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General Discussions

Why does the stupid Hawkins/meat plan map design exist?

Why do I have to walk 5 miles around a room just to enter it? why can't the doors be open? why does hawkins have doors that are permanently closed?

Do you know how frustrating it is when tinkerer goes off you can hear the generator being worked on yet because it's Hawkins you need to spend 5 minutes walking around the room because every other door is closed off?

I think somehow you got the idea it's good design. It's not. It's really not. It's garbage.

Saddest part is everyone has said this for years then we get midwich which is just a full map of it.

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  • Member Posts: 2,416

    Yeah its asinine at times.

  • Member Posts: 3,099

    I don't know why everyone says gideons is killer sided. There is like 10 extremely safe pallets that you HAVE to kick, most of them you can't even mindgame. There is also a loop with 2 pallets on each side of the tile, if as survivor knows how to run this map, it's one of the most survivor sided maps in the game.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    I agree massively with Hawkins but disagree with the Game. Feel like with the Game map you can tell fairly early if the doors are blocked or not. Since each room has giant openings you can see blocked doors at a distance.

    Hawkins however is indefensible.

  • Member Posts: 4,467

    This is my biggest problem with Hawkins. I love the map as Killer (when it isn't tearing my frames to shreds of course), but it really sucks to not be able to use perks like Pop and Tinkerer because the only entrance is on the other side and all others are closed off.

  • Member Posts: 1,811

    Indoor maps can be a ######### to navigate. Even today I sometimes struggle to do so, this is especially true for Hawkins.

    This is why I had mixed feelings about the Lery´s rework - yes, it looks AWESEOME now but I had the old one down to a T. It´s harder with the new one I feel.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    I had hawkins and it was the longest room on the map. an entire side closed off. Its like a rectangle, I have to walk across the long side, then the short side and THEN there's a door. Enough for the survivor to finish the generator. Fun. Not frustrating at all when you're losing generators just because of bad map design that teases you with the aura and sounds of a generator but won't allow you to enter the room to defend it.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Indoor maps: where you have to hold-W because taking a shortcut might lose you the trial.

  • Member Posts: 2,559

    Yeah, like it would have been nice if there were arrows on the floor pointing to all open doors and no arrows toward closed ones. That would have been nice, but the devs decided to make the map unfun in that aspect instead :/

  • Member Posts: 1,752

    Game is okay in that its annoying for both sides

    Hawkins has 2 actual loops, rest you just drop the pallet and run

    Midwich is just omegabad

  • Member Posts: 2,559

    against a scratched mirror Myers, every pallet is a loop. Actually, every obstacle that's vaguely circle is a loop. I seriously don't understand how people die to tier one Myers on that map.

    Midwich is so bad, it's The Map That Must Not Be Named.

  • Member Posts: 1,752

    here are two doodles depicting a good map and midwich. I seriously don't get how my 2min sketch conveys the biggest issue on that map faster than their design team noticed. the dash represents Object.

  • Member Posts: 2,187

    Years? Hawkins has only been out for a year.

  • Member Posts: 1,346

    Can we get Haddonfield fixed first. I wanna bash my head into a wall whenever I have to play that map.

  • Member Posts: 943

    Obviously they are professional map designers and they really understand better than anyone else how the game is played.

    They are just on another level dood.


  • Member Posts: 1,994

    It’s a good thing that holding W is extremely good at wasting the killer’s time.

  • Member Posts: 2,559

    the dash honestly represents any kind of LOS or information on the other player, including heartbeat radius and scratch mark trails.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    Aint that the truth. The amount of times I’ve tried to take a sneaky shortcut only to be met by a locked door.

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