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Will there ever be a Punishment for Lobby Closing?

i dont get the reason why Lobby Closing still free.

I mean only Reason Lobby should be closed / Left are

  • Suvivor have Bad Ping
  • Killer has Bad Ping.

So like you get a Pop up window which ask if you want stay or leave

everything else should get punished like 5/15 .etc min restriction

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  • Member Posts: 1,775

    Because it would punish killers by making them play against an SWF team, or solo players to play on an SWF team.

  • Member Posts: 43

    well then they should finaly add a Normal Mode to that ######### and there they can do what they want and Ranked for those> @Rebel_Raven said:

    Because it would punish killers by making them play against an SWF team, or solo players to play on an SWF team.

    punish killer you stupid? thats ranked lol

  • Member Posts: 943
    How about having 2 queues? If killer wants to play only randoms then they can.

    What we will mostly likely find is that even with the option most survs will SWF and killers will have no lobbies.

    Killers will then complain that there are no lobbies. 

    Common sense would dictate that they won't play the game. 

    OR and more likely... 

    Killers will STILL lobby dodge. 

    It seems the issue isn't/ever was SWF. 

    They tried with KYF but there isn't an upside for either side playing. It isn't ranked and there is no BP. 

    Punish lobby dodging and you'll make Killer's feel helpless. Don't punish it and Survs will find something else to do because they can't play.

    Sounds like 80/20 should apply only that the 80% are what keep the game going. 

    There is no happy medium, yet I have hope though. There is a lot of great ideas and feedback. 

    It's just a sticky situation... 

  • Member Posts: 43

    just the dev's sucks and cant decide what they want

    in 1 patch they say Camping is legit and ok, and now they Want Punish campers i doubt this game ever will get as great as it could with such bad Developers.

  • Member Posts: 980

    Killers are fine being able to pick and choose lobbies. I would much rather this than lose an Offering because the Killer was forced to play with the 3 Jedi Warrior wannabes who I got stuck with as a solo queue'er. You have to click again to join another lobby? OMG!!!! THE HORRORRRRRRR!!!! THIS SHOULD BE ILLEGAL!!!!!! sigh

  • Member Posts: 293

    @Mringasa said:
    Killers are fine being able to pick and choose lobbies. I would much rather this than lose an Offering because the Killer was forced to play with the 3 Jedi Warrior wannabes who I got stuck with as a solo queue'er. You have to click again to join another lobby? OMG!!!! THE HORRORRRRRRR!!!! THIS SHOULD BE ILLEGAL!!!!!! sigh

    the largest complaint to lobby dodging are the ones being dodged . swf groupies think its horrid that a killer dodges their tryhard groups , and it forces them to take the time to remake the group every time they get dodged . here is the sad part , most groups that get dodged are the obvious 3 and 4 mans . So I find it kinda funny that the same people saying its unfair and a killer should be punished for their only available option to swf is in fact the ones using something that was never designed to be in the game to begin with to their advantage ...

  • Member Posts: 2,637
    there is a punishment

    you cant make another lobby for 5 seconds
  • Member Posts: 1,775

    @Grimbergoth said:

    @Mringasa said:
    Killers are fine being able to pick and choose lobbies. I would much rather this than lose an Offering because the Killer was forced to play with the 3 Jedi Warrior wannabes who I got stuck with as a solo queue'er. You have to click again to join another lobby? OMG!!!! THE HORRORRRRRRR!!!! THIS SHOULD BE ILLEGAL!!!!!! sigh

    the largest complaint to lobby dodging are the ones being dodged . swf groupies think its horrid that a killer dodges their tryhard groups , and it forces them to take the time to remake the group every time they get dodged . here is the sad part , most groups that get dodged are the obvious 3 and 4 mans . So I find it kinda funny that the same people saying its unfair and a killer should be punished for their only available option to swf is in fact the ones using something that was never designed to be in the game to begin with to their advantage ...

    -All- SWFs are obvious unless I'm not watching the lobby, and they pop in while I'm not paying attention.
    It's all in how soon they appear. 2, 3, 4 people pop in all at the same time? SWFs in my book.

