Huh? I thought this was already a thing?
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That's exactly how it currently works though?
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Chill your nuggets, this is how it works, they just made a clarification. No changes here.
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This was always the case. A blocked generator doesn't regress if say Ruin was active. When the gen becomes unblocked then regression starts again.
Nothing has changed generator speeds in this update.
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They're just clearing up the language for players who don't understand the terms to make it easier to understand some perks.
It's always been that way.
27 -
um, it’s all good. This has been a thing for awhile, now.
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its literally always been like that my guy thats why ruin thrilling is not a thing
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I love coming to the forums, killer mains not understanding basic mechanics and still complaining is always entertaining
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And this is a prime example of how awful this community is. Screaming their lungs out without even understanding anything.
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It’s always been that way they just clarified cuz a lot of people would ask things like “does ruin regress gens with thrilling tremors” and now they won’t have to ask
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I do feel it should regression when block tho even tho it alway been a thing gen go to fast anyways.
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Im pretty sure its been this way hasnt it? This doesnt sound new to me
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To be fair, the game never made it clear whether gens could regress while being blocked, hence the change to clarify things.
This game doesn't explain jack #########, so it isn't surprising that a lot of people misunderstand a ton of the mechanics. You basically have to sit spend half your time watching Youtube videos and reading the wiki to get important details.
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Always a thing!! Next topic
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You should probably delete this post because it's misleading.
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Behaviour made this statement to make things clearer to understand, ironically this guy misunderstood it as a nerf lool
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But I always thought they were supposed to do that except for killer perks like thrilling tremors?
I mean personally I always use repressed alliance because I'm too stubborn on switching out a character's 3 personals with a 4th different perk. And when I hop of a gen a see ruin I always saw no point in blocking a gen because it's going to regress anyway. Maybe it'll only regress when it's a killer perk, but for perks like repressed alliance then it'll stop the regression maybe ruin could negate that though idk. I'm on xbox so pc players are going to have some fun for little while. :/
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It's been that way.
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If you block a gen through any means it's progression cannot change. This includes perks like Dead Man's Switch and Thrilling Tremours but also Repressed Alliance. It will not begin regressing until after it has become unblocked.
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Given that 90% of the community and even most streamers with thousands of hours didn't know until Almo(?)(Or was it Peanits(?)...One of the red labeled users) pointed that out months ago.
Its NOT a very intuitive mechanic nor is it one even easily quantified in game for the killer:
At normal regen rates a generator being blocked for 16 seconds(From thrilling tremors) would have 4 seconds worth of regression which usually has no visual indication if it was working or not for the killer role.
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Seems like this change was certainly needed for clarification judging by this post.
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Strangest thing. I looked at my ankle earlier and it was covered in scars. "I don't remember that" i think to myself, but it's clearly there and has already healed.
So yeah. This has always been a thing.
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These changes are all just clarification to say things in the same way across all the perks that have the same effects.
I'm pretty sure the only part that changed was that Surge can now kick gens that are already regressing which I'm fairly sure wasn't the case previously.
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You realize this is actually a powerful mechanic? I personally really enjoy using Repressed Alliance even thought it's hard to activate, but it completely counters Pop and Ruin's regression.
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Ooooooh I never knew that. When I blocked a gen on accident I still saw sparks flying from it since ruin popped up, so I assumed that it was to regress and I just blocked it for no reason
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Yeah. Even if that wasn't the way it works, it really needed to be.
You can't have Ruin chewing away on a gen survivors are incapable of touching. That's just stupid.
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this was already a feature and also gen times are fine they arent the issue of why gens go by quickly
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This has always been a thing it has been stated to clear confusion and how often are gens blocked long enough to get value out of ruin or a regressing gen