Pig mains I need help!

Flawless_ Member Posts: 320
edited September 2020 in General Discussions

So I recently started playing Piggy and I'm having a blast with her. She's waaay stronger than people make her out to be if you use her kit strategically. To clarify, my issue does not have to do with how to play her or how to win. I have crossplay disabled and I can consistently win at rank 1 even against strong survivors.

However, my problem comes when I find the first survivor. Let me explain: every other game they'll just crouch in front of me and try to boop the snoot. I didn't mind at first cause I do think it's funny so what I’ll do is leave them and go find the next survivor who's usually nearby. There are some games though, usually if they're swf, where they'll all crouch towards me and straight out chase me around. I ended up farming in several games cause survivors won't take the game seriously at all and I also run Corrupt so my timer is running while they're doing their shenanigans so I’m like alright alright you dingdongs let's do some stupid ish. I feel bad taking cheap shots or killing them in this scenario cause I play survivor too people just wanna have fun and a bit of friendliness is rare in the game these days...so we farm and it's real funny. They're always really nice in the end game chat too, whenever this happens.

Anyway this is probably the best problem that anyone could have on DBD I mean...survivors being friendly towards the killer? Who would have thought. It's just that sometimes I just want to have a normal game and I’m all for mending sometimes, I’m starting to get tired of people not playing as intended for the entire game just cause they're going against Piggy so my question is...how do you signal to survivors that "okay guys, boopin' time is over let's get into a chase now" and move on to playing normally? Is there any way I can show them that while yes they can boop the snoot once I don't necessarily want to farm?

And to those of you who are getting camped, tunneled, genrushed and/or just sick of BHVR...sorry guys maybe I need to check my "Pig privilege" over here lol

Post edited by Flawless_ on


  • Dhurl421
    Dhurl421 Member Posts: 154

    While booping the snoot is a hilarious meme, I can't do it cause Pig crouch running to me is so creepy looking lol.

    But honestly, booping the snoot is a high risk, low reward. If they do it and you don't wanna farm, then down and hook them! People should know not every Pig respects it, and really most of them shouldn't anyway.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    If you don't want to farm, you don't have to. Cheap shot or not, a hook is a hook and generally free BP because of it. Pig is surprisingly loved amongst the community, outside of the idiot campers and trap tunnellers.

    I've had the problem a lot in the lower ranks where people just DC basically immediately after I show any level of competency as her.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Do what I do: Never respect the boop, and when they get salty, act like you don't know what booping the snoot is. ;)

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    I see your problem. Just run Fire Up and it should clear itself right up.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,480

    If I have no intention of farming or accepting a boop I'll stand up at a distance before they could approach and shake my head no. Then I recrouch and roar, and it's on. If I've drawn a crowd however, I too have a tendency to screw around...

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,543

    I'll accept one or two then start the match (hitting and downing survivors... cause I've already found them)

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    I don't understand people who go for trapped survivors. Its literally counterproductive.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,543

    I don't understand either...

    But for the most part the survivors get the trap off on first or second box so It's not as efficient as I'd like

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Yeah, pig and demo mains are literally the most wholesome, especially when they use their emotes like these 🐷🐽💖

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
  • behave_pt
    behave_pt Member Posts: 84

    I play Pig and Spirit. I never just allow anyone to boop my snoot and I do not farm with them if they do. Survivors are nice to you because you played the role of there pet those games not the role you are intended to play which is a killer with malicious intent. If you want a normal game then play the game as it was intended to be played.

    btw try shaking your head at survivors when they are crouching towards or during chases. Let them know you dont want to farm.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,789

    Yeah, this would feel awkward to me, too. It's because letting them meme with you sends a signal that you're going to be super chill and killing them immediately sends the opposite signal -- so you feel like you lured them into a false sense of security.

    If you feel weird, one solution is to not let them do it at all, unless you're in a situation where you're definitely not going to kill them -- like, if they're already in the exit gates and you're letting them go. Another solution is to decide ahead of time that you have a policy, like one person gets to do it once, and then no more memes. Then, you don't have to decide on a case-by-case basis -- you can just follow your policy each time.

  • endexxon
    endexxon Member Posts: 7

    Ig you can shake your head and then smack em

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,639

    So you want Pigs Cuteness nerfed?


  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    They're weak, and at a disadvantage. Some killers just see an easy kill. All that player wants to do is get the trap off, and get back to playing .

  • Almo
    Almo Member, Dev Posts: 1,120

    Not needed, she performs well statistically. She's definitely A-tier. Not S... but definitely A.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    I play Jigsaw a lot after Myers and the advice about the whole "boop the snot" meme is if you dont want to follow it, dont, smack the guy who tries it and he and the rest will get the message, you are here to play a little game and they should play it their best if they want to get out.

    Its lame? a bit but is also lame to enter a trial and pretend the other side is a joker who just wants to goof around.

