Let's take a moment to remember some good times...

Nerf this!

Buff that!

Why X over Y?

Bugs/glitches/error across all platforms!

Let's all take a moment to sit back, relax and share some of the good times we have with this game. Whether they be the nice killer who gave you hatch, or that time you made the mistake of playing Nurse so the survivors gave you pity hits.


  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    Best time still was the time when i started playing DbD.

    And the Summer BBQ Event! At this time i were at vacation with my parent where i also got my first tattoo.(at this time i were 17)

    I brought my PS4 with me to the Vacation and still played alot of DbD while we were over there. Luckily we had Wlan there.

    We were at the Ocean btw

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited September 2020

    Well, there was this one time when I actually escaped a trial. 'Twas many moons ago, back before the shifting meta, in a simpler time... When I didn't constantly martyr myself for (hopefully) good reason only to end up cackling madly as both me and the complete and utter buffoon I attempted to rescue are sent off to the campfire together...

    Seriously, I cannot stop playing altruistic but it never bloody well works. It's like this game just has it out for me. "Be a selfish prick or everyone dies." What kind of a message is that? Sometimes even the killer takes pity for my petty attempts and let's the poor teammate go.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,939

    I once almost choked to a peanut after being jumpscared by a Myers. Good Times.

    I remember once I played with my friends and we bursted laughing, we just couldn't stop and I can't remember why we laughed so hard. I just remember one friend, she was out of air by how much she laughed and that made us burst out laughing even more, it's like someone put Laughing gas into our rooms.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I'm just a nice killer. If someone DC's, then I give another the hatch. If I get you ling after hook, I'll will leave you there so you can try again and YOU WILL F*CKING LEARN TO PLAY THIS GAME!

    But that's just me. I'm here to test survivors.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Love these healthy topics.

    Need more of these.

    These discussions titled like the one you have started unfortunately seldom get as many posts as the other topics you’ve described.

    Interesting isn’t it?

    I almost always have a good time when I’m playing DBD. Sometimes you jus have to play through the nonsense with a smile😌

    Some of my favorite matches on both sides are when players meme a bit and have fun throughout the match. Yes, killers are supposed to kill, but that doesn’t mean you always have to play that way and can’t play outside the stereotypical hunt, hurt, kill monotony.

    The first couple weeks with Ghostface is a great example of this. Players had fun with selfies, photobombs, t-bagging etc.

    It was fun!

    Also, love the matches during BP events where we all jus have fun messing around memeing and getting points, forgetting about the seemingly endless competitiveness the game has evolved into over time.

    Thx for keeping it positive🙂

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    Just the other night I was playing Spirit (hey don't kill me yet, i brought a cake!). The survivors were okay but one player was really good, a P3 Cheryl. She must've blinded or pallet saved 5+ times, no joke. Apparently they were from Argentina and very laggy so I wonder if that played into it, it was just a purple flashlight with 2 batteries and would blind me while not even in my POV- it was the first time i got blinded while walking to a hook, normally looking up or down ignores the light.

    I didn't really care, i was laughing so hard at how this ninja would always pop out behind a rock and get me. They all escaped but I still got brutal killer due to how many times I downed them. We all had a good laugh in the post-game chat and some added me as friends.

    Just goes to show that what attitude you bring into the match is all the difference in how much fun you have. I could've been furious that they keep getting me, mad at myself for making mistakes, raging at the Cheryl for getting me again and again, etc. But instead I had a blast :)

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    This one time I was playing with Cheers for like, 6 hours straight. It was the most fun I've ever had in dbd and all because of him.

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641
    edited September 2020

    Had a pretty good time against a OoO SWF earlier tonight on Ormond - kept making them burn their Sprint bursts then immediately breaking chase with them and kept slugging their OoO user (Even though he used Unbreakable+Soul Guard+DS with no exhaustion perk) to bait his friends and keep more people injured. Even if the match ended with the last guy hatching out with a key that his buddy brought in and left under his hook, felt pretty good hooking that last guy near the hatch after they were dismantled with a gen still remaining on that crummy map.

    Surprisingly they all stuck around to say "Gg" in post screen and left it at that - made my night actually considering the other 6~7 matches had survivors refusing to play left and right if they got downed too fast. Lots of suicide or DC on first hook which makes me just rush down the rest of the match against 3 survivors playing hide and seek since they have very little chances to win... not very interesting though

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    All the boops I got when i started to play The Pig :) _ Boop_

    The friends I have made in this game :)

  • EntitledMyersMain
    EntitledMyersMain Member Posts: 832

    The best time had to be when I played with a close friend of mine. I taught him the game, and we were both were always trying to outdo each other. But he became a killer main like me, so now whenever we play survivor we get absolutely destroyed. We still have fun though.

    By the way, I've also been trying to keep things light. So, uh...

    Just trying to spread the positivity.

  • piggypablo
    piggypablo Member Posts: 102

    This first time I played Mike Myers was against a blendette SWF. I had no idea what I was doing, they would pallet stun -> flashlight -> teabag combo. Naturally, they got all 5 gens, opened the exit gate and chain flashlight blinded me when I was close to getting one of them at the exit gate. Adding salt to the wound, they tbagged me at the exit.

