stretched is cheating?

but having a bad ping and getting undeserved hits are fine?
devs please respond to that, i know that notQueen said that stretched is cheating can she also respond to that?
or is that fine having a bad ping and getting undeserved hit? i mean both gives you an advantage right? so how is the one thing cheating and the other one isnt? now dont say "but i cant decide to have good ping"
well you can with getting a better internet. or devs implementing more servers in different regions.
sorry but that is just Dobble-standards
Umm people really can’t control the ping they don’t go “you know what today I want low ping” but you are choosing to change settings to give you an advantage that if you just get good you don’t need.
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then you dont play the game simple. just because you want to play the game so bad you have the rights to make the game experience of other people bad? what is that logic? its completely fine to let other people suffer? devs dont bring a ping indicator of killers, they dont improve the servers, they dont bring new servers to different regions like russia, they brought a hit validiation what isnt even working.
but omg stretched is sooo cheating. where you can look over a rock just by 1CM
if you say SWF is cheating, stretched is cheating also getting a advantage of a bad ping is cheating simple.
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I mean, lag switching is cheating, and is an issue with both survivors and killers.
Not having a great connection to a match isn't cheating, since you have no control over it. The game doesn't use a server list you can pick from, it goes based off of where players are at the time. If you play early in the morning on the east coast of the US, you're likely to get matches with West EU servers since thats the more populated area at the time. Same goes for many other region mixmatches that have little to do with any individual player's internet speed.
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You can’t just tell people not to play a game they like but you can tell people to get good and not cheat it’s that simple
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Just like lag switching, stretch res is an exploit as well. That's it. The game is not meant to be played like that, quite simple
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Getting undeserved hits is cheating.
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Good lord, "dobble-standards?"
You can form neither a cogent argument nor a coherent sentence. Your logic is that of a child trying to justify why it was okay to steal bubble gum from a convenience store, and your attitude about it is piss-poor.
You don't need stretched res, you need to go back to school.
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I would argue that cheating is predicated on intention. You intend to use streched resolution, as you are intend to lag switch. Do you intend to have a bad ping in a certain game?
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stretched screen is something you chose to do, bad ping isn't - unless you're purposefully playing in a different region on a vpn then yeah it's cheating (looking at Nurse players)
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I can VPN to Germany, Spain or Brazil and chose to have high ping and get easier hits.
I can VPN to Germany, Spain or Brazil then VPN back to the States and gain 400MS ping for even worse hits.
So yes, killers do wake up some days and say "I want to have high ping today" and gain those unfair hits.
And VPN'ing is something they can't prove on profiles that are anonymous.
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Then it is cheating. I agree with you. What is your solution?
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Lag switching is why hit validation is now live... so now can we remove stretched?
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Intent matters.
It's not exactly fair, but it's a far cry from making a willful decision to warp your resolution for an advantage. (This obviously excludes lag-switching and/or intentionally gimping your internet connection for some advantage where that intent does exist and qualify as cheating.)
Also, that's not to say that there's anything wrong with requiring a certain threshold speed all players must meet because otherwise the match ends up unfair and, more importantly.... janky as hell and obnoxious. You could make an argument we need a higher latency standard--it's just not a matter of player cheating, so don't muddy your position by making it about that.
Now if you want a real double-standard...
Well, that would be acknowledging how stretched resolution provides an unfair/unintended advantage that distorts the game's balance enough to reasonably label it cheating, yet twiddling your thumbs when it comes to voice-communication at the same time. Hell, not even ignoring, it's explicitly "all good man, not cheating" by declaration, and relegated to de facto cheating that we all just accept.
I've said it before, and will doubtlessly say again... any given match that's balanced when those players cannot communicate can NEVER be balanced still when those players can communicate also. Never. It is factually impossible when the game makes no adjustments for that monumental alteration of circumstances there. Balancing DBD at all is inherently impossible when both extremes are possible and it just keeps regarding them the same way.
