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I'm being sick of told what I can/can't use
Nooo you cant take franklins
Nooo you can't play leigion
Nooo you can't use clown either
YEP I get it you don't like it but dear god can you at least tell me what I'm allowed to play
I'm not saying this just as killer but as a surrvivor because I feel like no matter what it feels like no matter what I use its like illegal
Wanna know my builds
Discordance and fire up rn on legion (I just p3ed him)
And I play Steve as my surv with second wind camaraderie, kindred open handed (because its fun imo)
Ant yet its just constant complaints
And I don't know what to do anymore.
Play how you want, don't let anyone tell you how you should play (just don't hack or exploit please).
The people who tell others how to play, and say that you're bad for not playing by their imaginary rulebook are worse than the person they're preaching to.
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Use what you want to use. Everyone who tells you different has small PP syndrome, that's my opinion.
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You can play whatever perk you want to play. They are there to be used so feel free to use them.
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It's not what you use, it's how you use it.
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Dont play with randoms,that's the only way.
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Provided you're not breaking in-game rules, or purposefully playing just to ruin everyone's fun, it's fine. You can play how you want, when you want; you can close the endgame chat and stop randoms from commenting on your profile if you need to.
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Why would people complain about Clown, he's a fun killer! He's not Pyramid Head, Spirit or Freddy!!
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Why Do you care what they say? Lmfao who gaf honestly. No need to complain here just go into a match and let your anger out and keep playing. Run what you want dude
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Play what u want and how u want. Only in game rules, are made up by other players.
U do what u want. Even if that means killing a survivor within the first 10 sec of the game.
And yes, hacking sucks. But I've only seen survivors use hack. Like unlimited health, and speed boost.
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Everyday there’s more bullying about
I seldom, if ever, even use these perks, and I find those tyrannical tactics against people who do, mildly oppressive and intimidating.
Perks are perks, some get nerfed, some get buffed... if you have them, use them.
Adhere to the regulations, don’t be toxic
Play your game and let them play theirs.
No matter what, don’t be rude & have fun!
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I dont get why people are like this (but with Franklin's I have an oath to never run it bc I think it's stupid, unless there are 4 flashlights) but the last game of dbd I played was against a docter and he tunneled me out of the game because I had calm spirit on as a gamble. Just use what you want to use and dont listen to other people getting mad at you because you like these perks.(unless it is glitched and your abusing it.)
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A lot of the community is divided between people who swear killers are op, and those who think survivor is op. Don't listen to any of these people as they're usually super biased, wrong, and refuse to find anything wrong with their sides perks, while getting mad if you even run perks on the other side.
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Turn off Chat. It nows stays hidden forever until you open it again if you think the Chat frustrates you alot. Otherwise I would ignore those People who tell you to "do this, do these, no you can't use this etc.". Just play how you want, what you want. It's usually the People who are salty after a loss.
It's not like you played scummy by facecamping or intentionally tunneling, you just used Add-Ons and Perks which is there to be used in the first place.
I got tunneled yesterday in 3 Matches in a row but I was like "Whatever". You should really watch Tru3ta1ent as well. He became a really chill, enjoyable streamer, that's when I started thinking "is it worth it to frustrate yourself because of a game" and I started to think like him.
- Get tunneled: Whatever
- Get moried of Hook: Whatever, next Match
- Get a sweaty 4man: Whatever
- Get People escape with a Key: Whatever.
His calmess recently made me calm as well.
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As someone who plays killer and survivor on two platforms, this.
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Imagine the killer backlash if a survivor said they wanted to use DS, Invisidette and purple lights.
Just use whatever you wanna use. Am perks and tactics are valid. Now stop making pointless threads about nonsense for attention.
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Play the way you want man,I play clown in Red ranks a lot and I still enjoy it
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you are forbidden to play Freddy (especially forever Freddy) and Blendette.
If you do that, you'll need to post this exact message in 15 other threads or your console/PC will explode in the following week.
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Funny thing is that those killers you just named actually take skill to use, it's not like I can just play one of them and 4k. The only killers in the game that take little to no skill is Micheal Myers, Oni, and Deathslinger.
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When i stopped giving a ######### about made up rules is when I made it to r1. My fav argument now is "youre a r1 you should know better" 😂
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/dusts off every single ebony mori in his inventory :P
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May I ask what you define as skill?