    It depends, I have "Save Best for Last" on her, if Im chasing someone and see a trapped Survivor on a Jigsaw box ill hit them, not only gives me a token but also resets the box and injures them/forces the other Survivors to go pick them up from the hook/ground, its stalling on top of more stalling. If Im not chasing anyone well bad luck, hook time it is, I have to keep applying pressure.

    Jigsaw is not a carbon copy Killer, you have to be aware of the flow of the game, sometimes is better to down someone near a box, sometimes is better to ignore him, sometimes is better to patrol boxes, sometimes is better to not, trapping always may not be the best decission (if you are gonna hook near a box and you are doing good on gens is better to save that trap for later or it may get removed 10 seconds after unhook) etc. You cant play her the same way always like other Killers like Hillbilly (sprint all map, find someone, saw him, hook, BBQ shows you next target, sprint, chase, saw, hook BBQ etc).

  • Flawless_
    Flawless_ Member Posts: 320
    edited September 2020

    My dude did you even read the post? I’m trying not to be a dick to survivors by letting them meme and still be able to have a fair, normal game...I bet you stopped reading after the first paragraph smh

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    Theyre off gen though, so its best not to chase them.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    Its usually the fourth box when I play her, but the first when I'm against her. I'm just super lucky I guess 😆

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    Atleast buff her addons or something. Amanda letter is like Wraith addon "all seeing - blood" but limits her so much. I thought pink addons were supposed to be strong but yet its so restricted and punishing to use...

    Also her RTB are way to RNG, I cant count the amount of times I manage to get rid of her trap in my first box search.

    Any good team with decent loopers and coordinated gen pressure will shut her down immediately. You know like the other 14 out of 21 killers we have in the roster: Trapper, Wraith, Billy, Huntress, Myers, Doctor, Bubba, Clown, Legion, Plauge, GF, Demogorgon, Deathslinger, Blight.

  • Flawless_
    Flawless_ Member Posts: 320

    Unless I'm already chasing someone I always, always slug trapped survivors. Yes they're off gen but you put them on the ground, now somebody else needs to get off another gen and come pick them up. In the meantime you resume patrolling gens and find a third survivor and suddenly your map pressure goes through the roof.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Wow, peppa on the forums. Out of curiosity, what are your thoughts on the PH nerf?

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    "Remember booping the snoot is unwanted physical contact, meaning sexual harassment."

  • Peppa_Pigsaw
    Peppa_Pigsaw Member Posts: 184
    edited September 2020


    People who just zone with PH are bad at him and I hate all of them equally.

    Im glad they're nerfing the zoning and making judgement better. Can't wait for the change.

    Oh and I dropped Pig, I main Pyramid now. I dont plan to play pig again until the sad excuse of a balancing team at BHVR fixs her.

  • Peppa_Pigsaw
    Peppa_Pigsaw Member Posts: 184

    Needed change. I hate zoning Pyramid Heads and Im glad that BHVR is making it to where it rewards people who actually play him correctly by using his power.

    I dropped Pig for Pyramid Head, don't plan on going back to her until the circus of a balance team fixes her.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    What's wrong with Pig? I think she's pretty fun but haven't played her in awhile.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
  • Peppa_Pigsaw
    Peppa_Pigsaw Member Posts: 184

    There's a lot of things wrong with Pig in her current state. She's an old killer who's starting to show her age and the fact that in the current state of the game she just isn't good.

    Spine Chill is a really common perk for a lot of survivors now. Which renders her stealth pretty useless unless you plan on doing the Thriller to gens constantly, this is not counting the fact that a lot of maps delete her stealth because of how big and open they are anyways.

    Her chase tool being the ambush is still strong, the problem is, nobody really falls for it anymore. If you see a pig crouch at a loop, bait out her charging and then run away from the loop to another loop, if the pig keeps trying, just keep abandoning the loop. If she gives up and just decides to normally chase you, well then she's a killer with no power in the chase, meaning she eats pallets. Her ambush doesn't work anymore because it has such a basic counter. Why would you use your brain to outplay the Pig when instead you could just smack your forehead into your keyboard and sprint away for free?

    and her trap RNG has always been inconsistently bad. They either dont do enough or do too much. They're poorly designed and need to be changed.

    Why would you play Pig? She's clunky, poorly designed, and bad. If you want a stealth killer, go play Ghostface. I say that as someone who mained Pig since she launched and didnt fully drop her until Pyramid Head came out.

  • 1anioh
    1anioh Member Posts: 62

    I run Franklins as a counter to the unwanted touching. Survivors can't offer me their items if I smack 'em outta their hands. :)

    Seriously though, piggy harassment is real and the only thing that seems to stop it is taking the free hits until they stop. Generally nobody says anything to me after the matches about it either.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543
    edited September 2020

    "If you want a stealth killer, go play Ghostface."

    I wanted to post that gif of the Grinch grinning

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,039

    Just out of curiosity how is she considered an A tier killer when almost everyone who plays DBD killer and survivor alike puts her in the bottom 3 killers.

