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Anyone else find themselves sighing upon seeing the map... on like half the maps?

Member Posts: 1,117

When I say maps I'm referring to realms, not the items, by the way. I feel like this has gotten worse for me since I started maining Blight, but was becoming an issue even before then.

I think the fact that it feels like maps are on some kind of daily rotation where you seem much more likely to get the same small set of maps (I don't know if this is true or not, but it feels like it) makes this issue much worse. Toss in the occasional troll survivor giving me a Haddonfield offering just for fun and it becomes really exhausting to want to keep playing on any given day.

But I believe the worst fact is... I don't think there's any map I see where I'm like "YES! My favorite map!" It's always just like "Oh, this one's okay." or "this won't be annoying, finally."

Anyone else experience anything like this? I've gotten Rotten Fields like 6 times already today, the Game 3 times, and for some strange reason two different games had the Survivors use a Haddonfield offering.

A big part of the problem isn't just not being able to effectively use my power, but Blight being so short that you get lost even in tall grass or on waist-high wall loops. None of it really makes me lose, per se, it just makes me enjoy the match less. Like everything about the design of these maps is counter to the parts of the game I find fun, regardless of killer. Rotten Fields being the most egregious because who sets up corn like that?? At least if they were in rows from one side to the other like a real cornfield I could just check each row without there being a weird cutoff where the stalks intercept.

What do you think makes a good map, and what in particular makes a map not just good, but fun?

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  • Member Posts: 3,826

    I know I'm going to have a blast when I get to Wrecker's Yard, Blood Lodge, Macmillan maps, they're fun.

    I can't stand Azerov's Resting Place, Ormond, Hawkins, Lery's.

    I like open fields, open maps that you can see everything and everyone as a killer myself.

  • Member Posts: 464

    I can probably see through that corn more easily as a fatiguing nurse than just a normal blight and he has a fatigue as well. His POV is pretty bad.

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    The atmosphere of games is very appealing, imo.

    Maps are one of my favorite parts of this game. I actually prefer them with more space, wether survivors choose to hide in larger areas or not, I prefer larger realms.

    I’d honestly enjoy wandering around in the territory as a killer or survivor w/o anyone else in the match so I could just enjoy the surroundings and take it all in.

    Too much of a nonstop in-game pressure on both sides to be able to fully inspect and appreciate the detail.

    Also, devs have been altering maps for awhile now to break up loops as an aid to killers. I’m sure they’ll continue to do this, especially as they are reworking all the areas... If that’s any reassurance to you.

  • Member Posts: 1,295

    I love lery's, turns Michael from a bad killer to a killer who is gonna make you piss your pants when he pop tier 3 on you

  • Member Posts: 575

    Really only Mother's Dwelling and Ormond make me not want to play since they're so big and so safe.

    The Game really sucks as a survivor too due to it being hard to find gens and stairs plus the terror radius being audible basically everywhere. And Azarov's Resting Place is way too easy to hold a 3 gen on.

  • Member Posts: 703

    Corn Maps and Midwich, are the only maps I actively dislike.

  • Member Posts: 2,426

    Yes, very much so. Can't stand Haddonfield, Corn and Junkyard maps. Dislike indoor maps. Macmillan maps are fine. Red Forest maps would be fine if it wasn't humongous.

    The best I can usually say about a map is "its fine". I feel like we need more interesting and varied maps, but mostly its the balance of them that's out of whack from my experience and understanding.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    As long as the map isn't indoor/Ormond and doesn't takes 10 years to cross then i won't complain.

    OG maps for the win.

  • Member Posts: 4,467
    edited September 2020

    I hate seeing Coldwind, Haddonfield, Crotus Prenn, The Game, Ormond, Red Forest, Midwich, some Autohaven (pretty much all of them minus Wrecker's Yard), and some MacMillan maps (Suffocation Pit, Groaning Storehouse, and the PTB version of Coal Tower). I love seeing Hawkins because of the Killers I like to play. Everything else I'm just ok with.