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Do think entitled survivors that live by the handbook are the Karen's of the game?
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Oni takes quite a bit of skill. When you say takes no skill that would mean you can 4k every game with no perks. No, youre not 4king every game with no perks with any of those killers
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exactly my thought, I really dislike Oni from both perspectives, yet he does take quite a bit of skill
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if someone tells you how to play (without trying to be constructive to help you get better) then ignore them! if you're a killer and decide to tunnel someone into oblivion, by all means do so but realize people may not like that and be honest if you did it, own up to it later. As long as what you do isn't against the rules I can't do anything but complain about your gameplay. I might be upset that i got tunneled but i'll get over it. now you start calling me names and other things I WILL retaliate with reports and what not. I may think you are using a VPN but all I can do there is report you and let Behavior look into it.
You wanna play iri head huntress? do it! you wanna play forever plague or freddy? do it! you want to play full on urban stealth blendette? DO IT! keys? do it! maps? do it! mori? do it! mori off first hook? DO IT! just own up how you play and don't lie about what you did. You want to DC? well you can, just accept what ever penalty is dished out because it is against the rules. :)
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I am a simple man. If my friends throw a Mori request on my twitch, I Mori. If I see Blendettes/Graffiti Neas, I bring a Mori and nasty perks. Same for keys or maps. Obviously, no tunneling and camping because pee pee poo poo rulebook of moral cuntry.
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Franklin's is a waste of a perk to me. Especially now they don't lose charges and can still pick the items up. Sure if they don't go get it the entity takes it, but I'm not guarding it so they can go get it. Just my opinion though but as everyone is saying use what you want.
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Just play friendly and fair, then you are good to go.
Not builds or certain killer are the problem, but rather players who try to ruin the fun of others.
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Ignore them. I play both Killer and Survivor. I believe that the only things ALL of us should be doing are:
- Don't cheat, either with hacks or lag spikes.
- Don't disconnect. If you start a game, finish it.
- Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat.
That's it. Other than those three things, you do you. Bring what you want, employ the tactics you feel are best, and develop your own style. For my own part, I will camp, tunnel, slug, and Mori if I think it will win me a game. I will use whatever combination I think is working for me. Right now I'm partial to Hex: Undying, Hex: Ruin, Surveillance, and Play With Your Food when I'm doing a Maniac Myers. I've had lots of people give me grief over that combination.
People who try to shame you or give you grief are just... well... bad sports. Don't indulge them.
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You're not being told what to do, you're listening to babies complaining and you're taking it to heart which is almost as pathetic as what they're doing. Who cares what you do in the game as long as you're not cheating? Because those people who are crying at you won't care 5 minutes after they said that to you so why should you?
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OP, Perseverance is how you will get better, which is only a matter of time honestly, so no matter what they say, you aren't doing anything wrong by playing and trying to improve at the game, no matter how much they ######### about it. As for how you should play, many will berate and belittle you for not playing they way they want you to, but every time they list their "Made up rules", they are 100% biased. All these people want is to win, and they will try to bully you until you use their approved builds and strategies which they believe makes it easier for them to do so. While some of the strategies and playstyles are worth considering, the majority of the time, nothing they say takes into consideration your fun or benefit. It's toxic, and heavily flawed logic that's mercilessly mean spirited to those who are simply trying to learn and create their own playstyles, like yourself, and you shouldn't have to put up with it.
That being said... Here's probably the only list of unbiased "Made up rules" that I and hopefully others follow:
1 - Play how you want to play and enjoy the game.
2 - Respect is akin to Newtons 3rd law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Ergo, if you show no respect, don't expect any.
3 - The Killers role is to kill, the Survivors is to survive... Both by any means necessary. Hate the game, not the player.
4 - When the gates are powered... Anything goes.
5 - You paid money for a multiplayer experience, and thus aren't entitled to win every match. Anyone who takes umbrage to this should stick to single-player games where-in you are entitled to win for the money you paid. Being salty because of a lost match is unbecoming, embarrassingly juvenile, and toxic to the communities reputation. We're all people pitting our skills, strategies, and knowledge against each-other. If you lose and have nothing good to say: Leave a "gg," calm down/lick your wounds, and move onto the next match.
