DC's - maybe not always the reason we think

Obviously lots of people DC after getting hit, hung, or slugged. Since I couldn't believe there are many people that DC every single time they get hit or hung I decided to look into the events before the person got hit or hung. What made a person DC after having one of those things happen at certain times and not others?
There are 3 of us in this house that play DBD. We all started keeping track. I threw out all the DC's that happened within the first few seconds. I attributed those to someone that didn't like a map, a killer, or got hit really quickly.
After the first few seconds there were several I think can be safely attributed to being tunneled, camped, or slugged. Those things weren't the events that most commonly preceded someone DCing after one of these killer actions though. The things that most commonly happened prior were things such as:
1) An unsafe hook removal caused the survivor that had just been removed to be downed again immediately. Lots of DC's on this one.
2) A survivor being chased intentionally leads the killer directly to another survivor. That survivor gets taken down. They DC. Several occurred in this type of scenario where one survivor intentionally threw another under the bus.
3) One survivor gets hooked fairly early in the game and 2 of the other survivors foolishly run up competing for the unhook and both get instadowned. Saw a few times where either the survivor on the hook and/or the survivor not yet hooked or downed DC'd.
4) There were even a few where a killer would slug a survivor and hide somewhere near. I noticed several times in this scenario where the slugged survivor lay there bleeding out until another survivor got close. As soon as someone got close they would DC. I can only assume that was so the killer couldn't use them as bait.
5) One very similar to the one above was with 2 survivors left and one on the hook still in 1st phase. If the killer was camping that person using them as bait they would stay on the hook unless the other survivor started getting close. Before the last survivor would get close enough to be seen the one on the hook would quite often DC.
Numbers 1, 2, and 3 didn't come as any shock to me. As a survivor main I can at least get how frustrating it is to have other survivors either intentionally throw you under the bus or play so incredibly stupid that they unintentionally threw everyone else under the bus. These 3 occurred way more frequently than 3 and 4.
Numbers 3 and 4 definitely have something to do with being camped or slugged, but it would appear it's often not exclusively about the being hooked or slugged. If so most of these survivors would simply DC the moment either of those things happen. Instead the DC in those situations often appears to be an attempt to keep the killer from using them as bait.
I am not saying any of these things are acceptable or the situations make any of them excusable. What I am saying is after the first minute or so of the game I don't think most survivor DC's are a rage quit at simply being hooked or something similar. It seems there are several that have to do with anger, but not at the killer. It looks to me like most of the anger is about one of more survivors that are either intentionally or obliviously sabotaging the rest of the team. After you throw in the few that are what I would label rule breaking altruism there weren't many DC's that seemed to be simply because a person got hit, hung, camped, or slugged. It was more often about the circumstances surrounding those things.
I don't know that there are any answers to those situations, but it's something I found interesting.
Tbh, I don't see people DC'ing that often anymore.
If anything, I'd add that people DC usually because there is a mori in the game, or when the killer brings overpowered addons.
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I'm seeing lots of DCing since the penalties were removed again. Wish I wasn't.
There was definitely some of that. It just wasn't the most common thing I saw. My experience is only my experience though. I just found it interesting to look at the things that the events leading up to a DC.
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*sigh* penalties did nothing survivors can bypass it by suiciding on hook and killers can afk the match out they have no use in this game
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Last time ive seen someone dc was 1 week ago
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Tbh they really just need to get basic AI into the game to take over for DC's, would lead to games that are a lot more fun than first hook death survivors or afk killers as you note
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There's really only one addon that I can think of that is truly "overpowered". And that's Iridescent Head, and even then that's only when paired with belt addons. On it's own, as a one in the chamber type deal, it's balanced just fine.
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I threw out all the DC's that happened within the first few seconds. I attributed those to someone that didn't like a map, a killer, or got hit really quickly.
In my experience these are the most common DCs when penalties are not in play.
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Well, Bubba as the killer is a mostly sure DC reason for many survivors, even if he is played fairly. It sucks both if you're the killer yourself (you tend to play against less and less players in the match without killing them yourself) and if you're a team mate (it's not fun to get left behind like this). Just a few matches ago, this happened:
- First team mate with 'no mither' (why would you even use such a bad perk?) was downed with one hit by Bubba - instant DC.
- I got hooked, waiting to be rescued. I could only see 1 team mate's aura though, meaning that the other one was hiding in a locker.
- Second team mate was chainsawed, hooked - instant DC. The other was still not visible = still hiding in the locker far away and only getting once out, probably to avoid afk crows (Bubba was in my vicinity, not his).
- I died on the hook.
- Third team mate got out of the locker, ran around looking for the hatch, I suppose, was found and chainsawed - instant DC.
I had many other Bubba matches where survivors DC'd the moment they saw Bubba (when I was playing him myself) or right after getting hit/downed/hooked, even if he didn't tunnel or camp. This is quite frustrating.
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I can see that happening without a doubt. If I played Bubba (I don't even play killer) I'm sure I would see more stuff like that. I can only look at from my perspective as a survivor main. I don't actually go up against a lot of Bubbas for that to have factored into what I see very much.
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ill play devil's advocate;
if im huntress and i someone brings a map like Ormond or Midwich, Im DCing no questions asked
if they wanna make my life miserable, i just wont play
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I DCd today to save a survivor's life
So it's the end game and I caught this Claudette. I maybe got 4 hooks the entire game.So after the hooking her I went to find another survivor, which I didn't so instinctively I went back to the hook after they rescued her. I didn't find anyone around but I followed the scratch marks hoping an attempt to catch the rescuer but alas it was the claudette so I slugged her hoping to use her for bait which I made another patrol but the other's left her.It was the PC players that left the console claudette on the ground which I couldn't find her afterwards,which I planned on letting her go because I felt bad for her they just left her their so I DCd but they probably think I rage quitted which I'm find with that.
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I usually get between 9 to 12 survivor DC's a daily game session depending if one of the survivors was on the hatch or not.
I just accept it and consider it better than a 4k.