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So they didn't add new ways to get tokens with WGLF...

"Rescuing a survivor by stunning the killer or blinding them with a flashlight now grants a token."

Let's talk about how this does nothing for what they said.

  1. This was already in the game. I'm unsure if it's a bug turned feature but it was already in the game.
  2. They stated that they wanted to add new ways to get tokens in order to stop the unhooking competition between survivors. This is just making an unsafe unhook in order to get a token. This "new" way to get tokens does nothing to stop this because it's so situational. And again, it was already in the game, so it changes nothing. The unhooking competition stays the same.

The only thing that was added to WGLF was the increase to healing speed when healing a survivor in the dying state which, btw, DOESN'T EVEN GIVE YOU A STACK!!!

I'm really disappointed in some of these perk buffs because they could be so much better. If it were me I would add "Gain a token for healing a health state of other survivors"

Pretty sure everyone wants this and this would make it easier to obtain tokens AND reduce the competition between survivors for unhooks because healing happens so often during games.

If we wanted to go further I would also add" Gain a token for completing a generator" further decreasing the competition and making it easier to get tokens, But that's just me

Devs I hope you listen, We all want more ways to get tokens, but you have to actually add more ways to get them.

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  • Member Posts: 2,068
    edited September 2020

    The core concept of the perk is to reward you for saving your teammate from being sacrificed, not finishing gens, and there are 4 ways to do this: safely rescue the survivor from the hook, blind the killer while they are carrying a survivor or pallet stun them, and body blocking the killer so they can't hook a carried survivor or down an injured one.

    WGLF never rewarded you any tokens for Pallet stun and Flashlight saves, it only awarded tokens for safe unhooks and protection hits. Essentially they've given survivors 2 more ways to earn tokens so that if the survivors miss a chance to unhook a teammate or don't want to be the resident meat shield for their team, they have alternatives. On top of that, they've made healing a survivor in the dying state take a maximum of 8 seconds instead of 16 while you have WGLF equipped, and if the downed survivor even recovered half of the progress bar on their own before you get to them, it'll take even less time, which makes it great for anti-slugging.

    Giving tokens for healing a survivor from the dying state is flawed, because at what point would you earn the token? Completely recovering a survivor for a total of 1 dying state? if that were so, then it would take healing a maximum of 20 downed teammates to earn a token, because the majority of the time you run in to heal a downed survivor, they've already recovered 95% of their progress bar. Likewise if it simply rewarded you a token for bringing them from the dying state to injured regardless of their progress, that would create competition wherein everyone runs to the recently downed survivor and swarms the killer, which as you know, is a really stupid tactic that typically ends up with more than one of you downed.

    However, now we're going to have more survivors competing to get those sweet flashlight and pallet saves as well as unhooks and protection hits, but since there are 2 more ways to get tokens, gaining them will be easier and more likely overall. This is a good buff to WGLF, tokens are more easily earned than before, and it discourages killers from slugging, so while it will likely increase competition between survivors going after tokens, I don't see why this is such a disappointment.

  • Member Posts: 27

    I'm mainly talking about the token aspect. The buff to WGLF is amazing and I love it. But I'm disappointed they didn't actually create new ways to get tokens. The way they added was already in the game since WGLF's release. The way WGLF functions on the PTB is the exact same way it functions on Live (for tokens that is)

    As to respond to how to get tokens for healing, it's quite simple. given the fact that the tokens just increase BP, So long as you heal a health state on another survivor regardless of progress already made, gain a token. Keep it simple. It would encourage more people to go heal and add an easy way to gather tokens.

    As for the generator token bit, that's just my own thoughts. Given that hooking is the killers objective, add the survivors objective for getting tokens. But I know this perk is based around altruism, which is why I'm not disappointed that it didn't get added.

    The main disappointment comes from the tokens. It's still harder to get tokens as a survivor because you are relying on your team to mess up and then hope you are the one to save first.

  • Member Posts: 185

    yea you'd think that healing a survivor on the ground and then taking a hit because you at least tried to heal them would give you a stack but nope... and the killer is usually going to chase you since the other guy is still being slugged, I don't understand the devs thinking.

    WGLF should give you a stack for risking your life to try and help others, that's basically what the perk is.

  • Member Posts: 374

    Yup 100% agree it needed to gain a token from healing others a healthstate.

    I also agree that doing a gen should give a token but if we have to keep the theme of altruism then just healing is good but id add the gens or totem for tokens too since then it wont be dependant on how good the killer is

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    I really liked the Ace challenge in this Tome and hoped that the change would be more in line with that: Unhooks, cleansing totems and gen repair.

  • Member Posts: 828

    I just want to add, saving someone from a beartrap also gives you a token (unless they changed that).

    But those things are so situational.

  • Member Posts: 22,850
  • Member Posts: 943
    edited September 2020

    I really like that idea of getting token for a health stack since they gave that increase to slug heals, I really hope they do this.

  • Member Posts: 227

    You should definitely get a stack from safely rescuing a teammate from a Pyramid Head cage, at the very least.

  • Member Posts: 552

    I am playing since the perk was released and I always get tokens from stunning and blindings to rescue carried Survivors. Probably due to a bug, but its nothing new.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    I wonder if Iron Will is going to get buffed to muffle breathing...

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    Kinda disapointed in this perk 'buff' now. Sure, the healing sounds good and everything, but it still falls down to praying someone doesn't beat you to the hook first. I am garbage at flashlight saves, and pallet saves are situational. I don't get why they didn't make it so if you heal someone from dying, it stacks. You did just save them from being hooked after all.

  • Member Posts: 1,752

    Its one big non-update

    The supposed PH changes did nothing, WGLF buff will help like 5% of the time, the perk changes range from strange nerfs to not buffed enough

    extremely dissapointing

  • Member Posts: 426

    May not be the best buff in the world, but there's certainly no question that 2.0 is better than 1.0 in very material ways by providing those extra opportunities to stack and providing an game function(and a pretty damn useful one at that).

    That said, it seems like the best/easiest change would be changing it to give the stacks on Death heals too. Otherwise the actual game usage ends up up contradicting them sweet sweet points, where the more self-interested survivor might as well let you get hooked for the stacks rather than bother with the near death heal anyhow.

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    You havent used a flashlight or saved someone with a pallet a day in your life huh?

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