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You do realize this is dedicated servers, right? You can have fantastic net, and still get bad ping depending on where you're connecting too. I have a 20mb/s connection, and I can still have matches where I'm told I hit somebody halfway across the map.
Nor can you blame players for what devs can't do. Not sure why you're acting like it's the players fault.
Players can't control ping, but they can control their own settings. So, when you tweak it to give you an advantage nobody else has, yes, that's cheating. Get over it.
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What do you mean by stretching?
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Does it give you an advantage outside the normal means during gameplay? If yes then yes it's cheating.
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It’s not though they can’t control bad servers. You are saying bad servers is cheating while saying stretched isn’t cheating how does that make sense?
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Yes that’s a thing but that’s not what this post is about he is saying because servers are bad or someone has less then ideal WiFi at home they are cheaters but him seeing killers over walls or having permanent lightborn is fine
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Bad ping is a thing every game so don't pretend dead by is special and dont play the game are you dumb I bought the game ofcourse im going to play it. Have you ever play cod then you know ping sometimes. Now imaging you had the option to play in 3rd person in cod but everyone else didn't have the option. You get to see things they can't sound fair? Now are you done complaining. And I do think stretch screen is cheating and something should be done idk what or how but eventually. And I'll use your logic if stretch screen is an issue play console cant do that there
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its not 1 meter. Its almost multiple times longer than the normal FOV. theres no FOV options which is obviously intended design.
If killers could edit a file and triple their FOV you WOULD be complaining.
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why do you make this into a ,,them vs us" again? Its not only killers who do this kind of stuff.
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who tf said im using stretched? i took that as example because all the cry baby killer mains say "omg he can see me over the rock by 1mm its cheating" but not a single one of you is actually talking about these BS hits.
as long something is in your favor everything is fine BUT hell when someone else doing something its the worse thing ever and they need to get punished.
first tell your devs to make this game fair before complaining about a little advantage
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Double* standards.
Just like many say, you chose to have the advantage, they didn't chose to have bad ping.
You can control to have fov gains, they can't control bad ping.
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Because anyone who plays this game knows that you gain NOTHING from high Ping as survivor.
Absolutely nothing, so in THIS situation, yes, it's US vs Them.
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This is a really bad take. You don't want me to play the game over something I have no control over? Ha! No. However, stretched res is optional.
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- If it WAS considered cheating by EAC or BHVR then they would ban those doing it because it's high school simple for either of them to find out who is doing it and ban them for it since they have zero tolerance for cheating. Nobody has been banned for using common aspect-ratios that I've ever heard of or seen, quite a few streamers seem to use it in various countries and have for a long time. This clearly means neither thinks this is cheating, and that is how simple it is to figure out their position on it.
- The "advantage" of using popular common aspect-ratios such as 8:5 / 5:4 / 4:3 / 3:2 versus 16:9 is extremely minor at best and has drawbacks not to mention they could very easily fix it so that the extremely minor advantage becomes no advantage at all.
- Simply "stretching" a 16:9 image to 8:5 / 5:4 / 4:3 / 3:2 doesn't give anymore of an advantage than it would to a person that is using a monitor with a native 8:5 / 5:4 / 4:3 / 3:2 aspect-ratio because it's the same image or people that has a native 16:9 but prefers to use 8:5 / 5:4 / 4:3 / 3:2 at all times for everything (like my grandparents and mom)? Are they cheating also?
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Getting into a car accident vs. plowing some old dude crossing the street
by your logic, these are equal
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Then whats about the survivors who suddenly teleport some meters away mid chase? If you can only spread more toxity i really cant help you.
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I hope you're joking.
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yes and no
an advantage at specific places and when killer has terror radius and a disadvantage vs killers without terror radus or high mobility, because you sacrifice sides of your screen. If you sacrifice sides for top, your reaction time decrease or you can completely miss a sneaking up to you killer. At many maps it can hurt you, because they dont have high walls or walls are solid.
Also, it can allow an advantage only, IF killer like to mindgame. If killer is casually following you and zoning you until you are down, you have 0 advantage. :^)