What is everyone’s favourite chase music ?

I’m quite curious on what everyone’s favourite chase music is. For me it’s Oni since his music has so much build up and the heavy drums makes him feel like a big boss at the end of a game.
Blight, but I might be biased. I also like PH and Slinger's as well, in that order. PH kind of makes me want to bob along like a half-baked headbang that goes side to side.
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Its gotta be PH for me, its so energetic yet so uncomfortable; in the best way possible.
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Not sure but I can tell you every time I hear Billly's I think 'bees are coming'.
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Everything but remove all of the ones not the original +Michael. And add Oni (and PTB Pyramid Head).
The rest can go in the chute. I really don't see how they fit at all into the atmosphere already established for the game.
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Myers definitely, Blight, Demogorgon and Pyramid Head
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Not official, but as far as chase music goes, my fav is this one from Mr.Envy:
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I like Oni and Pyramid Heads the most
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I like Myers, the demegorgan and Pyramid Head.
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Blight followed by Pyramid Head. I really love the main menu theme for Blight. It fits his character so much and the chase music is the cherry on top.
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I love Demi’s chase music, when I’m playing survivor, I always hope to go against a Demi solely because of his chase music.
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The blob has the best theme of any killer from any game or movie. Don't even lie.
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My favorite chase music was when it was broken, it almost didn't exist and i could actually hear sounds during chase without the annoying music blasting my ears.
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Myers for sure. Classic Halloween theme.
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Yeah I agree with you it does sound like bees or flies imo. Its honestly one of the only scary things in this game for me, whenever I hear it the buzzing reminds me of flies and maggots, it's just disgusting (in a horrific way) and since he lived on a farm and was kept away to rot in a small room, this makes me feel like it emphasises his lore or the damage done to him. Or what he will leave left of the survivors. A rotting corpse...
But besides that I think Billy has the most unique chase music and terror radius.
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Definitely Demo idk I found very pleasant to hear unlike Doctor who blasts that annoying ''theme'' during chase.
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I'm in a mix of Demo's, Oni's and PH's, they're all equally good so it's hard to decide.
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Oni and Myers, imo oni chase music the best (as survivor)
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That low howling build up.
That growing tension.
*Guitar riffs in the background*
The new chase themes have been godly.
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It has to be the Executioner chase music from the PTB. I'm still sad they changed it for him going live, I thought they had it perfect 😔
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When I get chased by a Demo I really get into the chase music. Same for Doctor. Doctor's chase music really makes me feel I'm in danger.
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Demodogs! That one's my favorite.
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Probably Hillbilly but they’re all really good.
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Pyramid Head's, because Akira Yamaoka's soundtracks are my childhood. Not to mention it absolutely SLAPS. Demo's is a very close 2nd though.
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Pyramid Head
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Stfu I'm listening to legion frenzy breathing catJAM
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I was about to say the same. This is just so perfect.
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Oni and demo
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Pyramid Head. Even tho I loved the PTB version, the current one did grow on me and now I like it just as much. Demo's is also super catchy.
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Vincent3ntvega when he runs the redneck Benny hill music has me laughing so dang hard sorry but we need more light hearted things in DBD this game has been taking itself way too seriously for too long.
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Pyramid Head hands down, cant focus in chases with him im bc im jamming
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its both funny and sad that most people like demos theme but hardly anyone plays him