The Rift is Killing My Enthusiasm for DBD



  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,822

    I'm mostly okay with the rift. I went into it with a realistic idea of how a battlepass is used to make money, and I made a rule that I'd wait and see how far I got before I committed to buying anything, to see if I thought it was worth $10.

    The one thing I wish is that the back catalogue of rift cosmetics would show up in the store -- especially the community skins from last year, which it seems kind of sad to hold back. I'm hoping that, now that it's been about a year since the first rift, we'll start to see stuff pop up.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Excellent post. I've definitely been wanting to play less after so many Tomes, especially this last one.

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    You know what, I feel the same. Ive been burning out alot faster during the rifts cause I feel like I cant take the breaks I need to continue to enjoy the game. I know my fault but it sucks for me anyways.

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    Also feeling this quite heavily. Because when like..."ok break time" lol

  • CalamityJane
    CalamityJane Member Posts: 487

    "I'm gonna have to grind again in 2 weeks for the half-assed version of the halloween event on the free track, why bother playing now"

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    Ugh its really taking a toll on me for sure. Not just the tome but everything combined in this game lol

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Of course its why we are all here to discuss and talk about matters and share our opinions on them and debate them 😀.

    Gl in the fog and I hope you have many many more hours of fun within it.

  • ArthurDent
    ArthurDent Member Posts: 44

    You have to grind at the end of the rift because you are too bloody good at challenges.

    I suck at them so I had finished the rift on the third page...(played a lot of hours

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    That's not what I said, at all. Being an adult means being able to deal with your emotions, not to suppress them. Being taught to repress emotions instead of learning to deal with them is why men have such a high suicide rate.

    You're right. I was dismissive and I apologize.

    My point, which was later properly worded by @Todgeweiht, is that if the rifts are making some people miserable, then they need to stop doing them, because it's clearly negatively affecting their mental health. At the same time, they need to push for changes to the rifts that can make them better for everyone, but first and foremost they need to take care of themselves.

    Games are supposed to be fun. If you're not having fun, it's important that you stop and find something else to play, or it could very easily grow into an addiction.

  • jackal470
    jackal470 Member Posts: 122

    What you said was it's not meant for everyone to finish(rift) as far as feelings I was talking about space coconut's analogy...I don't care about feelings, that's just me and my life experience. Let alone no video game ever hurt me like the real life problems men face in this society

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I also didn't say that, I just said people didn't have to do them.

    Since you claim not to care about feelings, here's a fact: not caring about feelings is bad for you, both physically and psychologically, as well as in your daily life.

  • jackal470
    jackal470 Member Posts: 122

    Good Doctor didn't know you had a P.H.D....I don't care about ur psychological advice. I was talking to you about the rift but sure you care about what you want and I'll live my life. My life is the best it's ever been so hmm I'm doing something right for myself

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited October 2020

    It's not advice, just an objective fact that I felt was relevant since you brought up the subject. There's no need to get upset.

  • jackal470
    jackal470 Member Posts: 122

    I'm not upset I think too many people act like they know the person on the other side, don't...I actually agreed with your initial statements but I only went the direction of emotions because there are so many people that use personal things to argue changes for a video game. I just don't agree, yes, feelings have a place but not in DBD...imo

  • Witas
    Witas Member Posts: 477

    Regardless of people's feelings on the matter, the one thing that is objectively not cool is BHVR sneakily making the rift grindier again by reducing the amount of challenges. This rift is almost as grindy as the 1st one was, which took around 200 hours to complete (I remember Paulie did a video on that), it seems that after the 2nd and 3rd turned out to be fair, they went back on their decision, afterall, you're supposed to buy the last few tiers.

  • PyroGL
    PyroGL Member Posts: 239

    Winning in my post did not refer to winning a particular trial, it was about completing a goal, in this case, completing the Rift. Paying for Rift tiers is what cheapens the goal and the overall experience; buying Tier 1 is the same as buying Tier 70. Again, my point is that I've already invested a bunch of time into the game towards completing the Rift (by playing daily when I could have... not played daily) and will likely fall short of the completion goal simply because the latest Rift is artificially longer than the previous ones. My playtime habits have been consistent for this and all previous Rifts.

