Why were the pallets from groaning storehouse main building removed?

To make it a weaker loop spot most likely.
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congrats no one is gonna loop there now. Lol
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less loops ok with me
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Lol i love the mentality of yours. "If it doesn't affect me, I'm okay with it". pathetic
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I play both sides btw but I also can't loop anyways so yea.
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I mean it is still pretty strong
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I hope you're not in red ranks💀
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ah yes a window that is almost 2 meters from the opening and the other with a breakable walls are better than shack or long wall jungle gym lmaoo
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rank 5 now but I was rank 2 so yea.
looping not the beat out thing to do sneaking around works too
not sneaking around doing nothing really I do more then most of the loopers I play with and I'm solo.
also ranks don't matter.
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Never said it was but go off
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Because the devs are Survivor sided obviously
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Fr killer mains be like
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I mean, I dont understand the Storehouse Changes anyway. They removed two semi-good Pallets (aka Killer can play them) and added a Breakable Wall which is mandatory to break.
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The devs are incompetent, but it's not like they don't care about balance. They just suck at it.
I don't live in the reality I would expect to be in given truely Survivor sided devs.
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My main complaint is how little effort they put into what it means to interact with killers. These breakable walls are an example of that, and are starting to seem redundant and dull gameplay-wise.
There is nothing "smart" about them. For killers is a simply "I need to break this to open up the building more" or "I shouldn't break this because survivors would have no where to go".... whereas for survivors it's usually "Well I am f****d". It is like a really bad band-aid and a lot of potential lost for a much more interactive experience.
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The new grass in there is scary. It's a hot spot for Trapper. I wonder if this new grass on all maps will give him a bit of a boost in popularity.
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there are 2 window spawns the short one and the long one, even the short one can buy you a few seconds but the long one can be looped once or twice before going out the main window with no consequence, having strong windows and pallets in main building is overkill when the map around it also has plenty to work with
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1. They removed 2 ok, mind-gameable pallets.
2. They added a breakable wall that severely hinders the killer.
If anything, it benefits survivors more since the killer can't do much til the wall is down. It's a very good building regardless, and can buy you some alright time.
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Nice, you say "love the mentality of yours" and all you do is rant about everyone that posts in this thread...
I guess you didn't really ask a question in your title, you already had your stiff answer and wanted attention?
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Probably because that map use to be stupidly survivor biased due to it's layout and having strong loops only added to that problem?
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What? he just stated his opinion on how he felt about less loops, it wasn't meant to be a direct insult to others, get a grip.
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They don't understand how to use the breakable walls so they make the killer break them like predropped pallets so the window next to it isn't an infinite or god loop, how fun and interactive.
I really hope they atleast addressed tile spawns becaue MacMillon maps had a bad habit of spawning Jungle gyms next to shack and another jungle gym next to LT walls, other maps do this too but the whole point of them going over all the maps again is to make where the killer has some gameplay and not have to play pallet break simulator or else the survivor can use the structure next to it to extend the loop.
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- you can just spend 2 seconds to remove that wall, and the loops become a parody of shack
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omg really couple seconds in solo queue with bad teammates is gonna make a huge difference
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Yes That is very true now go complain about ds or some other dead hard in forums
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I thought that is your job, ranting about everyone and everything
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Yes now go complaing about pop nerf
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if you don't like what you get as teamates in solo queue go play swf, if you don't have friends stop complaining about solo queu
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So I can't have skilled teammates in solo? I don't want to play swf every game
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you get what you get in solo queue from skilled teammates to potatoes
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I get potatoes alot more
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if you don't like them play swf where you leave less up to chance
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Please tell me this was sarcasm.
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It was (Im 90% sure)
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There was 2 pallets there and 2 windows open, it was too much for 4.6 killers and impossible (unless the survivors are dumb) to win with 4.4 killers except hag probably, mainly because you are so slow that chasing will take too long and using your power like huntress (slow wind up and down=slow movement, aiming as deathslinger= slow AND also reach to the window to hit) it was a big no no, AND then they have the other window that makes the loop even stronger, AND THERE WAS TWO PALLETS THAT MADE A SAFE POINT IN THE CHASE
Yes, they needed to go
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I mean..not everyone in red ranks are pros that can loop. People are still learning. Unless, this was a joke you posted.
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It is in the sense that it's this is an example of them doing distinctly not Survivor sided changes.