  • Member Posts: 943
    Mringasa said:

    Killers are fine being able to pick and choose lobbies. I would much rather this than lose an Offering because the Killer was forced to play with the 3 Jedi Warrior wannabes who I got stuck with as a solo queue'er. You have to click again to join another lobby? OMG!!!! THE HORRORRRRRRR!!!! THIS SHOULD BE ILLEGAL!!!!!! sigh

    Have you played around rank reset? Killers don't care nor survs when they DC. At least with survs you can use their offerings when they dc. 
  • Member Posts: 943
    edited October 2018

    @Mringasa said:
    Killers are fine being able to pick and choose lobbies. I would much rather this than lose an Offering because the Killer was forced to play with the 3 Jedi Warrior wannabes who I got stuck with as a solo queue'er. You have to click again to join another lobby? OMG!!!! THE HORRORRRRRRR!!!! THIS SHOULD BE ILLEGAL!!!!!! sigh

    the largest complaint to lobby dodging are the ones being dodged . swf groupies think its horrid that a killer dodges their tryhard groups , and it forces them to take the time to remake the group every time they get dodged . here is the sad part , most groups that get dodged are the obvious 3 and 4 mans . So I find it kinda funny that the same people saying its unfair and a killer should be punished for their only available option to swf is in fact the ones using something that was never designed to be in the game to begin with to their advantage ...

    Well, penicillin was never intended to be used the way it is. I don't believe you were implying that people should never be expected to change or adapt, right? 

    SWF is in the game.

    Lobby dodging is holding the game hostage because a player doesn't want there to be a difficult match. I'm not talking toxic as there is no proof of it given the game didn't even have a chance to be played.

    Therefore a user's experience is literally on the loading screen waiting to load into the killer lobby. Only to then be dodged and have to go through this again and again. 

    Not sure how old you are but it's like getting the old Microsoft Explore dialogue box that says your download will be complete in 15s...1min. 6000045678654min. Then a hourglass icon that just spins. 

    I can completely understand WHY killers don't want to play SWF. I get it, however, the point still remains that it is in the game. 

    This is how killers punish SWF.

    How would you change SWF? What changes do you think SWF should have? Do you think said changes to SWF will stop most lobby dodging?

    I am not asking about perk changes but what can be done to SWF, specifically, to make the game more appetizing to play.

    Post edited by slingshotsurvivor on
  • Member Posts: 3,893

    @Mringasa said:
    Killers are fine being able to pick and choose lobbies. I would much rather this than lose an Offering because the Killer was forced to play with the 3 Jedi Warrior wannabes who I got stuck with as a solo queue'er. You have to click again to join another lobby? OMG!!!! THE HORRORRRRRRR!!!! THIS SHOULD BE ILLEGAL!!!!!! sigh

    the largest complaint to lobby dodging are the ones being dodged . swf groupies think its horrid that a killer dodges their tryhard groups , and it forces them to take the time to remake the group every time they get dodged . here is the sad part , most groups that get dodged are the obvious 3 and 4 mans . So I find it kinda funny that the same people saying its unfair and a killer should be punished for their only available option to swf is in fact the ones using something that was never designed to be in the game to begin with to their advantage ...

    Well penicillin was never intended to be used the way it is. I don't believe you were implying that people should never be expected to change or adapt, right? 

    SWF is in the game.

    Lobby dodging is holding the game hostage because a player doesn't want there to be a difficult match. I'm not talking toxic as there is no proof of it given the game didn't even have a chance to be played.

    Therefore a user's experience is literally on the loading screen waiting to load into the killer lobby. Only to then be dodged and have to go through this again and again. 

    Not sure how old you are but it's like getting the old Microsoft Explore dialogue box that says your download will be complete in 15s...1min. 6000045678654min. Then a hourglass icon that just spins. 

    I can completely understand WHY killers don't want to play SWF. I get it, however, the point still remains that it is in the game. 

    This is how killers punish SWF.

    How would you change SWF? What changes do you think SWF should have? Do you think said changes to SWF will stop most lobby dodging?

    I am not asking about perk changes but what can be done to SWF, specifically, to make the game more appetizing to play.

    Can we please stop throwing around the phrase taking the game hostage if you don't actually use it in its correct context.

    If you honestly think dodging a lobby is taking the game hostage you're a moron.
    Let me explain it simply, taking the game hostage is when a killer or other urvivor  blocks survivors in an area for a long period of time without an intent to kill/move or if a survivor gets into an area of the map where the killer is unable to hit them and abuses it.

    Does dodging lobby fit into what I just explained above ..... no. It's not taking the game hostage then

    No one whether it be killer or survivor should be punished for opting out of a lobby deciding to bail on a game in progress is a different story.
  • Member Posts: 587

    The biggest complaint every killer has about swf (myself included) is the fact they're using 3rd party voice comms. That's something that should be considered cheating. Giving away information that isn't given anyways should not be allowed to be communicated when someone dies and can stare at the stat screen. I get that people want to play with friends and ######### but that ######### right there ruins the game altogether. Sadly, there's no way to stop it at all. Only way I can see how is to give killers the option to for two lobbies. One being swf and the other being solo. Other than that you're going to have to deal with killers lobby dodging and suffer remaking your little swf group over and over.