    You do bring up an interesting point about trying to keep the player numbers high to keep the community healthy, and I can understand that. I don't fault BHVR for trying to keep the active player count high, but grinding purely for XP doesn't make for engaging gameplay, and feel "forced". Is having an AFK Wraith good gameplay? Cause I've seen a bunch of those, no doubt trying to get to the end of the Rift.

    You are attempting to apply logic to what is inherently an emotional problem. Again, I recognize that it is a partially self inflicted wound, but if the resulting solution to my problem is that I play DBD a lot less, or not at all, than I don't think that is what BHVR is aiming for.

  • PyroGL
    PyroGL Member Posts: 239

    2 games was the minimum, not the average. The first 3 Rifts took me about 100-110 hrs of gameplay to complete over the course of the 70 days. I'm sitting at 115 hrs for this current Rift, and look like I have about 19 hrs to go if I want to finish it.

    Thanks for looking out for my psychological wellbeing. I assure you that it's not as bad as you imply.

  • PyroGL
    PyroGL Member Posts: 239

    Funny, I thought I was being an adult by not skirting my responsibilities as a husband, parent, homeowner, and full time employee, and not "no-lifing" DBD every night. I can agree that dealing with emotions in a healthy way is a good thing. I don't think my original post implied anything serious about my mental state, just my disgust in how the game has become too much of a chore (for me).

  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515

    Lol, what kind of nonsense is this? Adults still have feelings and the right to express them. Also, I feel like I should be able to vent just a little- I bought the pass at the beginning. Then my kiddos daycare shut down this week due to a confirmed case of covid.

    So atm I parent during the day, and because I want to keep my job, work from home at night. I mean I feel like I'm doing a great job adulting, but when am I supposed to grind out those last tiers? 🤷‍♀️

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I was referring to "being an adult" regarding how adults deal with emotions, not in a "this is all that's required to be an adult" way.

  • jackal470
    jackal470 Member Posts: 122

    Since ya responded I'll give the only advice I can, wait to buy the pass till your almost done. I do that cause I can't guess what tomorrow brings, so I treat it like any other subscription. I don't join unless I know I can participate, and I don't expect anyone to change for me

  • JacksRevenge
    JacksRevenge Member Posts: 5
    edited October 2020

    I can see where a lot of people are coming from. I'm not too competitive and don't pay for the premium content so the rewards I get from the tiers are meh anyways. Mind you, I'm barely at tier 30+ so idk what the higher tiers give out. Would I like to finish the tiers and 100% all 4 rift challenges, yeah definitely. But is it feasible for someone with a full time job, no kids, a partner I live with and prefer to enjoy time with them, and a living space to upkeep? F*** no. In that regard, I agree with you. The average gamer will not complete it. But hey at least twitch streamers who can afford to make it their job can complete it, whoopee...

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    That's the smartest idea.

    Don't sweat to finish the challenges. To some of them you need to throw matches. Make more games out them.

    Take a break from challenges and play swf works fine too. You're still making progress.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    I understand the feeling of wanting to finish the rifts, but it not being fun. I have finished all of them so far, but I end up forcing myself to play more than I would if the rift wasn't so grindy. This last one was especially bad, with less challenges and less rewards to help get to higher tiers. I know I don't have to do the rift, I could just play the game normally and only get to tier 30 or something, but at the same time, for all the time I have spent in the game, I want to get every reward I can. Still, I think the rift should be reworked. Either lower the tier to only 50, give more shards or make leveling faster. We need something to make the rift not take as long, because when you finish it, you are dead tired of the game.

  • Deckergirl
    Deckergirl Member Posts: 39

    Just like any other game with a battle pass.

    I participated in MW. season 1 & 2 but not so much 3 & deleted the game by 4 5 6.

    I played the heck out of fortnite season 11, 12, 13, but 14 is marvel & I'm not a child because superheroes are for children.

    PUBG meh mediocre game, only played for the bikini BP.

    Red dead online is on outlaw pass 3 & I've capped all 3 so far.

    This is my first time playing dead by daylight during an active battle pass.