  • Member Posts: 54

    Both the Gideon Meat Plant and the Underground Complex. I do like playing them as a solo survivor, however the other people I'm with have to be good or I have to get lucky in order to make it out alive. I figure my playstyle doesn't suit those maps.

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    There's more than one map?! I just repeatedly get sent to Coldwind. I started just assuming DbD wiped the others from existence! Seriously, I'm so sick of Coldwind now. I literally scream with joy when a survivor sends me to another place, even if it is Ormand! It's better than seeing corn every second of the game!

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    The only map that makes me go "OH GOD PLEASE LIBERATE ME FROM THIS MORTAL REALM" is haddonfield, except when I am playing deathslinger.

  • Member Posts: 7,162

    As survivor I only actively dislike Shelter Woods, Azaraov's, and Hawkins.

    As killer I don't like Ormond, Red Forest, Crotus Prenn, Coldwind, and Haddonfield.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    Still no colorblind options, so I feel that way on most of the maps.

    And with the changes to MacMillans, that realm is fighting with Yamaoka and Coldwind for the top spot.

  • Member Posts: 3,536
    edited September 2020

    As survivor: Mostly the indoor maps. Hawkins, Lery's, midwich. I don't find The Game as bad. Hawkins and midwich are diabolical though.

    As killer: Anything with corn, hawkins, midwich, azarov's resting place, haddonfield, badham, ormond, sanctum of wrath. Probably more.

    No joke the only way I cope as killer is when I get a bad map I think to myself "At least it's not Rotten Fields". Gotta remind yourself there's always a worse map out there.

  • Member Posts: 443

    I think almost all the maps need to be a mix of:

    • One big main structure or a few small structures, (in the vicinity or in the center of the map).
    • In the rest of empty space, open areas.

    This way I think it could be (FINE), for all the killers: stealthy (Myers, Ghosface, Pig, Deathslinger, Wraith), also for who have good mobility (Hillbilly, Nurse, Blight, Oni) and the others who doesn't have mobilty (Clown, Hag, Trapper, Huntress, Leatherface).

  • Member Posts: 515

    Really dislike Hawkins and for some reason, Badham Preschool.

  • Member Posts: 8,601
    edited September 2020

    I like maps that remain competitive when it's a good 4 man SWF vs a good killer. There are very few maps in this game that are balanced for that level of play.

    Most maps are too large (Ormond), allow for too much immersion (indoor maps), have excessive strong tiles that chain together (take your pick), or are Haddonfield (Haddonfield).

    I find Torment Creek, Wretched Shop, Dead Dawg, Coal Tower, and Badham 3 (only 3) to be pretty balanced.

  • Member Posts: 1,416

    I only kinda dislike the Yamaoka maps and Freddys maps. Especially freddy maps since they are so damn common.

  • Member Posts: 1,117

    I HAAATE Badham Preschool. Again, I don't perform super bad there or anything, I just really dislike it.

    I really need to take some time and reflect on why I dislike some of these maps. With garbage like Haddonfield it's more obvious, but I have no idea why I dislike Badham so much. It doesn't seem terrible on the surface, it's kinda like a Haddonfield with a lot of the BS removed, but I cannot stand seeing it.

  • Member Posts: 5,924
    edited September 2020

    Generally i just sigh like this at

    • Ormond
    • Haddonfield
    • Corn maps
    • Midwich

    Ormond is terrible in every way. Every pallet is safe, the map is huge, i can't see scratch marks half the time etc.

    Haddonfield is terrible because of those damn fences, so many safe pallets etc.

    Corn maps are annoying because i can't see a damn thing through the corn.

    Midwich is the worst designed map i have ever seen and i just literally dodge that map when i see it.

  • Member Posts: 681

    My last solo q match was midwich. I thought ehh let's see how it goes. My team got a whopping 2 gens done against a baby myers.

    I loop him or over 2 min at the end.. stun him 3x or something. Im downed. He's so butthurt about this (a 4k) that he just let's me bleed out on the floor for 4 minutes lol.

    I never question why people just stop playing this game. Maps like that are brutal for casuals.

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