So... Blight can now break walls & pallets with his power, but he still has Crotch Cam...

So the devs really don’t see an issue with Blights head apparently being dragged along the ground on a dolly.
lol holy #########, I think this is one of the funniest metaphors I've read for this guy's tiny cam
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In all seriousness though, why is it so low? Why is it still this way?
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Yeah to be honest that is only one of the few things that they need to fix besides making him slide off walls or objects if he is stuck in power mode.
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All killers except Nurse, Spirit, Ghostface, and Pig (when not crouched) have their camera placed below their eyes. Thats not an uncommon thing of Behaviour to do.
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his height is the same height as survivors even hunched still for some reason the devs thought camera where the eyes are too cliche time for a new approach just hang the camera on his crotch
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idk, man's a ######### hobbit
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His eyes aren’t swinging down by his “jewels” though.
It’s like someone strapped a GoPro onto one of his knee caps.
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The camera being below eyes is okay. The camera being lower than a survivor is not okay.
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I can't with this killer unless they raise the POV. It's so unnecessary. You already gave him a flick straight out of a PS1 game on the Lethal Rush. At least let me see what I'm doing.
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His eyes aren't in his head, they're dangling out. ;)
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I don't understand why it's taking the devs so long to change it (or at least confirm that they're going to change it). It was a big reason why so many people used Compound 21.
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To be fair...
Most of the other killers chasing survivors are too tall to really appreciate the detail the devs put into them. With Blight's PoV though, I have discovered a new appreciation for them: I literally feel like Jane's booty is close to engulfing my whole head right before I give it a slap, Feng's cute little derriere defiantly bouncing in my face is begging for a good spanking, and David's rock hard buttocks just challenge me to see if I can bounce more than a quarter off them. The only times other killers get to see the devs fine work on survivor posteriors is when they are vaulting through windows, which is too brief to soak it all in, but Blight gets it all the time as part of his hunched over base kit. If anything's gonna make me want to feel like a drooling maniac, so worked up he's literally bouncing off the walls while mindlessly charging at a tempting gaggle of college age cuties, its a face full of those sweet, sculpted mounds of jiggly flesh, playfully bounding away from me.
Face it, Blight's an ass man, lets just admire the lengths he's gone to for pursuing his dreams. 🤪
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yeah his camera is way too low, you can legit walk in some grass patches and just get a black screen due to being so low down the actual grass hasnt separated yet. worst thing about the killer and puts me off playing him, another weird thing is POV gets higher when hes carrying a survivor, make that height base.
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I swear someone made a version with his eyes bulging out of his head on stalks down towards the scope.
Anyways yeah I agree the camera is weird. I like it, it's if you're playing a homicidal midget with a substance abuse problem.
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Maybe they are testing for Chucky.
Shut up i can dream
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They did this so you wouldnt hit a small barrier you wouldnt see otherwise.
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I love his crotch camera. I imagine it's meant to make him feel much more hunched over and accentuate the hunchback from his perspective, which is very much what it does for me. I know it's silly, it doesn't match his actual model's stance, it makes corn and swamp grass a total pain. And yet I love it so much, feeling so small and yet so fast just makes him feel so frantic and crazed to play, I really enjoy it.
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having the camera be low is a hinderence, since it makes tracking visually more difficult, and makes him more susceptible to LoS blocking in many cases vs a taller killer. The kicker though is that he is visually represented as being much taller than his PoV, which means that he doesn't even get the benefit of being harder for survivors to see at loops. He literally gets the worst of both halves of the height dynamic.
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you know a killers POV is awful when you cant even see over the shack window
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They want Blight to smell all the panic farts survivors do when he's chasing them, his eyes are at level with ghostface and legion but obviously he just has a fetish of sorts and Ardetha calls him Cumgoblin so he might be on to something.
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I'm starting to think that this "feature" is to give the game more variety whilst not impacting gameplay... Ignore the huge impact to gameplay and the fact that he is completely unplayable the moment non-graphics-update grass is thrown into the mix.
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I'm losing survivor/scratch marks in grass because hes so short. its awful. I cant even tell if the survivor is still looping even on the low Azarovs/Purgation walls!
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This is my greatest issue: losing track of Scratchmarks because of the limited angle of downward view. I even lose downed survivors in grass much easier as Blight than any other killer, and annoyingly I still do not have Deerstalker unlocked on him yet.
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You're 100% correct but I still love it.
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Wait did they just add that to his base power? Or are you talking about the add-ons?
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it's base power now, attack at a pallet during a lethal rush and it will break
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