That's what everyone wants to know, but jo officiap statement yet.
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Whoa I think you may be the first person to make a thread like this. You might just be onto something... 🤯
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pssst, he might not get your sarcasm and thinks he has opened a very valuable thread.
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DS has been a problem that people have complained about for a very long time, and then they change pop. Killer options for gen defense are already limited between Ruin/Undying and Corrupt/Pop, nerfing gen defense instead of addressing why all killers run it is dumb.
Even if they didn't change DS, they could have buffed the weaker gen defense perks too. Options are getting even more limited, and the pop nerf only affects the low tier killers.
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When even Otz is saying he thinks its because the Halloween DLC is still selling I'm inclined to believe it. We all know Ash sales dropped off a cliff when the MoM rework was announced.
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To be fair they announced a shift of thana from being a general slowdown to being a gen slowdown. Maybe the % numbers they are removing that affect healing will now be added towards gen slowdown. Would be neat.
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His speculation is as baseless as anyone's.
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Pop would still be perfectly viable.
DS presents all sorts of balance issues because it's essentially a band-aid fix for built-in game mechanics that they don't want to touch either.
The perk has just been bugged and trials were a tunnel fest. I'm sure the devs have enough data from those days and they weren't encouraging.
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True, but I don't imagine the devs want it to be "overbearing", so the numbers are probably gonna be crap. We'll have to see I suppose.
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Now this is is no way trying to attack the dev it’s just talking about what I’ve seen happen a lot. This is the stuff that always happens with this dev and I think everyone is getting fed up. He did this exact same thing when killer lock happened people asked about the 6 second key swap he made things worse with a comment then when more people kept asking about it just ignored everyone. So chances are it’s ignored and ds never changes but pop will.
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The two aren't even that similar, but like with everything else... let's throw it into the mix even though it doesn't make sense to do so, because it's DS we're talking about so let's add to the millions of other comparisons that didn't stick maybe this one will.
First off, You don't have DS after every hook. You also don't get DS for completing an objective.
I agree that Pop's nerf wasn't warranted, but I am starting to think that people just like to say whatever gets in their head just because they don't like something.
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I am a killer main and I don't see your point. The devs want you to kick the gen when PGTW is active, so the "other things" would be chasing survivors. The devs don't have any specific goal for survivors when DS is active, so there is no "other things". I do agree that that PGTW nerf is unwarranted though.
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seeing a survivor getting downed by a wraith instantly after eating a ds brought a tear to my eye the the other day XD
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so by your logic Make Your Choice should also be brought down to 45 seconds? Okay, let's do it!
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The devs will sensibly consider numbers whereby the perk is still useful on its own to trick survivors into healing, whilst also still considering potential stacking with other perks that could become too overbearing.
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Just tired of seeing the gen slow down perks getting ######### on. I don’t care about ds’s bs.
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Is not the similarities between the two perks, it's just that the reasoning is pretty much the same.
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"nerfing gen defense instead of addressing why all killers run it is dumb" Kind of reminds me when they nerfed ruin.
"It's in 90% of all games so we feel it's too good"
"Well why do you think it's in 90% of all games? Cause we need some form of slow down to stand a chance"
Then the very next patch they nerfed tool boxes into oblivion. That tells me they aren't man enough to admit they screwed up. I still think they will do absolutely nothing to DS.
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I don't think I've seen anyone use MoM in over half a year lol. Pay 2 Lose confirmed
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You only need one obsession in match to assume that all four have DS. If you do have it, you have 60 seconds of hook immunity. That goes along with Almo's 'spend too much time doing other things and still have it available.' His reasoning can be used for DS, because it's valid.
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The sad part is they don't give a #########, they'll do what they want and will ignore the criticism while having there condescending attitude about it.
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While i have ds i have no fear and do a gen until the killer grabs me or slugs me while he can do nothing to me till the timer is over and if he's waiting it out he's lost the game anyway to commit to killing me and if he leaves i get back up with unbreakable and finish the gen.
I use the combo cause it's stupid how much time i can waste of the killer's.
Antitunnel perk btw
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sure consider DS + Unbreakable. either down and leave surv gets up or don't touch, 60 seconds of invulnerablity on a gen. not a good thing at all except for the survivor. it ensures 60 seconds of not being messed with what so ever and the ability to get up during that time if downed and left. but pop gets blocked by ruin if you want to use them together. I'm sure that's been considered. and sure there is NOTHING you are supposed to be doing while DS is active, then fine, if DS is active you can't interact with anything but a med kit or being healed by another. but honestly synergy in survivor perks is wanted, killers get no synergy at all. Killer perks are getting cool downs and the only cool down's survivors have now are sabo and exhaustion perks. (if i missed a perk its because i don't use it that often).
