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Which killer do you hate playing against, but isn't op?



  • Member Posts: 39

    I never expect to win vs doctor. Oni, hag, trapper, hillbilly, 'bubba', freddy or silent hill.

    Bubba just feels like cheating only played for him 3 times.

  • Member Posts: 825

    op said hate playing against but not op. iri heads are just op

  • Member Posts: 825

    hag and legion. hook simulator you are never getting off of and mending sim. rarely any good gameplay against these killers

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Hillbilly and Bubba - either slug until survivors bleed out a bunch or face camp. Gotta love wasting time by doing nothing for 2-4 minutes for a depip with barely any BP.

    Doctor and Freddy - only when they just make the game last way too long. I get it, you outplayed me, just end the match instead of trading off slugging people and running them off gens. Just hook and kill me so I can go to the next match where I can do more than lay on ground.

  • Member Posts: 3,099

    Plague, because I can't use MoM or cheers (WGLF). I like playing against her when I'm not using those perks though.

    Spirit, because chases don't exist with her, it's just "spirit, the movie"

    Legion, because mending all game isn't fun, and I can't use MoM or cheers as much.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    The List is getting longer and longer unfortunatly.

    Trapper: Paranoid

    Deathslinger: "Counterplay"

    Ghostface: My game might be a bugged version, i cant snap him out at all, no matter what i do. Very frustrating

  • Member Posts: 288

    I only hate one and I now hes OP every body else is ok and I dont hate them.but the won I do hate is doctor and hes op. Now's where are 24 seven its really annoying now you have heartbeats with a red light behind you. And there's no perk to help you to get rid of insanity

  • Member Posts: 42

    I would like to say Bubba, because I hate it the most, however I do consider him extremely OP. The chainsaw hitbox is just ridiculous. I am also tempted to say Doc and Hag, but those are OP as well.

    So the Clow. He's not OP but I just hate to go against him.

  • Member Posts: 1,505

    I hate going against Trapper. Not even remotely OP, but god dammit, he's my kryptonite.

    Doctor is not OP. He's mid tier, at best.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    Ghostface been frustrating to vs since he released

  • Member Posts: 1,274

    I'm torn with what to say.

    On the one hand, I really dislike playing against killers like Clown, Plague, and Freddy just because I think they generally create really boring gameplay situations.

    On the other, there are killers that I think are right on the cusp of being really fun to play against, but which have (sometimes) abusable gimmicks in their powers that often wind up creating aggravation instead of entertainment. Such as:

    • Spirit's "Guess Who: Xtreme Try Not to Breathe Edition"
    • Deathslinger's "Fake it til' you make it or they take it [the Spear]"
    • Ghost Face's "My Reveal mechanic is consistently inconsistent"

    Not sure which group of characters bothers me more, so I'll just casually leave 'em all here.

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    I hate playing against the hag. I don't know if she's over powered at her base but some of the builds are insanely annoying

    • devour hope
    • Third Seal
    • Ruin
    • BBQ
    • silent traps
    • fast teleporting

    just kill me now

  • Member Posts: 185

    Hag, unfortunately. I actually do like playing as her, as she's by far the most unique killer in the game and plays unlike any of the others. That said, she devours solo players like me for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert, and it's really frustrating sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    It is a three way tie for me, between Wraith, Ghostface, and Pig.

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    Can't say I'm a fan of the wraith either.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    No killer is OP even remotely.

    I find DS and Hag the most annoying/least fun to play against though. DS has almost no interactivity at all and Hag is usually just a camp fest.

  • Member Posts: 227

    Ghostface. I just don't like the style of gameplay that he introduces. The whole camping to set-up one shot gameplay where as a Survivor you have to play paranoid. To the point where at the start of every game, unless I see like a fountain, dreamstate, trap, hear the hum, etc. I always assume it's Ghostface to start until something tells me otherwise. Just don't like it.

  • Member Posts: 943

    I don't think any killer is op but i do hate playing against Hag cause my teammates don't crouch after an unhook and Trapper makes me scared of grass and leads to me playing too cautious and making stupid mistakes.

  • Member Posts: 2,426
    edited September 2020


    Other teammates feed him and I gotta deal with the 1 shot extended lunge faster window vaulting bootyhole. Not to mention the might as well be non-existent terror radius he has in tier 1 and 2, making him a perma stealth killer. Then you got some of his ridiculous add-ons. On top of that you can't stop him from stalking unlike Mr.Ghost Face, so you just have to hope you have things nearby to break LOS. His exposed last so long too considering its on everybody at base, let alone with add-ons.

    I disliked Myers ever since I got the game and faced him for the first time. Escape or not, he's really annoying to face.

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    Leatherface could be considered OP though, that chainsaw is a one hit and pure BS. yes I know you have to know how to use it but when he can down two people with one attack it's insane. there should be a limit on that.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    He's more annoying than scary or OP. Literally nothing outside of the chase and with his saw, which is probably why I hate him.

    As a Pig main, Hillbilly and Leatherface are the antithesis of everything I love about Pig: they're loud and obnoxious, base kit instant-down power and all of their special extra functions are tied to said SINGLE power. I have stealth, map pressure through paranoia and anti-loop potential all in different "sub-powers", since Crouch, Ambush and the RBT are basically 3 separate powers.

    Sounds like "Oh boy, I'm having bacon for dinner!"

  • Member Posts: 288

    Just use the cat perk it well tell you the killer is the pig and ghost face

  • Member Posts: 789

    doc he just makes my head hurt

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