PGTW Nerf Issue

xillucide Member Posts: 92
edited October 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Okay so I decided to test the new Pop Goes The Weasel nerf with a friend. there is one issue I noticed: on killers that are 110% movement speed (4.4 m/s), after hooking someone on Ormond and Rotten Fields, the time it takes to route the generators to the other side of the map after hooking someone is (not surprisingly) an average of 44.2 seconds (this isn't the average of how long it takes to patrol all generators, that is longer). this isn't actually because of the maps sizes, this is because the route necessary to patrol generators takes a very long time compared to all other maps. I am 100% for this nerf as I think PGTW is very strong and people abused its long timer. However I think that the timer should be increased from 45 seconds to 50 seconds to compensate for those maps until they are fixed. then the timer can be reduced back to 45 seconds. It'll probably be brushed over as it only happens on 2 maps (probably I haven't tested every single map), but it's still an issue nonetheless.

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