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If it’s early enough in the match, eat the stun. Survivors can only use each perk once.
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I know that, but the point was made that "The devs will sensibly consider numbers whereby the perk is still useful on its own to trick survivors into healing, whilst also still considering potential stacking with other perks that could become too overbearing." that is what i was responding to, highlighting one of the issues with perk synergy on survivor side
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It's insane that people still don't get this. It's not a tit for tat, or even that ds is comparable to pop.
The stated reasons for nerfing pop would seek to imply that ds timer should be subject to the same treatment.
The issue isn't "you nerf a killer perk you must nerf ds". The issue isn't that pop is now useless. The issue is the reasoning behind the change seems to be a double standard and the devs aren't interested in explaining why it isn't.
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Devs already confirmed it’s not strictly an anti tunnel perk.
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Whatever, i'll continue to abuse until it rightfully gets nerfed, justifiably.
Pretty sure they were talking about the old DS though, but i don't care enough to look those up.
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It’s not old DS.
You can ignore the facts. I mean isn’t that what this community already does?
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You're doing the same thing as i am and not bringing any proof to me the only difference between us here is you are saying it's a fact without backing that claim up.
You can get upset about it and pretend this DS is fine how it is idc, i'll use it until someone wises up and balances it to be defensive or make it base kit for survivors but without the antimomentum part.
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I'm unsure why "anti momentum" somehow makes it better. If the devs think punishing a killer for doing their job well is a good thing, it's no wonder why their playerbase stays stagnant no matter how many more copies of the game they sell.
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That's also from peanits who has no say in balance and every other actual dev has said its anti tunnel so I think every other dev combined overules the community manager on something the dev team made just but a weeeeeeeee little bit.
Aka I trust the words of the people who reworked the perk over peanits who has never repeated that because its most likely 100% wrong.
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Who has no say? Lmao ok buddy.
I don’t know much about how involved he is, but I’ll take his word over yours.
Also, it’s not just him that said something in the link it was stated by another dev that it comes to strategy if the killer happens to find the survivor who still has some of their DS timer available.
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Where's that whataboutism guy?! We need him to settle things, although he will probably side with the killers here...
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The rework Q and A was talking about survivors going out to annoy the killer as live bait with its timer up not as a passive thing.
Aka clicky clicky annoyance playstyle and even in that Q and A thread they flatout say ITS PURPOSE IS ANTI TUNNEL.
Please stop bringing up that debunked screenshot from peanits.
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But then why this?
And look at the rest of the questions, where the developers says they tried to mitigate how much of the killers momentum it would take away, where they say it servers a similar purpose to borrowed time (anti-tunnel), and other questions.
The entire article there makes it sound anti-tunnel.
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+ when you're slugged
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It still doesn’t state that DS is strictly an anti tunnel perk. That is something the community came up with.
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Just because it has an anti-tunnel purpose does not mean there aren’t other ways it could be used.
If they are in your face trying to get you to grab them, guess what? They aren’t on gens. You can even ignore them and go for somebody else.
Imagine playing around it and not getting stunned.
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Horvath: We decided to put a timer on Decisive Strike as one of the solutions to Decisive Strike being used too often, we tried 2 minutes internally and found that players were able to use DS a long time after being unhooked, where it no longer serves the purpose to protect you from being tunneled/ farmed
"where it no longer serves the purpose to protect you from being tunneled/ farmed"
"the purpose to protect you from being tunneled/ farmed"
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I get that I’ve read the entire QnA. He is speaking from the context of, DS was able to be used at any given time once downed, so they added that condition. Still, he is not saying with a “sole” purpose.
Did you also read the part where he explains what happens when the killer finds the survivor who still has DS?
He didn’t say they wouldn’t be able to use DS because it is strictly anti tunnel.
What did he say? .....
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He says "But ultimately, we have tried to mitigate the amount of time DS wastes in respect to the killer"
Which combined with the previous answer makes it sound like "the perk is designed as anti-tunnel, there are some situations where it may not work like that however we have tried our best to mitigate those circumstances".
Because making it purely anti-tunnel would be hard to do and may make the perk a little awkward. For example people use the "pause in chase" suggestion but that can also be worked around.
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Really? Did you ever see the reviews of the DLC on the store?
There's a lot of people writing reviews saying "worth for DS"
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If we're going to have "anti-momentum" perks we should have them for both sides. Like one where if gens get done too quickly then it just regresses an already completed gen back to zero. If this is the sort of fun and balanced gameplay we're aiming for.
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We have one kind of, it's called Hex:No-one escapes death.
All the survivors love that perk.....oh wait.
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The devs have been this way for years how are people now figuring this out