Things it took you too long to realise

What things in the game did you work out late
for me I only just worked out it is Kate playing the guitar when you are waiting as survivor
That it´s beneficial to drop a chase more often than I thought. I remember having the noob killer tunnel vision back then :D
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When I first started playing I saw I was rank 20 and I got scared that the game was bugged or something thinking that it was the highest rank. I was even more confused and scared when the number started decreasing lol. I panicked and searched the internet and then it all made sense :)
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One, this is not lore, but I'll forgive you due to the buggy state of the forums right now.
For my actual answer, it took me about five months to figure out how to fast vault. For some reason, I kept stopping my sprint when I came up to a window, then vaulted.
Somehow, the amount of times this got me grabbed was actually pretty small.
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Had it not been for the tip on the loading screen, I doubt I'd ever known about it...
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Freddy's timer on the Survivor icons. I would never know I was playing against him until I was sucked into the dreamworld. Only recently has the timer over the faces become apparent to me.
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For about a month (possibly more) I thought that I had to release my left click the moment I wanted to swing, otherwise I would just lunge until the end of the animation and miss the survivor.
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Yeah I wanted to post on around the campfire but wouldn’t let me
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I thought Head On was something all survivors could do until 2 months in I realized it was a perk.
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I only managed to do this by accident, the first time I wasn't really sure what was going on or if that was supposed to be a thing
This is why I need a proper killer training area, a "killer for dummies" zone, I'm sooooo for it lol
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Left survivor on main menu is the last one you selected in survivors list.
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I didn't realize the number 4 for Dbd's 4 year anniversary was shaped like pyramid head until they released the actual trailer on a livestream of it lol
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to never go on the forums
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I thought Dull Totems made noise when breaking them. I'd either fear touching them, or would hide after breaking one. Took a few months till I was watching a streamer and he brought it up lmao
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Well they do make noise, you can very clearly hear totem cleansing and breaking sounds to 12-18 meters
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I think they mean the loud noise notification that occurs when you break a hex totem. They thought it applied to breaking dull totems as well.
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Well yeah, but meant the notification like a Hex.
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Looping was a thing.
At this point however I was so good at stealth and forcing a killer to drop a chase by disappearing suddenly, so I just do that.
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Back when I was a newbie, I didn't know that quickly entering lockers and quickly vaulting made a loud noise notification. I was always wondering how the killers would find me so quickly.
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Not something I took to long to realize, but things I encountered red rank survivors doing:
- Not knowing that you'll get crows in a locker
- Not knowing blood will pool in front of the locker
- not knowing bitter murmur shows auras
- not knowing bloodhound shows blood more clearly
- not knowing tinkerer hides the TR.
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Never use the Shroud to split up the Survivors; it actually helps them by making it hard on the Killer to maintain Generator pressure, and increases the odds that 1+ will spawn on a Totem. :)
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The idea of AFK crows. (PainReliever taught me that one)
You can find the exit gates in the Saloon map by looking for the trails of smoke going into the sly. (Otzdarva)
The Twins can detect people with Killer Instinct. (Otz again)
It is mathematically impossible to juke/dodge a Gunslinger at less than 10m, he has to miss. (Scott Jund)
You can vault the ledge at the top of the stairs in Midwich. (Otz)
Whispers can effectively tell you what buildings are clear of Survivors entirely. (PainReliever)
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After 3 levels as devotion I realised I can
- delete the Hag's traps using the flashlight
- click on Survivor and rotate it
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You just taught me about rotation. Bless your soul
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omg I thought I was the only one. Back when I mained old freddy I didn't even know that you could "lunge" lmao
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What is it exactly? I don't understand
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When you play as killer and 'hold' the attack button your character lunges forward in an attack.