    I capped out at 70 during level 2

    (Yes I capped out super early)

    I redownload the game after I heard about cross play.

    I downloaded it as a joke. I have since gone on to purchase

    Decent beyond,

    Chains of hatred,

    Cursed legacy,

    Ghost face,



    Curtain call,



    With my grinded Iri shards.

    I purchased Mason.

    (Some killers which I just bought later)


    Enjoying the game so far.

    TLDR: SEE you later! Hopefully the next BP has some item you like.

    It's okay to take a break. It's not the end of the world.

  • DariusB92
    DariusB92 Member Posts: 122

    I have noticed the same thing and honestly thought it was just me. My gameplay was the same and the last rift I completed with like a few weeks before it closed. Now it's like 5 days and I probably still have like 9 to go. Plus I feel there should be better rewards that the constant trinkets which do absolutely nothing for the player. Especially since I unlock the pass

  • theoutsiders
    theoutsiders Member Posts: 8

    I 100% agree with OP. Also thanks @SpaceCoconut for the great analogy. The rift has caused bad burn out from the game for me. Working an exhausting job for 40hours a week, and then coming home thinking “Oh! I’m going to be behind on the Rift pass I preemptively purchased, better start grinding!” I got to Tier 30 with about 24? days to spare, and I did the math and I needed to play like 12 Killer matches a day to get to 70. After trying (and failing bc 12 games of Dbd when it feels like a chore is terrible), I had like 4000 auric cells, used some of it to buy the rest of the pass and haven’t touched the game since.

    The grind is way too much, especially with people who play Dbd for enjoyment and don’t have a lot of time to spare. They need to either reduce the amount of tiers, increase XP given in matches, or just give people more time. I’ve completed every Rift up to this one, (Tier 2 I had to spend auric cells to unlock from 67-70), and I think there’s been too many Rifts back to back with hardly any breaks. I’m tired of the FOMO grinding the dev’s have created with barely any time to unwind and relax after a Battle Pass.

    I didn’t even purchase the new Chapter and try out Blight, because I’m THAT exhausted from this game.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    I don't want to be this guy but if the Rift is causing you so much burnout why don't you just skip a couple of rifts and only play for fun during them.

    Personally as somebody who loves grinding games the Rift never usually was a problem for me normally I would be done before the third level comes out or if I'm slacking a couple days after the third level is hits

    Honestly I found grinding on things like dark souls or Warframe to be a lot more tedious

  • Only2Megabytes
    Only2Megabytes Member Posts: 37

    Don't try too hard to finish the challenges, this game naturally starts to feel like a chore if you try too hard in it for long enough.

  • Bulbasaur2008
    Bulbasaur2008 Member Posts: 85

    Since the introduction of the rift, survivors plays much often "for quest" instead of what they should do - objective. I can't count examples where 1-2 guys were camping me while i was about to pick one of them JUST to get that 1 flashlight save for archive. It is hard to confess that, but rift altogether made game a worse experience. I mean tome challenges. There is nothing wrong with Rift, but it could be achievable faster for all people who just CAN'T grind 70 levels in 3 months. And quests there should be straightforward - do genes, heal other survivors, destroy hex totem. Things like "escape using all Ace perks" or "escape after stunning killer 3 times with Jane" are just unfun. As someone who was a survivor main for more than 600 hours, i had 0 cases where i bring flashlight to the match, yet now i have to use it, and use it good - because tome challenges.

    I totally agree with you OP - archives are making me sick of this game as well. BHVR made DbD your second job, if you want to get all 70 levels. I think i'll play something more fun for now...

  • Eorpwald
    Eorpwald Member Posts: 46

    Well nobody forces you to do the rift. I only did the huntress rift because I liked the soldier uniform. And I don't even play huntress. I only do rift challenges for the bloodpoints and even then only the survivor ones because I can never find matches as killer. They take 10+ minutes to find anyway.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    After every match and every time you enter the lobby you see the stupid pop-up window on the right, begging you to do challenges and see what new items you got, and it's worse than most other games because it actively blocks the chat while it's up, and also makes the game hang when it enters and leaves your view. Awesome. And it'll tell you everywhere how many days are left, and it's this whole "You better complete the rift or you're going to miss out on everything and you don't wanna get left out do you? But you better complete the entire thing in a time limit to get your money back so you can continue to be a part of this endless loop of grinding so you don't feel like you wasted your money!"