  • Member Posts: 943
    edited October 2018

    @Mringasa said:
    Killers are fine being able to pick and choose lobbies. I would much rather this than lose an Offering because the Killer was forced to play with the 3 Jedi Warrior wannabes who I got stuck with as a solo queue'er. You have to click again to join another lobby? OMG!!!! THE HORRORRRRRRR!!!! THIS SHOULD BE ILLEGAL!!!!!! sigh

    the largest complaint to lobby dodging are the ones being dodged . swf groupies think its horrid that a killer dodges their tryhard groups , and it forces them to take the time to remake the group every time they get dodged . here is the sad part , most groups that get dodged are the obvious 3 and 4 mans . So I find it kinda funny that the same people saying its unfair and a killer should be punished for their only available option to swf is in fact the ones using something that was never designed to be in the game to begin with to their advantage ...

    Well penicillin was never intended to be used the way it is. I don't believe you were implying that people should never be expected to change or adapt, right? 

    SWF is in the game.

    Lobby dodging is holding the game hostage because a player doesn't want there to be a difficult match. I'm not talking toxic as there is no proof of it given the game didn't even have a chance to be played.

    Therefore a user's experience is literally on the loading screen waiting to load into the killer lobby. Only to then be dodged and have to go through this again and again. 

    Not sure how old you are but it's like getting the old Microsoft Explore dialogue box that says your download will be complete in 15s...1min. 6000045678654min. Then a hourglass icon that just spins. 

    I can completely understand WHY killers don't want to play SWF. I get it, however, the point still remains that it is in the game. 

    This is how killers punish SWF.

    How would you change SWF? What changes do you think SWF should have? Do you think said changes to SWF will stop most lobby dodging?

    I am not asking about perk changes but what can be done to SWF, specifically, to make the game more appetizing to play.

    Can we please stop throwing around the phrase taking the game hostage if you don't actually use it in its correct context.

    If you honestly think dodging a lobby is taking the game hostage you're a moron.
    Let me explain it simply, taking the game hostage is when a killer or other urvivor  blocks survivors in an area for a long period of time without an intent to kill/move or if a survivor gets into an area of the map where the killer is unable to hit them and abuses it.

    Does dodging lobby fit into what I just explained above ..... no. It's not taking the game hostage then

    No one whether it be killer or survivor should be punished for opting out of a lobby deciding to bail on a game in progress is a different story.
    I am not "throwing around" anything. Do you know when the games starts? Clearly we have a different opinion. 

    You see it as when a match is started. 

    I see the game starting as soon as a user loads the game up. 

    I see where we differ and how you could perceive that the term, if only looked at it from your prospective, is incorrect. Hence my analogy, that was intended for one to understand a different point of view.

    I'm happy you have an opinion however I didn't throw anything around. I do also realize you may have encountered people with who "throw around" words but my view was pretty clear, with a nostalgic analogy to boot!

    Had you read what I said I am pretty sure you could see nothing in my response was thrown in half hazardly. 

    Any word in any context can have a variety of meaning.

    Language, to its credit, can have words that illuminate and elevate the ambiguous and tedious. Context and intent, to their credit, can be personified and personalized to create meaning. All of which, in my argument were pretty clear on exactly why I see it from an alternative perspective. 

    Please don't assume that because *I don't hold your view I'm wrong without first understanding my point of view. 
    Post edited by slingshotsurvivor on
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  • Member Posts: 2,051
    edited October 2018

    There would be no problem with deciding not to play with players based on how they play, if all players were able to do it. The devs need to understand this.

    Don't like players that teabag? Have more hours than you? Play with friends? Use DS+SB? Click flashlights? Use too many toolboxes? Whine in endgame chat? Good. Dodge & block them.

    But you should expect to be dodged & blocked by people that don't like how you play. Of course, killers ######### and whine about being dodged b/c of MLGA, when they themselves been freely dodging for years.

  • Member Posts: 943
    edited October 2018
    Thetruth said:

    @Mringasa said:
    Killers are fine being able to pick and choose lobbies. I would much rather this than lose an Offering because the Killer was forced to play with the 3 Jedi Warrior wannabes who I got stuck with as a solo queue'er. You have to click again to join another lobby? OMG!!!! THE HORRORRRRRRR!!!! THIS SHOULD BE ILLEGAL!!!!!! sigh

    Trash killer right here to scurred to face a real challenge

    I would rather this response than being called a "moron" by someone who didn't even understand the argument to begin with.

