Thanks for the new Hit Validation!

Look at this! This is so horrible.
I hit the Kate twice, both the times she was injured but she didn't go down.
UPDATE : It looks like there a conflicting views whether it is hit validation or hack. Can any mod or dev confirm/deny this?
my man, this wasn't a hit validation problem. he was cheating.
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Even I thought so, but then I encountered it again in some other match once. So I think it is hit validation.
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Oooh I forget this was active. So that explains why Plague felt so bad tonight. I thought it was either in my head or the hotfix but no this explains it.
Didnβt try Huntress but yeesh I guess I wont be using ranged killers anymore. Iβm in the UK and getting matched with people from the other side of Europe so its always going to be tricky.
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Same here. I get 170 to 200 ping in my region despite having 100mbps connection.
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And that made you d/c.... π
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I can easily see why? The game was broken and wouldn't let them down people. It's like when people dc when they got stuck in the hill except in this case there isn't a chance of escape
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This isn't a hack it's hit validation and the very reason I knew it was a bad idea. Hit validation basically makes the survivor the hit authority if they are laggy. I noticed this last time they turned that trash on if the survivor had high ping you basically had to ride their a$$ to hit them legit if not they just ran off or sometimes scream like they got hit but nothing actually happened.
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How do you know it wasn't just a one-off though?
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They made a prediction, if it wasn't working with her, it probably wouldn't work with anyone else. Plus even if it was only her now she is invincible and can do anything without the killer doing anything about it. That could easily be abused
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Alt title: Doctor main gets so confused by pallets it scares him too bad to continue playing.
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Hit validation shouldn't be making calls that bad when someone has 150 ping. In fact, it shouldn't really be taking place at all. The devs themselves have said it's intended for when people have extremely high pings. 150 isn't great but it's not horrendous, either. Of course, knowing BHVR, we're getting validation on every single hit which is probably causing some wacky nonsense like this.
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So what. There are still 3 other survivors trying to enjoy a game too. Don't be selfish and ruin the game for other people.
Killer could still play on and maybe get 3K, who cares if the Kate is invincible and survives.
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Oh so that's why the last match I hit a Quentin and he just ran away as if nothing happened.
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That is such an unbelievably entitled thing to say, what does this man owe the other players in his match? He owes them nothing, neither his time nor a fun match, absolutely nothing at all. Him leaving that match is what 99% of people would do just like I'm sure YOU have killed yourself on your first hook or d/ced when you find out it's a killer you dislike, or perhaps your teammates aren't as good as you would like, what hypocrite.
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I left the match because I thought I was facing a hacker. How do you win against hackers?
I hit her two times when she was injured, but she still didn't get downed, instead she got a speed boost. I never rage quit games. I always try to be fair, but when I'm faced with such unfair stuff, I have no option but to quit. Its not enjoyable. I'm sorry if see you that I quit, but you can't see the fact that there's a game breaking bug or hack I'm faced with
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You do realize if you can't attack someone at all, they can literally do everything by themselves and you can't do anything. I'd rather face 20 op nurses than deal with a survivor I can't kill. And the fact you suggest you could get a 3k with an invincible survivor makes me laugh.
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Ok, so lets make this clear no one was cheating. U see top left screen an arrow? That mean the ping is more than 300 to be exacly between 300 and 700. This is normal at this latency. For exaple ur playing in US and the survivor is playing on Asia servers 100%normal. U should check in game ping who is acurate despite the lobby one. Also the arrow has 2 meanings high ping problems or setup components problems when is setup prob,the arrow stay for 3-5 sec. In this case u cant even say something about hit validation.
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the killer is obviously lagging you can even see the icon on his screen
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Classic killer entitlement, refusing to participate in a game where you can't injure people.
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It is hit validation, it happened to me as well when I was Killer and it happened a Clown when he tried to hit me, he did the wipe animation but I was still healthy.
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I had 170 ping. But it's not my internet, it's the servers.
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First of all, learn what the word "entitled" means.
The killer disconnecting because his fun is all that matters is a good fit for "entitled".
Me saying you should think about other players experience is the complete opposite of entitled.
Secondly, in 3 years of playing Dbd, I have never disconnected from a single game, and I don't kill myself on hook either. I have suffered many face camps, and tunnels, and sweaty teabagging swfs who leave me with 0 kills. Survivors who take that game hostage. Last week, I spent 20 minutes patrolling the last 3 gens while 2 survivors hid. Eventually they gave up and came out of hiding... I always play to the end of the game, no matter what.
So don't throw "hypocrite" around when you don't know the facts. You only make yourself look silly.
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I would like to correct you here. My ping was 170 and your get the white icon when you ping is between 150 to 300. Above 300 its red.
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You'll probably see this the more you play against people with high ping. You have up to 200 and she has 140. That's not a good matchup.
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So you get a 2k then... or a 1k... or a 0k, what does it matter. You can still play the game to the end, earn some BP and don't ruin the game for every one else.
Even if this person was cheating (which I doubt) in order to ruin the killers day, the killer is just as bad for purposefully quiting the game and ruining it for others.
In fact, I would say the killer is worse because they made a choice to ruin everyones game. That Kate probably can't help having a bad internet connection.