    1. Her ambush is weak and easily countered due to her roar going off so early and being stuck in place at a certain level of the charge bar. Making her primarily a M1 killer. Unless the survivor is braindead and stays at the loop.
    2. Stealth is weak due to low PoV and slow movement.
    3. Crouch is too slow and punishing, but Ghostface gets no penalty for it.
    4. Addons are bad. Like horrendous so. With maybe 3 to 5 decently reasonable addons.
    5. Reverse Bear Traps are extremely RNG based. Meaning some games they are worthless and others a overbearing monster, but an average of pointless.
    6. Spine Chill for some reason is able to "detect" the undectable status. You know that feature thats prevent locating a stealth play outside visually seeing them. Seems odd a entire meta perk just destroys Stealth killers and plays in general.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I play a lot of Pig and she's NOT an A-tier killer. The disconnect between the people who work on the game and the people who actually play the game is staggering sometimes. I run the Ruin/Undying combo now, with Discordance and BBQ -- if the totems stick, that and the RBT slowdown (even having to go to one box is a delay) will swing the game -- if they don't. then I'm likely in some trouble. Large maps are problematic since she doesn't have the mobility of a Billy, Freddy, Spirit, Blight, etc., and she doesn't have the one-hit capability of Myers, Oni, Ghostface, etc. Her ambush attack works against non-Spine Chill players, and it can be effective at a pallet loop (against an injured survivor, and if you can crouch behind something -- it turns the pallet into a 50/50 guess on a survivor's part), but once survivors know they're facing the Pig, it's going to be less effective later on than in early game (if the roar came in the middle of the dash instead of before, it would be a HUGE step in making it a more lethal attack).

    Her add-ons are mostly bleh. The Timer/Gears combo can net a kill here and there, but still only if luck is on your side. Amanda's Letter is a fun meme build and can be effective, but you need a Map offerring (Hawkins is my choice) to really make it work. Most of her add-ons are terrible or ineffective and are badly in need of a rework. She's not a terrible killer -- she's underrated, IMO, and capable when played well -- but she's nowhere near the level of Nurse/Freddy/Spirit/PH/etc, or even Billy/Blight/others.

    Like I said, I play a lot of her. I have a LOT of good rounds and a few bad ones, but it's largely based on the quality of the team I'm facing. Random solos who can't coordinate? I'll do fine. 3-4 man SWF on comms? Yeah, that's going to be a whole different story. I avoid runnelling if at all possible, and I don't chase someone with a trap on unless they happen to wander past me looking for someone while heading for a box (and even then, I'll usually down them and leave them instead of hooking them). I only chase trapped survivors if I have literally no other target available.

    Regarding Booping the Snoot -- I don't think I've EVER had someone try to boop me at the beginning of a match. I often give hatch/door to someone at the end of a game, and if you're helpless and approach me to boop, that's a guaranteed escape for you. I'm a sucker for the Boop, but if someone wanted to do it at the start of a game, I might let them, then smack them and head off somewhere else as a warning shot, lol.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Well then yes, you are right, I only commit to chase someone trapped if the trap is close to go off to chase them away from the box but thats a rare ocurrence.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Base kit I can see an argument for that, but currently it feels like half her add-ons are actually detrimental to her. If I may ask as well, is this ALL ranks she's doing well in or purple and up?

    In theory the skill-check add-ons are a nice idea, but the fact that they still use the standard skill-check a competent player can hit in their sleep, combined with the Great result boosting progress on the box search means that those add-ons actually hurt the Pig player using them.

    Another huge example that I can think of is Amanda's Letter compared to Wraith's All-Seeing Blood. All-Seeing Blood has zero downsides and is a purple where Letter is pink and takes away a large portion of the Pig's primary power with no real boosts to the secondary power. The only advantage Pig has here is that she can come out of stealth faster, but this can be technically balanced out my the fact that she is far slower in her stealth mode.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    I’d roast you for saying something this egregiously false, but much like trying to convince you to make a change that’s actually good for the game, it’s just wasted effort.

  • Almo
    Almo Member, Dev Posts: 1,120

    I will try one more time. Data coallated across literally tens of millions of games shows Pig does fine. I admit she needs an addon pass... weird stuff in there like Ruleset #2 actually hurts her chances. It's just that since she's performing well and other Killers need addon passes more urgently, I'm not sure when we'll be able to get to that. It's definitely on my list though.

  • Inferno427
    Inferno427 Member Posts: 232

    That's understandable. I'm annoyed and dissapointed that she's not being looked at sooner, but I get that it's better for the game's health. High priority is high priority for a reason.

    Thank you for being clear on why it won't happen anytime soon.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    Tens of millions of games with DCs? Hook suicides? Bugs? Immense matchmaking and rank disparities? A player base where the average player is very bad at the game?

    ”Tens of millions of games” even though Pig’s play rate is lower than her place on everyone’s tier list except yours?