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Which killer do you hate playing against, but isn't op?

I hate trapper with a burning passion. It is horrible.



  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Ye traps can leave you without many options, always wondering whether you should vault, which direction to´s so much fun if you´re the trapper though :P

    For me it´s propably Freddy. I always underestimate his lunge due to his small size (yes I know it´s the same on every Killer except EW1 Myers, but the model suggests otherwise).

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Said this in another thread but Legion. He's just so god damn boring to play against. Yay fill more bars don't do that enough in DBD. The worst part is most players seem to just try and wear you down until you DC or give up instead of actually playing for hooks.

  • anonymous31337
    anonymous31337 Member Posts: 192

    Wraith. I hate to play as and against him.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    The weird thing about GF is that the center 27% (or close to that) of your screen is the only part that can reveal him and at least 20% of his body must be in said frame. It's very finicky. A piece of advice. NEVER try to reveal him if he's peeking. Chances are too little of his body is on display (usually just his face) for it to register and he will outstalk your reveal. It's always best to break LOS as soon as possible if they're peeking. If they're stalking out in the open you can freely reveal unless he 99%d you earlier. Which I think it would be nice if you were able to see your own stalk progress to play around this.

  • StereoHEAD43
    StereoHEAD43 Member Posts: 53

    Clown and Hag. I never know how to counter his clouds at loops and hag because of the first jumpscare and promotes really slow gameplay

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Silent bell/delayed heartbeat Wraith is quite obnoxious to go against I agree. Although to be fair most of the time you can hear his jet engine breathing from far away.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    Myers and Ghostface. I spin the camera like I'm supposed to and watch out for them but I swear the people who play them well excel at waiting for me to turn the camera away from them before looking for them, which gets me grabbed off gens early on if I don't know who it is yet. Once I know who it is my extra paranoia tends to get me through ok, but that first couple minutes hurts every time.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Bubba. Too much screeching and chainsaw swinging for my tastes.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited September 2020

    I hate Death Slinger and Bubba.

    I suck at dodging the harpoon ><

    majority of bubba's I run into are face campers or they never ever M1. Just get on your ass and chainsaw.

    Not so much the Pig but I can't stand her reverse bear traps. I always have the worst luck when it comes to RNG. It's always the last 2 boxes I search that have my key.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    Trapper & Hag. I'm busy enough with switching between looking forward and behind me. Paying extra attention to the ground and getting paranoia turns me into a Rank 20 against these Killers.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,204
    edited September 2020

    Another vote for Bubba

    Even with the cooldown that supposedly ruined everyone's ability to chainsaw, I still pretty much just get them to chase with a revved chainsaw and down me.

    I can't tell if it's a Me problem in that I don't know how to effectively dodge or what. Although some Bubba's I can easily dodge so maybe like Nurse or Huntress, in the hands of someone who really knows what they're doing, you're just kind of screwed...

    Although speaking of Nurse and Huntress, them as well in the hands of someone who is good with them.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Trapper and hag. Both are bane of my existence and I hate playing vs them.

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601


  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 922

    Trapper makes me feel like I'm playing Rising Storm 2: Vietnam as the US forces. Too busy looking down, get shot in the face. Look for the enemy players, step on a punji pit or even worse a landmine which ends up wiping the whole squad, etc.

    I hate Doctor too even as a former Doc main. A 3-genning doctor is very hard to beat.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 917

    Deathslinger. The most unfun killer I have ever gone against. Most Deathslingers use the same build and shoot only when you approach a corner or vault. For some reason I always get hit by the m1 first and as slow as he is I'm not sure why I allow him that close. M&A is abysmal on him, and I also hate that he takes so long to down you. Like you have to wait for the inevitable M1 with a slow reel to your death. Lastly, his chuckle after he downs you is just icing on the irritating cake.

  • TN_Chris
    TN_Chris Member Posts: 28

    Clown, Wraith and Trapper.

    I always seem to do horrible against Clown, despite him being considered one of the worst killers. Wraith and Trapper keep me paranoid the whole time.

    This sums up how I feel going against Trapper:

  • FauxShow
    FauxShow Member Posts: 3

    I hate the huntress I always seem to do ######### against her. The lullaby always psyches me out.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 4,033

    No Killer is op by their own, it's rather their best Add-Ons combined with strong Perks and an Ebony Mori.

    But even playing against the base kit of Killers, I hate Freddy and Spirit because they're just boring. Spirit leaves you guessing all the time and even with Iron Will, you still have to guess but at least she has to guess as well, but guess what. Every single Spirit uses Stridor.

    Freddy has just built in everything. He has slowdown, he has good anti loop and map mobility. Why does he have everything again? Other Killers might be stronger in some aspects but at least they don't have everything handed to them.

    Killers I find boring but I don't mind them either are Clown, Pyramid Head and Deathslinger.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Trapper, Hag, and Ghostface.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,396

    Legion. Really boring deep wound simulator. Free first hit but not actually threatening in any way as a killer.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    Me: Gets saved off of the hook with a helmet on.

    Pig: Looks like you got a helmet on there, would be terrible if someone were to... idk... TUNNEL YA!

    I hate Pig, I hate Pig, I hate Pig.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014


    My teammates always seem to cleanse just before coming for a save on someone who's already sick. Like.. if you're going to cleanse, at least wait until you get the save first. Otherwise you're just wasting time and energy.

