Where are all the PS4 players?

Been having a long session this afternoon and have played twice with the same random survivors, twice against one killer and three times against another.
I have cross play turned off but even so, we don't usually see the same people so often. Where are you all? Lost in the fog?
i Have xplay on. I guess a lot more of us do as well.
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Most PS4 players don't play anymore.
Myself included, my guy, most of my friends aren't on DBD. I migrated to PC.
PS4 DBD is buggy, it's a mess, it's ignored. Console optimization is as much of a joke as the Promised Land, they completely threw away their "Road to 60 FPS" for console.
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I did have but after a run of cheating, hacking, exploits, laggy episodes and crappy behaviour from off-platform players (killers and survivors) we switched it off. Queue times are still pretty good and the matches have been much better. It's just been today that we kept seeing the same few people - on the plus side, the two in an SWF we matched with (now 4 times) were great players and we worked well together. I hope we see them again.
I have to say, a lot of our friends who we used to play with on a regular basis don't seem to play anymore and we've had a hard time trying to persuade new players to join in. Seeing the same people has happened on an odd occasion but today was quite unusual. Still, we had some great games today, so I can't complain. It is a shame that PS4 is losing players though; console does seem to get the thin edge of it compared to PC.
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I have Crossplay on.
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They all have crossplay on, I think its also the second smallest player pool so I would def turn it on for survivor at least
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That's why I keep crossplay on since there's more variety + instant queue times. Before crossplay was added, I found myself playing with the same survivors and/or killers twice in a row at times on PS4, so I can just imagine it's worse now.
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I tried playing earlier and the queues were long, only played 2 matches. I had cross play on, but was forced to turn it off as the matches became laggy thus unfun, though I think the queues might only be long in the morning as all other days were fine.
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Mee! I'm playing now with cross play on, but i see why many people have left PS4 DBD. Its toxic as hell now. I'm a survivor main and i'm not usually one to complain, but the sheer amount of toxic killers and teamates now is agonising. Lots of PC players have body blocked me or purposely let me die, especially after i saved their asses. I have so many videos of them teabagging across the map whilst i'm in struggle. And the killers sadly have been mostly lag switchers, campers and will tun you to hell and back. Never needed to run DS before now sadly. But otherwise the game times and skill of players has certainly improved when you get the odd good game.
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I’m on PS4, play with play on and off. I’ve played on PC too, gone against the same killer 2-3x in a row. Happens on PS4 too. It’s not some unique phenomenon. I also have killers/survivors I talk with we don’t cross paths for 3-4 months on PS4.
PS4 is definitely not the second least popular platform, whoever said that. 😂
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I have crossplay off. Been play 2swf today to help my teammate finish the rift. We haven't played with/against any of the same people and we've been playing for couple hours now. Our waits are pretty quick too - only a minute or two at most.
Post edited by bm33 on0 -
I have crossplay on and see the same people. What does that say about us...?😦
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If you have crossplay turned off then you cannot be matched with people who have it turned on, including those on your platform. You have long ques because you are only playing with other people who also turned off crossplay. Turn it back on and your que times should get much better.
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I would turn crossplay off if it didn’t take 45 minutes to get into a game....
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I have crossplay turned off and really the only time of day there is a long wait for survivor is around midnight. For killer is around noon.
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The devs don't care about console players, if they did the fps issues would have been fixed by now and the memory leak would have been gone in the demogorgon mid chapter.