I think I'm done with DBD for now

Solo queue is unplayable.
Even at red ranks all I see are bush Blendettes and people disconnecting left and right. Every fifth or so games either the killer or 1-3 survivors are AFK. When everyone is present and not DCing I'll get Iri Head Huntresses (seriously just got 4 in a row) that tunnel everyone to death one by one or survivors with keys hiding in a locker all game hoping to get the hatch.
As a killer my queue times are 15-30mins with CP enabled and most lobbies are 4 person SWF groups with meta builds making the game as unfun as possible but finding another game would take so long that you'll take it and then regret it.
There's just no fun left for me. I don't even know how to fix it since it's the other players that make the game so bad. I feel like the only way this game can be played these days is by being as toxic as possible and that's not how I want to play so I'll just leave.
I know this isn't exactly interesting I just wanted to vent a little before I go. Maybe I'll be back if some appropriate changes are made to SWF and solo players. Until then thank you and hope the rest of you can still find some good in this game.
I used to have a group of friends that played DBD together but none of them find the game enjoyable anymore and they all quit and moved on to other games.
I hope you can find some good games before you go. It'd be nice to have a couple of fun games before quitting.
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Thanks! Yeah if only I had one person on my friends list that still plays this game I would. Maybe I will be back. Probably actually. But definitely not any time soon.
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I've been debating this exact situation for a couple weeks now myself. My friend who used to SWF with me now abandoned the game because of the constant tunneling, Mori's, etc. We used to play for a couple hours a night together just for fun, but even that isn't possible with how killers are playing these days. Solo queues are a complete nightmare. I either get lucky with a semi-competent set of players, or complete potatoes that throw every pallet they physically see, or divebomb hook in front of the killer. Playing killer has become painful too, with constant DS, Unbreakable combos everywhere or SWF acting toxic every game. I don't tunnel, never have, never will, and I always try to keep the game fair and fun for everyone, but it's become a joke seeing it every single game. I'll probably force myself to grind out my last few tiers of the rift to get my moneys worth, but after that, I think this game is going to be shelved for some time until some serious changes happen.
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My feelings exactly. Whenever I play killer I rarely even kill everyone because I want survivors to have fun too but with these toxic SWF groups fun is not on the table and in solo queue fair and fun killers are extinct.
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So many unhappy solo players on here. Can't you just create a topic to share gamertags/names with people in your region? you don't even need to use voice comms if you don't want, look at Fungoose, he plays swf with no voice comms but he wins because he's taking good players into the game with him. It's often a different story when he plays solo.
Rank reset changes really did a number on the solo survivor queue. Its never been the same since.
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Honestly I think most DBD players take a break every now and then. Playing solo queue or killer can be extremely un-fun. Sometimes you get literal streaks of bad games on both sides.
Just take your time and let your frustration level decrease "considerably" until you find that you're "moderately" feeling like giving DBD a "second chance".
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On PC, Killer is quite fun - I get instant queues weekday nights and my rank gets fattened up by console peasants.
Also, if you're queuing as survivor on the weekend, I've found running perks that give other players information is quite strong. Lots of casual players on the weekend will spend half the time (especially on Indoor Maps) trying to find generators because they're pretty much GD hidden and you need to play the maps a lot to get an idea where they could be.
Deja Vu + Prove Thyself + Better Together is an amazing combo to run with casual players - it basically tells you the best gen to work on, it then shows others where the gen is and THEN gives a big buff in speed to anyone helping you do it. Better Together is genuinely amazing in this kinda situation as it also shows all players auras when someone gets down, while you're on a gen.
Also Kindred can insure you don't spend all game on a hook while the other 3 survivors all assume someone else will handle it. It also lets them use this time to find other survivors to heal, can show where gens are (based on survivors' aura crouching and working on gens)... and also lets you know when you gotta be the one to do unhooking.
And if you happen to rando into a game with skilled survivors, or are high rank, it still isn't a bad build... because almost every sweaty tryhard just runs DH (or SB), DS, UB & either BT/Adrenline or Spine Chill. Your perks give everyone nice-to-have info that just makes things easier.
Post edited by UMCorian on8 -
It's pretty much a cycle that happened with me repeatedly, each friend group has a few people give it a shot with me then just start dropping like flies due to one reason or another. I introduce a few more - a few stick around then eventually fade away in interest as well. The grind is abysmal (more than most MMORPGs) and only a few people have a "I don't give a F" mentality necessary to have fun with this game. I still return to the game for each rift and chapter release due to the sheer investment fallacy wired into my brain...