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641

    This is the opposite of the purpose of this thread... seems like a reply for a thread labeled "What was your first ever game like?"

    or are you saying things have improved since then? 🙄

  • this is history of my play time:

    • managed to wiggle out and escaped from (old) bubba to the exit gate; intense chase to say the least.
    • while I was in a tantrum with bubba, a dwight ran into me.
    • when my plan works as intended.
    • when I have full stacks devour hope, I moried every one.

    there is many other moments but I can not remember them.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    Any boop of the snoot by the last survivor when I'm playing Pig (usually, when I've already decided to give them hatch/door) is a good feeling. I've had survivors I've let out leave flashlights/tool boxes/med-kits behind as a thank you. It always gives me a good feeling, and it reaffirms that not every survivor I run into is going to be toxic.

    Best survivor moment was facing off against a face-camping Leatherface in Hawkins. My friend and I were the two last remaining (I had gotten rescued from a face-camp by another survivor, and DS'ed after to get away). I finished the last gen just as he was downed. As I opened a door, I was able to watch him kobe, then DS the Leatherface, and we both managed to escape. Great feeling and huge fail by the killer.

    Best killer moment has to be a match as The Shape on a corn map. Chased an Ace who teabagged and pointed at every pallet. Ruin went down quick, gens were flying. At 2 gens left, I essentially gave up and parked myself by a door, tired of watching Ace loop me and teabag every chance he got. Last 2 gens got popped right after, I opened the gate and stood nearby. The Ace and a Claudette came up to me, with the Ace refusing to leave and continuing to taunt. I smacked him once -- the "You can leave, you know -- the open door is RIGHT THERE" warning -- but he continued to taunt. I knocked him down, carried him into the middle of the map, and waited. I had Tier 3 a sliver away, so when the Claudette came to rescue him, I popped Tier 3 and instadowned her. Waited by the hook, caught another Claudette sneaking up and downed her, then caught the last survivor making his way to the Ace on the hook and instadowned him. Turned a "I surrender, already" match with me opening the doors for them into a 4K against a SWF that couldn't just leave a game they dominated, but had to stick around to play the bullies. Most satisfying moment I've probably ever had in the game. 😁

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255
  • Facture
    Facture Member Posts: 284

    This past weekend, I had my 1st - 4 man meme squad. 4 Bills all in winter sweaters, load into cold tower, as I approach killer shack I hear the grunt of one falling. So I look in the basement and all 4 are crouch circling the hook. Lots of memes ensued, it was legitimately fun times. Unfortunately, my internet went out before we could finish the match, wanted to thank them for the laughs.

  • Dhurl421
    Dhurl421 Member Posts: 154

    Had a game a few weeks ago, where the 2 man SWF (obvious by the names) both DC'd on first hit from the Spirit, within 30 seconds of each other.

    Me and Scoops Ahoy Steve did gens while trading downs and hooks for the Spirit. After 2 hooks each she let us do gens / totems while she whacked a tree, since the match started so #########.

    Last gen done, Steve runs for the exit gate, I kept pointing at the hook to give the Spirit at least a kill and more BP, but there's Spirit's sad, distorted face looking at me and she shook her head and whacked the tree again.

    Was nice of them to do, but I felt bad. Found wholesomeness in a ######### match. I hated playing against Spirit before, but since that game I always think of that player and smile when I see one.

  • JacksRevenge
    JacksRevenge Member Posts: 5

    When I just started off as a baby nurse, right after a rank reset, I was getting destroyed by 3 Neas with 3 flashlights. I thought it was the funniest thing. Then afterwards they all were super nice about it and said to keep practicing to get better. It was a nice encouragement that made me want to get more into the community.

  • JacksRevenge
    JacksRevenge Member Posts: 5

    Right on dude. I also like to reach survivors lessons. Like if a jerk is farming I'll go after the jerk and leave the poor survivor alone for a while. Or if someone sand bags pretty darn bad, I'll go after the sand bagger. Or my favorite, if someone is hiding the whole match I'll point them out to the killer. But one time I got punished for that bad 😂

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    One of my best moments was against a 4-man SWF on Lery's. I was playing GF and for about 3 minutes, no gen was touched so I started wondering what the hell was going on. I thought they were stealthing around hiding or something. Turns out they made a 'conga' through the corridoors. I joined in and we spent about 20 minutes just messing around with each other. Honestly, one of the most fun matches I'd played in a long time. The downside was they were PC so we couldn't add or message each other after the match since I'm PS4. But I hope to see those guys again someday.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Once lost a slugged suvivor and they crawled across the map and hatched out. Kudos where kudos are due, that is a true survivor.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Loaded into a game with 4 Dwelfs. I thought I was in for a bad time, even more so when I couldn't find a survivor for like 2 minutes. Eventually a noise notification came up, and there the Dwelfs were, crouched. We farmed together, and had a good bit of fun. One of them wanted a party hat. It was a good time for all. One of my first Crossplay games. My snoot got booped.

    I remember my early days on PS4 when I was obliterating low rank players because I had experience on Switch. I escorted this one team to the hatch and they were really happy about it afterwards and thanked me for the help. (They barely completed a Gen by the time I hooked all of them twice.)

    Got a few messages from survivors who pretty much stomped me saying Pig is their favorite killer, and just nice messages altogether from survivors instead of salt.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I did that recently!

    Lery's, against a Pig. I was playing Jake.