Halloween Event

Devs slacking again, its been less than 24 hours now where is it!?! >:(
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Isn't Halloween 31st October? 😕
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No no no! That is Halloween 31st! Today is Halloween 1st!
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I think what they are asking for is when is the halloween event
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Probably going to start about three weeks from now. Last years was later in the month as well if memory serves.
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3 weeks?! By that time Halloween will be almost over!
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last year's event was LATE, and so late they didn't have the winter event.
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to be fair it was meant to be earlier than it was but the archives quite literally broke the game (it wouldn't start up lol) so itll probably be in about 2 weeks- it's apparently tied to the tomes again and the rift closes on the 7th so it'll probably be on the 13th/14th
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Why not make it a year long celebration?
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Is the event normally tied to the tome? Because I'm so burnt out trying to complete the current one 🤢
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The devs are doing good. I think focusing on buffing/nerfing perks and all the other stuff is the right thing to do instead of focusing on an event
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Should be on the 20th October
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I've heard through leaks that the actual event isn't until the 23rd.
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You guys need to relax it well come when its ready
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Yes it is, I'm just wondering if we're gonna have an actual event or just the background changes like the last few events, I really wish the old events with hooks and gens would come back, they were way more fun than just a "Happy Halloween! Now here's your re-skinned main menu with slightly altered music, see you in three weeks"
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No more events. Only battlepass.
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If the leaks are true,it will be the best event ever ^^
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Right lol, I know people used to complain about Sabo on the event hooks and they changed it to where you couldn't but with the new Sabo changes you could literally bring the old events back and update them , I had so much more fun back when you played offerings to spawn gens and hooks in along with double bloodpoints till the event ends , can anyone name the last time we had a double bloodpoints event? I don't even remember it feels like it's been over a year
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can anyone name the last time we had a double bloodpoints event?
This year, in March and April.
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Well it feels alot longer I'm not sure why lol, are you sure about that?
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Yes. The wiki says that's when it was, and I know it was because of the pandemic, so it had to have been this year.
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Oh yeah okay now I remember it was like an incentive to get people to stay home and play the game, unfortunately I didn't get to enjoy that time because I'm an essential worker
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Tome V releases on Tuesday October 20th according to popular sources... some of the challenges tie in with the Halloween event. So it’s imagined that the event will begin on or around that date. Nothing’s ever certain tho, since it depends on wether or not everything Tome/event-wise is ready enough to be released.
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its Hallowien ask Switzerland D:
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So what exactly is the Halloween event going to be this time around?
Because I loved the 4th year Anniversary with all the cakes and bonus BPs each game.
Cosmetics are cool but I need the grind to be a lot less, y'know?
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Thank you, I will have to look out for it. Now I'm really curious about what some of the challenges could be!
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Will we get pumkin shape halloween candy bag charms? I want candy bags hanging from my survivours hips and Killer hooks...actually wouldnt if be cute if when killers sacrifice survivoirs The Entity (by animation) drops candy into killers candy bag. ❤️
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Yeah, all the challenge info is available, but we are not allowed to link those sites in the forum ‘cause they are DBD leak sites. It’ll be out in a few weeks anyway if you happen to not stumble across any of it. Some of the challenges are pretty interesting.
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imo, I don't think they look too bad unlike Rift 3, those were hard as balls for me.
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There will definitely something with bonus BP, it always is. I just hope we get objectives that give bonus BP, even when they just reactivate the old halloween event.
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tbh I tried to enter pumpkin and spice as redeem codes 🤣
didn't work 😥
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Thats when the patch comes out. Tome 5 will release on Wednesday, the 21st. Like they normally do.
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Do you have a link to what rewards are on what tiers. I know Paulie has that info but didn't share it and its not on the leak sites.
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I bet it will start oct 23 (on my birthday) and I bet they have blight thing (in the free part of the rift like last year)to buy the new and old blight skins
if I remember the blight things let us buy two blight sets for free but who knows if it still be a thing.
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I like the new forum banner btw.
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We’re not allowed to link to sites that reveal that kind of info. Haven’t seen anyone revealing those rewards anyway, tho.
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At this point, I have so much anticipation for everything I want to happen in this game for Halloween that there's no possible way reality can please me.