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The issue are the players and especially certain big streamers that got it in their heads that you MUST score the highest/MUST get 4K, must finish the gens in under 4 min/must get people to DC and so worth, otherwise you suck at the game.
If the devs would finally kick those players in the butt and tell them to cut it out, we'd all be a lot happier.
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Can you not understand?
We killers need to kill survivors before they have a chance to dc. That's damn hard man. No compassion has the youth today anymore :(
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I just had two games in a row with an instant DC, and a third game with two people constantly pretending to be a bush. This has not been a fun evening so far. And I was running Better Together and Prove Thyself. Even then they still don't help.
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Yeah, sometimes they won't, but it hedges your bets I think. No guarantees though... it's just a quick and dirty fix for other survivors who spend 2-3 minutes just trying to find a gen to work on. They might not even be bad players, just returning players who know how to loop, just haven't played on the map much at all. It helps those players immensely.
It all depends on the match.
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Same with killer too, >90% of games are kinda boring free wins vs worse players. Rare to actually be challenged
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Just played another game where the build did work. :) Completed two gens with two other people and the last gen with one other person. Goes really fast with Prove Thyself. Also I'd never tried Deja Vu before, it's kinda nice.
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Oh yeah, Deja Vu is amazing. I forget who did a video on it recently, but it's one a lot of people sleep on. People think it just reveals 3 random gens, but it doesn't - they're always the 3 gens closest to each other. Meaning the one closest to the center of the map that gets revealed is the best gen on the map you can possibly do to set up a hard late game for the killer.
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Hey, we all need a break sometime, i did too.
Hope you'll feel more enthusiastic soon!
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Breaks have stopped helping for me. I’ve just come back off a break and been playing with an old buddy in duos, and it’s still miserable. Campers, moris and stupid add ons every game and we’re not running sweat builds and have no real desire to, so it’s just like... why do we even play this game anymore? When I try to play killer the queues are just so long that I give up.
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Try setting up a discord with friends and other players where you can all just play kill your friends. That way you can avoid playing for the sake of grinding, but just for the fun of it.
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I literally just purchased resident evil 3 today & resistance is it's own separate download. Same as DBD I though, only played 2 matches,
First match I got stomped. Second match 2 people left because everything was lagging.
( killer was a Brazilian)
But its pretty much the same as DBD but you can fight back
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I'm literally not playing the game because solo is so miserable and the only killers I ever go against go out of their way to be as toxic as possible.
The last match I had before starting my hiatus, a Blight body-blocked me an entire round until I died by EG.
I'll come back when the Halloween event starts, but I'm sure killers will be like they were last event: bringing moris every game to ruin everyone's fun of trying to enjoy the event -this is why I have like 200 unused anniversary cakes.
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The miserable matchmaking and never ending supply of bugs is what did it for me. Between work and parenting I only have a few hours a day to play games, and the last thing I want is to be going up against people that are far more skilled than I am. Sad to say this wouldn't be much of an issue if the devs would just give us an actual single player/practice mode which is something that a majority of the DBD community wants. It's proven to be extremely successful on mobile, so there's no reason for the main game to not have it.
Maybe I'll come back with the MMR is back up and running, but right now my level 14 killer is tired of going up against red and purple SWF.
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I totally agree with you. I find that as a survivor who is rank 8, im always paired with a similar ranked killer and 14-20 survivors who aren't good and always unhook in front of killer without BT.
As a killer of similar rank, I'm always paired with 3/4 man sfw teams that pop gens fast and are toxic trolls towards me.
It makes the game unfun alot. Part of the game is hiding and blending in but not at the expense of letting eveyone else die. I also hate when a teamer DC and his teammate goes with them leaving the other ones screwed.
Tunnelers and campers also really suck.
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The last time I played yolo and rescued the "if this guy dies, i get hatch" guy, that bastid died anyway.. and the killer let me bleed out for my troubles. Solo q almost feels like we should get a check in the mail each month just for participating. GG!
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I feel the pain it not fun anymore
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I tip my hat to you solo q players. I play duo and still hate it. Haven't played in nearly 3 weeks, and honestly it's been nice. I jumped on the among us bandwagon and loving every second.