  • Artick
    Artick Member Posts: 623
    edited September 2020


  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    Can I choose every Killer? I mean, I'm a Survivor, so it's only fair I hate all Killers, right?

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 891
    edited September 2020

    Doctor: the constant screaming and detecting is just so annoying, skill checks are annoying and now i even have to focus on those, i was running calm spirit for a while just in case i play against doctor. I still escape often against him but he is just so unnerving. Luckily he is not getting played so much anymore.

    Deathslinger: his small TR makes him very sneaky, i don't like the scummy laughing, some FPS-game players are very good with him (and some use crosshair overlays)

    Trapper: i hate being overly cautious when playing survivor, i just wanna chill

  • Zwergz112
    Zwergz112 Member Posts: 199

    Trapper, Wraith and Bubba, even though I love playing as Wraith, whenever I hear the Bing bong or lack thereof I'm paranoid for the entire game, always seem to step in traps at the worst time and Bubba because the insidious facecamping still gives me nightmares, honorable mention to ghostface even though I love him to death but when you stare at him till you're blue in the face and he still stalks you.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Plague and Trapper.

    Plague because if I cleanse against her and my teammates can't dodge her corrupted purge, we're all #########.

    Trapper because I forget to look down for traps and end up getting caught.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,204

    I don't think I was ever "trusted" (or if I was, no one told me about it and then no one told me it was taken away :D).

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669


    yeah he isnt OP, but its so god damn boring having a Freddy with slow down Add Ons, Dying Light, Thanatophobia, etc.

    makes me fall asleep irl while playing.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Deathslinger, ######### that god damn ads to zone.

  • Entity_Lich94
    Entity_Lich94 Member Posts: 320

    Clown for me. Im really bad against him and I dont know why. If him so obnoxious to play against too, his laugh and his gas are just ugh 😤

  • Masterninja
    Masterninja Member Posts: 414

    Hag, Deathslinger (he shoots instantly) and Legion (boring, a rework please).

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 576

    Doc - absolutely hate his ability to make survivors scream and reveal their locations. If I'm being chased by a killer my strength is not in long looping. I have become rather adept at losing a killer though. I really enjoy losing a killer and watching them walk away wondering where I went. Doc just hits a button and doesn't wonder anymore.

    Ghostface - similar thing here. I hate either losing or hiding from a ghostface and his reveal mechanic means I can't keep looking at him. The mere act of looking his direction too long gives away your location. Having to look away for even a brief moment can be the difference between seeing which direction is safe to make your get away and which direction is going to put you right back in his line of sight.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,066

    Legion - constant mending tedium.

    Ghostface - broken reveal mechanic rewarding him free downs.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    Slinger, Phead, Freddy, Clown, Trapper - The only killer I hate going against who actually needs a nerf IMO is Spirit. The rest just have boring uninteresting powers which make chases (the entire fun in survivor for me) not enjoyable.

  • Aztreonam78
    Aztreonam78 Member Posts: 1,131

    Oni is very awful to go vs because his power neturally forces people to slug which is incredibly boring to deal with.

    And, as it has already been said, Legion turns the game into m1 simulator.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Oni most likely. Not only particular myself, but my fellow survivors tend to play so stupid against him, that they get down all the time and my winning chances go down the drain.

  • Iseywan
    Iseywan Member Posts: 4

    Clown is the most annoying killer to go up against

    He's not OP because he doesn't have infinite bottles before he needs to refill and he has a cool down on throwing them. The speed once you get hit by a bottle is a massive decrease so he can basically always catch up.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    Same as you, OP. I dislike playing against Trapper's since I play so badly. I loop weirdly, constantly try and greed the amount of distance I can get to avoid having to use a pallet/window, avoid grass as much as I can and always think there's a trap with every pallet/window I use. It's horrible.

  • Slickstyles
    Slickstyles Member Posts: 446

    Pyramidhead, Deathslinger, Spirit, Plague

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531
    edited September 2020

    A good Trapper reminds me how bad I am at situational awareness as I literally get caught on Random traps he left out in the open for lawls.

    A Good Blight though... holy hell. You walk past one of his totems and you just wanna apologize.

  • YokaiPhaseshift
    YokaiPhaseshift Member Posts: 99

    I don't hate playing against Freddy like a lot of people seem to, but for some reason his lunge ALWAYS feels like it has a way longer reach than other killers. I'm terrible at looping him bc of it.

    Personally, I absolutely despise Bubba. I hate his counterplay, his chainsaw always seems to have a cooldown of less than half a second, and after nearly three years of this game I can still practically count on one hand the number of Bubba killers I've played against that weren't toxic a-holes.

    I also don't really like Plague either. It completely negates healing for the whole match, which can waste a good medkit or halt a healing challenge if you are unlucky, and I just don't like her vomit mechanics.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,469

    Whats with the Clown hate? Bad killer and funny laugh, impossible to not like him.

    Doctor and Legion is the ones I don't like playing against. Deathslinger is also not a favourite.

  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    Oni, I can't stand playing as or against him. yet I think he's in a fairly good place balance wise.

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 945

    clown. he is just boring

  • IshinSolarc
    IshinSolarc Member Posts: 114

    Plague, I don't feel good having my character sick.