If we are getting more Hallowed Blight cosmetics, who's gonna be getting them?

Considering only 3 survivors have Halloween cosmetics, I'm thinking they will do 2 killer 2 survivor this time around, Oni and Deathslinger for killer and Meg and Nea for survivor, but what are your thoughts? let me know
EDIT: Legion, Ghostface, Blight (we said that as a joke BHVR we didn't think it was actually gonna happen), Felix, Feng and Yui got their own Hallowed Blight cosmetics, i would have liked to see Blighted Oni but you know what these ones are pretty damn cool
Meg for sure probably, mainly because then they would have the OG 4 with Hallowed Blight outfits.
For killers, they can only do originals and many already have them. The only ones we have left are Legion, Oni, Deathslinger.
I'm not too sure if they're give Blight one because he already is in blighted from, unless they double up on the effects.
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"hey man, I heard you like the Blight, so we put more Blight in your Blight, thanks us later XD"
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Meg, of course. There might be more survivors this time since there are a lot less killers to add.
Maybe for the Blight we'll get a less corrupted version instead.
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It would be cool to get blighted blight but I'm not sure if he can go further
although his mutations don't look much more severe than Wraith's or Doctor's. Maybe he can go further but something stops him. His "blight" also looks like less "bright" and "potent" than Doctor's or Trapper's for example.
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I don't expect it, but I hope for a legion blight cosmetic. The mask could fuse with the face or something like that.
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I know they probably can't do it, but a Blighted Demogorgon would look SICK.
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A-#########-men bro, shame it can't happen given that licensed characters don't get cosmetics very often
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Man if I don't see Blighted Ghostface or Demo I'm gonna be very upset. 😔
Blighted Oni would be godly though.
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From the way the GF creator is talking GF might be getting one and Bubba is getting a new skin around that time so could be that or just a normal skin we will have to see.
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I think for survivors it will be Meg and Ace, just like in the current tome, and as for killers I hope it's Oni and Legion.
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Fingers crossed for Oni and Ghostface. Legion may get multiple versions. At least two. Maybe four.
For comments on how many outfits, 2018 there were at least seven. Last year there were six if we count Nurse’s in the Tome.
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I wouldn't mind a blighted Kate and Deathslinger
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I want as many killers as possible to have them, even some of the licensed ones maybe.
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I'd bet on Meg, then perhaps Oni and Blight. And Deathslinger, if there has to be a 4th one.
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I would say Meg, Oni, Deathslinger, Legion, and maybe Blight, but mostly survivor skins is my guess
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The only killers that would get one are Legion, Oni, and Slinger. Unless they want to give one to Blight but he is already kinda that.
I want a blight outfit for Kate.
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Me too, I want her to look country though, like with the hat, and all, but in a blight form, I think a lot of the cosmetics will feature this
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As long as Feng Min and Legion get blight skins I'm happy
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Meg's getting robbed again. T_T
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Feng, Yui, Felix, Blight, Legion, Ghost Face (set) and the addition of last year's Nurse skin.
Release date October 23.
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I'm not gonna tell why I think that because devs don't like when people mention these things but I'm pretty sure we'll get Blight GhostFace
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...And now David too.. Why do you hate Meg, BHVR?
Also, and I don't even need to see it to say this: the Legion one doesn't make the least bit of sense.
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Taking the opportunity to shamelessly self-promote:
Anyone here who wants to see the Deathslinger sorta-blight skin I've designed? I mean we'll never get it ingame, but anyone wanna see?
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According to insider information:
David, Feng, Yui, Felix, Blight, Legion and Ghost Face are getting Hallowed skins.
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leakbydaylight said it'll be meg feng yui (not sure for felix) and for killers blight and legion no oni or slinger :/
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Blighted Blight Pog
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Not een a hot David skin though... What did they do his hair?! And that moustache too-
(answer: yeeted it)
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Well, to be fair, the David head was always going to be ugly.
It has David's face.
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1) David's face is hot
2) Especially with his beard
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How does the Legion one not make any sense
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Don't worry past me. Your prayers have been answered you're getting both.
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Because how does that even begin to work?
He injected one of them with serum and the other three went poof and were inside of the first member? He injected all of them, and then they went poof?
Or, apparently, for some convoluted and not-the-least-bit plausible reason, they were all tied together, injected together , and then fused together?
The logic only gets more and more ridiculous.
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Blighted Ghost Face boys the hype is real!
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Considering most of the killers were restrained when they were injected it's quite possible that all four members of the Legion were tied up together whilst they were injected.
This would explain why they fuse together.
Another way to explain it could be assimilation. For example Frank got injected and when Julie Susie and Joey try to help him they ended up getting absorbed into his body and fused into a grotesque form
Post edited by Volfawott on1 -
You see the problem is you're trying to apply normal logic to a nightmare realm ruled by an ancient being that only appears in the form of spider legs that forces people to play murder tag for all eternity.
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I know David, Feng, Yui, Felix, Blight, Legion, and Ghostface are getting blighted outfits
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I see your point.
I suppose I just expected a little bit more sense when it comes to lore concepts than the same "because" that's good enough for game mechanics.
Post edited by Science_Guy on0 -
Feng!!! she has yet to get Hallow Blight cosmetic.
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Legion is a minimum of two costumes. They always do Frank and Julie. Joey and Susie get left out in these situations.
And yeah, then there's Oni and D-slinger so that already fills up the roster. Real question is which survivor will get one.
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Legion would look so good in a blight skin. I'm assuming we would get both a Frank and a Julie cosmetics.
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Legion hasn't gotten a blighted skin yet, I hope each member gets there own skin for the fans of each of the individual members of legion. I'm not a huge fan of legion myself but they are a original designed killer and they've been in the game longer than Oni or Deathslinger.
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Legion Is one outfit. Julie, Susie, and Joey are morphed into Frank into one single serum corrupted outfit.
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That's what people WANT but probably not what they're going to get. In the past its always been one pair or the other. Except for the rabbit suits which are literal recolors.
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If There were more then one outfit, they would be listed in the files as *outfit name* (Frank) and *outfit name* (Julie). Like they usually do with the paired cosmetics. However, only one Legion outfit has been found in the files, excluding the community contest outfit.
The Blight outfit is called 'Chimeric Horde' and its description is as follows: Repulsive. The serum has grafted the four specimens into a single creature, three of which are entrapped within the flesh of the host, ineffectually attempting to escape.
That sound like one single outfit, in which Frank, the host, has the 3 other members trapped within him. If Julie was getting her own separate cosmetic, it would be listed in the files. But at this point in time, it's not.
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That's a leak that's cheating.
But also intriguing and exciting. Thanks.