  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515

    Whelp, I did it- gave them their blood money to get the last 14 tiers, and let me tell you, it was worth every penny to remove that constant splinter in my brain.

    I don't think things will be better next Rift, but based on so much negative feedback I'm seeing, I doubt their next one will be as profitable for them. This Rift has left a bad taste in the mouths of many players and I think we'll see far fewer willing to buy the pass next time. I know I won't.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,446
    edited October 2020

    You have shown them that lowering the progress results in more profit. If anything it's going to become even worse.

    The entire system is built in such a way to explicitly discourage skipping them.

    • you get spammed with messages saying you unlocked something, even if you don't buy it
    • you have to look at the stuff you COULD have if only you spent money
    • in-game news reminding you that you are missing out

    And if you skip one there is a high chance you will never have the chance to get certain cosmetics. Legacy is essentially just a recolor. People still regularly ask for legacy to come back, not because it looks good, but because they can't have it. The same thing will happen with the battlepass cosmetics, except it will be even worse. Not all of the cosmetics are recolors, such as the Wraith outfit from the latest iteration. Again: There is a high chance players in the future will never be able to get these. This includes players joining the game on the new consoles.

    There were suggestions how to prevent the issues, such as letting players switch between battlepasses once bought, so they can complete them in their own time. Psychological issues, fear of missing out, were pointed out well before the first battlepass release. There are two options:

    • the feedback that a battlepass system will have a negative effect on some players was not read
    • the feedback that a battlepass system will have a negative effect on some players was ignored

    Those are the only two options. Both of them are #########.

  • dastru
    dastru Member Posts: 165

    guys its cool, look you can watch my feng with her 3 beautiful and exclusive charms if you wont be able to complete the rift

  • Markness
    Markness Member Posts: 242

    I am a DBD vet (played when there were still infinites) and this battle pass has been tedious to the point where I stopped buying it. I play CoD and other games with battle passes and you basically level up the pass in that game and many others just by you know... playing... that is what has prevented me from buying their battle pass because you need to always worry about doing challenges in order to progress through this BP, and on top of that it gives you laughable blood points for the effort you need to go through (and the matches you essentially need to throw sometimes as a result of doing these challenges).

    I think they can stick to keeping tome challenges around for those that like it for the extra BP and hook decorations, but for everyone else... if anyone is reading about BP feedback from the developers side... hear me out, the way it is done now has stopped me from giving them any money because of the way it has been done (it is difficult to progress through the BP... it is not consumer-friendly as it is now, and I am not giving a cent until they fix the way you can progress through the battle pass without having to grind 3-4 hours per day). It isn't fun to do challenges in order to progress through the battle pass. Let people play normally and nerf the duration it takes to go through the battle pass, it is ridiculous as is.

    So...I feel ya, OP. I had gone from a person that played quite a few hours per day into a person that plays just to get the daily challenges done (and from there it has turned into me coming on every couple of days to do all 3 dailies and then playing something else). I miss the old days... (bit of nostalgia from how janky this game was), now it feels like they want you to do this as a part-time job. I can spare an hour or two per day, but 3-4 hours is a job. Look at how other companies are doing their battle pass and learn from them. This monetization system is pretty terrible for value compared to the other battle passes.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    Well said.

    To be honest, It's different for everyone. For me, Rifts (and challenges) give me motivation to play. If only ACTUAL daily challenges were added to the game (whilst still keeping daily rituals), it would give us more things to do that are less exhausting.

    In my eyes, Daily Rituals would be Killer challenges (as they currently are right now), and Daily Challenges would be Survivor challenges similar to challenges in the Rift.

    To make things even better, these Daily Rituals and Challenges should also give Rift Fragments.

  • HoneyBadger
    HoneyBadger Member Posts: 18
  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    The battle pass thing is RUINING all games.

  • nytkim
    nytkim Member Posts: 102

    The Rift is optional and just for cosmetics