    Couple posts up and you'll have a good laugh. 👌👆😉
  • Member Posts: 15,095
    Oh my God. 
    People calling lobby dodging taking the game hostage... and asking for temp bans. The survivor entitlement is real!

    A friendly reminder, that survivors only got their SWF, because they lobby dodged to get the same lobby as their friends. 

    Now that killers don't want to play against this unintended feature, you want them punished. 
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  • Member Posts: 45

    its simple, just split a queue for solo and swf play, and you'll have no more lobby dodges

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  • Member Posts: 45

    @Thetruth said:

    @Aviema said:
    its simple, just split a queue for solo and swf play, and you'll have no more lobby dodges

    Good idea but idk see killers joining swf queues

    Is that a problem? I thought we were trying to solve the problem of lobby dodges not the problem of killers not wanting to play with sweaty swf groups.

  • Member Posts: 513
    edited October 2018

    Also banning survivors who leave lobbies? I do that too.

    Sometimes I change my mind and decide to play killer instead, sometimes I don't have time to wait any longer for Feng Min to hit her ready flag, and sometimes ######### is burning in the kitchen.

    Edit: Typo.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    No. Killers use this to dodge swf teams, and that should be a tool at their disposal. We don't need more reasons to give killers to complain about swf when they can dodge without any consequence.
    Plus as a survivor it comes at no hindrance to you.

  • Member Posts: 770

    Survivors use what they have i.e loops to survive. Killers can use what they have to have a fun game.

    plus seeing survivors before a match is in the lore.

  • Member Posts: 697

    You are lucky the dodging happens in the lobby and not in game.

    Also lobby dodging is holding the game hostage? What are you smoking/snorting/injecting?

    Because that ######### is potent.

  • Member Posts: 3,919

    When the developers start punishing survivors DC'ing whenever they get caught or when they don't want to lose their precious flashlights and when killers can see who's in a SWF and who's not, it won't be fair to punish killers for avoiding bad games.

  • Member Posts: 697

    @se05239 said:
    When the developers start punishing survivors DC'ing whenever they get caught or when they don't want to lose their precious flashlights and when killers can see who's in a SWF and who's not, it won't be fair to punish killers for avoiding bad games.


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  • Member Posts: 15,095

    aaaaand here we go again, this place needs some detox treatment.

  • Member Posts: 3,919

    @Tsulan said:
    aaaaand here we go again, this place needs some detox treatment.

    At least it's less disease ridden than the Steam forums.

  • Member Posts: 1,775
    edited October 2018
    Xhaviour said:

    well then they should finaly add a Normal Mode to that ######### and there they can do what they want and Ranked for those> @Rebel_Raven said:

    Because it would punish killers by making them play against an SWF team, or solo players to play on an SWF team.

    punish killer you stupid? thats ranked lol

    Not sure the population could handle being split so hard, and you'll still probably get lobby dodgers because for some killers, punishing is practically demanding that they merrily walk into an obviously rigged trial vs an swf.
    This game is not balanced for a killer to vs a group sharing information outside of perks. 

    Don't move the goal posts on me. I replied to you complaining people were dodging swf because that's all you did before then. Not cool, dude.
  • Member Posts: 1,642

    @Xhaviour said:
    i dont get the reason why Lobby Closing still free.

    I mean only Reason Lobby should be closed / Left are

    • Suvivor have Bad Ping
    • Killer has Bad Ping.

    So like you get a Pop up window which ask if you want stay or leave

    everything else should get punished like 5/15 .etc min restriction

    As long as we dont have dedicated servers, there is no way to punish lobby dodging,.
    And even then.... we would need to casual mode first to get a proper ranked mode

  • Member Posts: 4,388

    Since the killer has to host it is at their discretion to play that lobby or close it for whatever reason. If they don't like the lobby they don't have to play it. Unless we get dedicated servers you couldn't even track it or do anything about it.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    @Thetruth said:

    @DexyIV said:
    No. Killers use this to dodge swf teams, and that should be a tool at their disposal. We don't need more reasons to give killers to complain about swf when they can dodge without any consequence.
    Plus as a survivor it comes at no hindrance to you.

    So what youre saying is youre a bad player and youre begging to not have this crutch taken from you. got it

    Dude I mainly play survivor. It isn't a crutch, it's to appeal to those people that can't stand SWF groups. Drop the hostility and listen to reason, as hard as it may be for you :P

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