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I have less than a week to finish the Rift to unlock all the unlockables. I'm currently level 56.
I want to finish that rift & do the Halloween event then I might take a break as well. I still enjoy the game, I just don't want to burn myself out on it!
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Maybe you should re-consider what a fun is? I am not saying in a bad sense, but you you are so unlucky to get 4x times iri huntress, what you could do to have fun is such situation? I can't help that much, since i don't have problem like that - in my opinion toxicity, tunnelling, moris, unfun addons, scummy players and noobs was always part of a game (i'm playing for like 3 years now). Also, maybe you have some minor case of burnout and you just need a few weeks or months break. Come back for next archive tome, or next DLC (december/january). Whatever the answer is, quote me up. I'm curious.
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Bye, see you next week
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Solo queue isn't so bad for me. It could be you on during off peak hours. Though it sounds like today was just a bad day for you. As far as survivors only running meta builds. Blame the killers that tunnel camp and use mories with any combo of that. I usually try to play with different survs or builds but almost immediately the game where I decide to do that I get a tunneling ghost face using mories on console or something. It ends in either me looping them just enough so that the other three get out or we all get mories. So I just stick to my own meta perks and give no slack to any killer unless I can tell they're not as good or low ranked.
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Highly unfortunate but my lobbies are perfectly fine. Some good some bad, like I say in call of duty, you can't win every game.
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I would actually argue DBD is a game you can go on some ridiculous winstreaks. The unique mechanics and long times to kill allow players to express skill more than your average FPS in my opinion; which is the reason for them.
I mean this guy has lost 1 game out of the last ~165?
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Yes but I'm sure that cod pros can do the same. And everyone's preference of winning is different, I consider at lest 3 survivors dead as a win.
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I agree. I made a post on reddit about tunneling and almost every reply was from a killer main saying to tunneling and camping are okay and a viable strategy. Lmao no way I play survivor without at least one friend.
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For starters, why the hell would you want to even play in the red ranks? It's tryhardville there on both sides, sweaty, desperate killers or cocky punk SWF 4-mans. Seriously, it's 2020, the luster of being in the red ranks died years ago (IMO it did as soon as SWF was introduced) and anyone that still insists on playing in those ranks, on either side, deserve everything they get there.
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I mean the last time I looked at a highlight Apex streak (2 years ago) it was only like a 15 streak or something. I feel like the smaller games let a really skilled player dominate. Cod / CS:GO lobbies are usually 5v5 or 6v6 or whatever and this is always 1v4.
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Honestly you just have to make the game fun for yourself and make sure you get a laugh, you ever run no mither, no why would you "its a bad perk". Okay and. just run it because its funny, and you can even run it with dead hard, resilance and iron will. You will always get those killers that tunnel, mori and all that nonsense but eventually you get that killer that plays fair and you actually have a good match, just have fun
For killer, if you can't get use to the repeat locker opening and random pallet drops from those attention wh0re survivors (which you can just ignore) then you're never gonna have fun and if you can't get a kill one game oh well there's always next match. Also you ever run the "bad" add on on killers, it honetly makes it so fun when the survivor thinks the killer has the most broken add-on.
P.S This is an multi-player online game, did you really not expect to find toxic players. Haha
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And why do you think being in red ranks is a choice? I can't not be red rank, I play too much. I never DC. Deranking is for babies for can't handle opponents their own skill level; and i'm not going to intentionally throw games. But I agree with most of that.
The new MMR is just awful for SWF. I main clown most of the time and he is definitely not who you want to take into the 3-4 mans, but now I can't switch out so it's literally ebony or dodge. I choose ebony!
And here is the reward. Wah, killer, wah. You camped and tunneled even though we got 3 gens done in the first 90 seconds of the game and we have a skeleton key. Wah, killer, wah. Die on covid. *Posts more salt on steam profile*
And this happens pretty much daily. Me? I think it's funny.
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Honestly I don't see any of that anymore. I think soloQ has to be the dumbest thing in game in a fun way. Like you'll run into the dumbest of players but also some of the most unpredictable and questionable gameplay ever. It makes the game fun, but yeah I get you. Iri Head and stuff like that is annoying. I don't like going against Blight (but that's my personal opinion) but the game is still fun even if some players are insanely toxic.