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Please see what I'm trying to say here. It's not about me quitting, but either an issue with hit validation or hacking. I was so confused as to what was happening in the game. I hit her twice but both times she got speed boost instead of getting downed. If you watch the video again, I was very hesitant to quit, you can see. But I wanted to see if somehow a pc player managed to enter via hack even though I had turned off crossplay. You can even see that I clicked on check profile. I'm sorry that I quit and ruin everyone's experience. But kindly highlight the issue I faced.
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If you play with 200 ping you probably shouldnβt be too surprised that hit validation makes your hits look weird.
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Bruh #########?
No, the killer literally cannot down someone. That is an excuse to leave 100%. When it gets to that point the other survivors don't matter. The killer can DC in which they can get to the next game which hopefully works. I'm not insta losing a match just to let other survivors "have fun".
Don't blame the killer for DCing, blame the game for encouraging the killer DC due to hit validation being badly made.
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So you think the killer should endure hacks or bad hit validation for your fun? Sounds pretty entitled
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You do realise that quiting is an "insta lose" right?
And why would only the other survivors have fun? Why is it so hard for you to also have a fun game in that situation?
That Kate will probably go and heal behind an exit gate anyway, plenty of time to go hook the others.
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Killer knew what he was going into, how is he gonna say bad hit validation when he told you his ping to the server. he could've just left found a better lobby.
he more than likely saw a green light then his internet got crappy and this happened.
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It's just one person with lag. And it looks like the killers connection is no better either so they should probably get used to this happening or stop playing the game.
And you seem to be another one to throw "entitled" around because "its the thing to say".
Couple days ago I played against a killer with the worst lag I have ever seen. I got pulled of a gen without even hearing a heartbeat it was that bad.
The game ended with a 4K and 4 gens remaining. But even then all the survivors played on as best they could. I didn't have fun, but I wasn't going to quit and ruin it for the other players.
It's literally the complete opposite of entitled.
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Played games today on PC, had no issues so far with the hit verification system.
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I just can't believe someone would lag when playing against the Doctor. That never happens.
Also you can free up 3 perk slots by shocking at pallets and vaults.
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so you thought you were facing a hacker and then came here to complain about hit validation? makes sense...
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I am glad to hear you don't take d/c lightly.
But even if the Kate was hacking, dont worry about it. Play on and see if you can hit other survivors. For all you know it could have ended up being a really good game, and maybe that Kate would have been useless and not done anything anyway. You won't know if you don't try.
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first of all, if it were hit detection problems, she would not scream after getting hit. second, hit validation is to punish a bad ping player, not to benefit him.
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Well, in theory.
I don't think we should be assuming the devs have implemented it perfectly π
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One person who can ruin your entire match, and if it was hit validation I doubt he could hit anyone else either but op hasn't said anything about anyone else. "They should probably get used to it or stop playing the game" So punish themselves for the bad servers? Mkay I don't throw around the word entitled. Expecting someone to endure lag or hacks for your entertainment is entitlement that last paragraph or 2 tell me you want to put people to your standards, which I'm sorry not everyone has the patience like you do. If the game isn't allowing them to play I don't think that's bad of them to dc in this situation.
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they fail implementing most of the features they try to, ngl. but would it be THIS bad? christ!
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I didn't say how it "should" work or the intended effects of it, I just stated how it DOES work.
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Hit validation shouldnt be a thing as long as the server infrastructure is still so bad. Russians dont even have their own server for example, and they make up a big portion of the European playerbase. Should they just be forced to stop playing, just because the developers are too greedy to invest in more servers?
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It would be great if a mod or dev can confirm whether this is hit validation or hack.
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You ping is HORRIBLE, 150ms is just too much to play, you should just quit the lobby and avoid this situation.
Some clarification of how the hit validation works: Everytime you hit a survivor in your screen, the backend server will get your LAST POSITION that it received from you and get the LAST POSITION of the survivor that was hit, if the distance is reasonable to hit, it will accept the hit and injure the survivor, otherwise it will just ignore, so it means the higher your ping is, the more later your actual position will be send, that's why this system avoids bullshits hits against laggy Killers and laggy survivors.
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There are no servers in a region nearby to me. I will always have 150-200 ping. What do I do in such scenarios?
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Okay, but why is the killer forced to go through a weapon cooldown, and have blood effects obscure their vision?
Also it doesnt protect against laggy survivors, but actually helps them. Survivors have full authority over their psoition on the map. You can see that when a survivor is lagging. They start teleporting around and skipping frames. If you down one, they teleport to where they got down on THEIR screen as well. But when a killer lags, they start to rubberband, and set back, or decerated. The entire netcode is being modified to favour survivors more and more.
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It's a multiplayer game with 4 other people.
So yes, I do think people should show a bit more sportsmanship and consideration to other players.
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Didnt know u were in UK thats awesome π
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It's not a matter of sportsmanship, that's like breaking your leg in a football game and people asking you to still play for the enjoyment of others. Its unreasonable. He isn't leaving for no reason either, this is a valid reason. He is making the match quicker for everyone so they can play a real game where they have fun, not one where they just do the gens and escape with no interaction with the killer.