
Lmac99 Member Posts: 71
edited October 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions


Post edited by Lmac99 on


  • SaltyRainbow
    SaltyRainbow Member Posts: 87

    i dont think the devs will do it, since a fast q-time has a high priority for them and a lot of players too.

    dc sucks for all remaining players. usually there is a time penalty but its disabled atm.

    dc hurts the survivors too when it comes to pips, blood points and a lot of challenges. it only doesnt matter when the survivors are about to escape.

    maybe dont look at things just from one side.

    camping and tunneling are strategies. not fun to go against put they have counterplays and perks. good survivor can heavyly punish a mindless tunneler with 0-1 kills and a depip.

    a common mistake survivors are doing is, wanting to save as fast as possible. nothing hurts a killer who isnt actively chasing other survivors more, than survivors who stick to the gens and go for the save right before the hooked survivor reaches the next stage. and then there a perks like bt, ds, iron will or adrenaline.

  • Lmac99
    Lmac99 Member Posts: 71

    "maybe dont look at things just from one side" I don't believe I am looking at things from one side. I explained how much a survivor gains from a killer DC, and how they lose almost nothing. If a survivor is doing a challenge like "Dark Senses" and are on the last gen but the killer DC's that is definitely an instance where it can be completely unfair. But I don't see that happening often. Regardless queue times for survivors from like 11am - 8pm CDT are really fast. Queue times for Killer are really fast after 8pm. Whenever I get a killer DC in one of my games, I don't really care and get into the next match like in 20-30 seconds. I also don't get very many killer DC's anyway to begin with. If killers kept their stuff after a legit DC, or they just want to leave for any certain reason, I think that's fair. Because they won't do it often, unless there's a reason too. Like toxic survivors, games they can't learn anything from, hackers, internet stuttering, etc. I'm not looking at things from one side, we all know why survivors lose their stuff after a DC and why they used to get a 5 min penalty. 80% of the player base is playing Survivor most of the time. So even if I am thinking "one-sided" at least I'm not another player who complains about the killer role.

    Aside from Camping/Tunneling, which I think is a legitimate issue. It's not a strategy, it's just being toxic and ruining that players experience. I don't know what goes on in your games, but when I or another player is getting camped this is usually how it goes from there: One or more of us realize that player is being camped, they then solely focus on how to save that person but end up trading/getting slugged. Even if I try to do the gens, no other player in my lobby knows that that is what they need to do. So we all end up losing, because no one wants that player to not get to play and try too hard to save them losing the game. This happens literally almost every time. If this is a "strategy" then it's really broken. I will say tunneling can be countered somewhat effectively, but once again, in my games this counterplay doesn't happen. I'm not the best player I'm purple ranks currently. And I mostly get lobby'd with yellow ranks, sometimes red ranks. Players are not good enough to counter camping/tunneling. And killers can do this anytime and as much as they want, making it super common in a lot of games at the mid/lower levels. Therefore ranking up to get away from these killers is really hard, and a lot of players don't have time for it. So if this behavior was punishable either in-game (which I don't think is possible, I thought of a way but I'm sure it's abusable) or through the report system, this problem could be lessened, and could encourage killers to play properly. I don't see what's wrong with that.

  • SaltyRainbow
    SaltyRainbow Member Posts: 87

    you wrote that survivor lose nothing when the killer d/c and only benefits and that isnt true and a one sided sight. q time are long for survivors late night (2-3min) and they cant complete challenges like stun the killer x times, get x iri emblems, do x after you did y, save one survivor that unhooked you earlier etc.

    camping/tunneling are strategies which can work or can fail. sometimes, against a good/genrush team, a killer needs to remove a survivor. or the survivors complete two gens before the go for a save. than its sometimes better to camp the survivor at least into 2. stage.

    yeah its unfun and a lot of killer go with the intention to camp someone into the match. there are a lot of braindead tunneler leaving someone injured in a dead zone and running back to a hook on the other side of the map...but this can heavily backfire.

    its hard to counter as solo player. and ppl are wondering that so many players only play swf.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 933
    edited September 2020

    For survivor DC's I wish BHVR would have implemented the Husk system they brought up like a year or two ago.

    Basically, if a survivor DC's, they get replaced with a "husk" (Basically a bot who is AFK and trapped in Dying State.) that can be hooked by the killer to get points, emblems, and perk stacks when available.

    If not hooked, the husk eventually bleeds out.

    Personally if I designed the system, I'd also make the husk moriable base-kit as a bit of a "Disincentive" for survivor's to DC. DCing and claiming the killer didn't kill you won't be a valid excuse anymore, because now he can. And if anyone thinks that would be overpowered, I completely disagree. Who the hell even cares if the killer can mori a dude who disconnected from the match or not? The DC'er ain't gonna be around to see it (Maybe force him to spectate the husk until the husk is sacrificed/mori'd/bleeds out to rub salt in the wound) and the net outcome is the same, a survivor is gone from the match. If the killer "Doesn't deserve it" how about don't DC then?

    This would eliminate much of the BS like dcing for hatch, dcing to screw the killer out of points/perk stacks/achievements/rift challenges, etc.

    If the killer DC's they go AFK and a 8 minute EGC timer starts. Gates power up but generators remain interactable meaning survivors can still work on generators for emblem progress and points, search chests for an item before leaving, etc.