I know this sounds fun, but have you tried enjoying the randomness of the game and not being so serious? It's what I do
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I've played red ranks alot and that is a rare occurrence. It's really hard to even queue and get a competent survivor on my team in red rank. Idc if you mori but camping and tunneling are entirely different. That's literally the most toxic way you can play.
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I recently picked up the game again thinking I could try killer for once (I gave up on it due to long q times) and not only had q times not improved due to cp but its made playing worse. All I get are console players who are brain dead and die within 3 minutes. I've started using gun only as established and its still over too quick.
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Yesterday I played against a SWF, I was the Spirit (I thought I was very bad with it, but no). The game starts on Hawkins lab, I'm looking for a survivor, it was a Nea (rank 2 I guess). I chase Nea, 3 generators on 2 minutes of chase, I got him! So far I didn't think about camping, it was really a fun game, I might have let everyone out ! I hook Nea, I turn around and there it starts... Kate picks up Nea. I lose Kate but I hear Nea, I go towards Nea and I hope Kate comes back... she comes back with Ace and (I don't know who). It all starts with one flash from Ace, then a second one from the other... I didn't want to kill Nea but the pressure really got to me, I killed Nea, then I hooked Kate. There was 1 generator left, it lasted so long that the pressure was huge! I hung Kate next to the generator they absolutely wanted to finish, I hit the generator many times, I killed Kate (but before that there was a ton of flashlight, no rescue, it was the flashlight to really annoy). After I killed Kate I shot down Ace, then the other one. They were both on the ground and I watched both of them crawl around hoping to find the Hatch... Ace is dead, and the other one found the hatch but I closed it under his nose... He disconnected!
I may have been toxic at the end with Ace, but to show that I was not like them I wanted to let the last survivor take the door... despite the flashlights, tbags, clicks, and certainly the insults in the chat.
It was my first victory against a SWF, the Spirit. That was my story, it really traumatized me because I don't play for pressure, I play for fun!
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That's nuts. And yes red rank survivors are boosted.
You won't complain about mori's but you will complain about camping and tunneling.
DBD has been out for over 3 years. You literally do this one crazy thing called equip meta perks and that solves the overwhelming majority of cases.
The killer will lose tunneling a good survivor. I tunnel bad players all the time, because it works. I never tunnel the good ones. It doesn't work unless you are Nurse/Spirit/Oni/etc who I rarely play. It takes too much time, the loops in DBD are too safe, and eating BT/DS from competent players is practically damning for M1 killers.
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I felt the cross play would be great... Turns out it's gotten even more toxic w the camping and tunneling... It seems the killer's just want to jump in and bully the survivors.... Just slaughter all the survivors immediately and not even play the game. What's the point in even playing anymore? The hit boxes have gotten ridiculous. There's no challenge forb the killer no matter what rank. The changes to the survivors items and add on and even a few perks have made them so useless then throw in FD... And the tunneling and camping... And the killer steady hitting the survivors on the hooks... Or standing iver a survivor the killer just downed tea bagging... I used to be such a huge fan of this game... I'm going back to cod zombies for a while... May not even pick up DBD anymore... Wish the best of luck to you all.
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Part of the issue with killer's playing dirty is that they kinda have to against meta perk using survivors and since there probably will never be a SWF indicator killers pretty much have to assume everyone is SWF or get stomped.
Mind you some killers are jerks either way but the developers not touching the survivor meta perks has created an arms race between killers and survivors.
Killer meta perks get changed vastly more often then survivor meta perks so it forces killers to try ever harder to compete and given how the recent tournament went...Ya no one can blame killers for try harder after seeing that onesided dumpster fire.
Also if the devs every read this my message to you is this:
Randomly nerfing killers and/or their perks makes them try harder and thus punishes solos/casual swf even more so please lay off on them as you're hurting both sides in the end.
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Well many ppl is reacting maybe you all should add each other to friend list and make fun custom games whit fair rules there's more than enough ppl so you can have some healthy fun!
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You’re making the right choice, if the game isn’t fun, just don’t play. I however as a solo survivor main (but will play with friends and also play a lot of killer) am having a lot of fun with the game. Have done since it was first released on console and ever since Ohmwrecker started uploading day 1. Yeah the toxic side of the community make the game annoying sometimes. But what game doesn’t have a toxic side to their community? It’s just something you either have to deal with, or not take part of entirely. We hope to see you back in the fog someday!
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Sorry that you feel that this game is no longer for you, I hope you find something that you enjoy playing.