6 - (For PC players anyways) Post game chat can be closed using the ">>" in the lower right of the chat box, and will remain closed until you open it again. No one deserves abuse, so if you find yourself frustrated over excessive endgame chat toxicity: Just close it, and continue enjoying the game in peace.
7 - This is a 4v1 Lobby and Match style Multiplayer game. When you queue up to play a match you are committing to seeing it through so that everyone can enjoy the game, and everyone else who queued up is depending on your commitment to the match in order to experience said enjoyment. The acceptable reasons for Intentionally Disconnecting from a match are as follows:
- A Game breaking bug rendering you incapable of playing a normal match.
- A Player(s) taking the game hostage/hacking/exploiting bugs or unintentional game mechanics/bullying or griefing you. (Record if possible, and Report them after leaving the match)
- Influences and situations outside of the game that make your disconnection unavoidable in order to deal with said circumstances.
Disconnecting from a match intentionally for any other reason is a practice in bad sportsmanship that Ruins the experience for all other players, Disconnecting over petty reasons doesn't do anything other than piss off everyone else, and makes you a worse player for it since you don't learn how to play any better by quitting.
Disconnecting is currently being punished for a good reason: Too many DC's from too many players results in leaving the community as a whole with a sour experience, and could eventually kill the game we love. If you are frustrated with how a match is going; Take it in stride as a learning experience, see it through to the end, take a break, and decide if you want to queue up for another match. We all bought this game in order to play it with others despite how each match goes, and the majority of the fun this game offers is in the variation of each individual match.Don't be a petty DC'er.
8 - For survivors, Rage quitting via suicide on the hook is your choice, but as with rule 7, all it does is ruin the experience for the rest of your team, and piss everyone off. While it's not currently being punished, it's still regarded by the community as a show of bad sportsmanship. If you don't at least try to play through until the end, regardless of the results, you are only hurting the experience for all other players both new and old, but it's with the new players where this hurts the game the most.
Bad matches happen, we understand, but that's no reason throw a game, especially over petty reasoning. Matches can turn around at the drop of a hat as long as everyone's still playing, and often do, but you won't experience that if you RQ on the hook, and by doing so you drastically affect the teams ability to pull off said "turn around". On top of this, it does nothing for your personal skill growth as a player, or your Blood Point/Experience gains, so there's not really any reason to do it other than petty ones.
9 - If it's a legal mechanic in the game, don't be afraid to use it. A lot of the the fun this game offers is in discovering new strategies, counters, and synergies using the tools the game provides, so no matter how effective, quirky or overpowered you feel they are, there's nothing wrong with using them to suit your playstyle or to your advantage.
10 - Take the good with the bad in stride, rise to meet the challenge every new match presents, and overall... have fun.
Honestly, this is just a list of Common Sense spelled out for everyone to see. The inherent problem of "unwritten" or "Made up rules" is that they're more of guidelines that nobody is obligated to follow. I know it won't change everyone, but I felt if I expressed the rules I follow when playing this game for all to see, maybe others might have them in mind when playing, whether they use them or not.
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People will be salty, win or lose. You do you and ignore them.
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I'm also sick of the survivor copy pasted builds.
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I always get ######### for using both range addons as nurse and using object of obsession as survivor. That's how I have fun, other people don't need to understand it. Just disable the end game chat, best thing I've ever done.
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Nobody ever told you not to play a certain way so stop combining and just play how you want. If your sick of being told what to do then don't playm. Nobody is telling you what to do anyways so just calm down.
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just don't listen 4head
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Echoing everyone else, just play whoever you want, however you want and with whatever add ons/perks you want.
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No it isn't. There's complaints sure, but they'll never win you the badge of shame Noed will. I'd argue that having four other players ridicule you is worse. Brain dead and unskilled are words 80% of the time thrown towards killers.
This isn't me being biased, I've lurked here for a year before finally making an account. Try telling people you play Freddy with Noed then seen how they respond. Lol
It's called the survivor's rulebook for a reason and it has become worse.
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I have so much Franklins salt and light born its unreal. But I don't complain about 4 ds lol just ignore them play how you want to with honour I hope!
Best of luck 🐷💖
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It's kind of sad and upsetting that you even had to make a post like this. Perks, items, killers, survivors and everything in this game are there because they are meant to be used. Please, ignore it if people tell you to NOT do something! ^^
Unless it's hacking or exploiting bugs, of course. That, is the only thing you shouldn't do. Lmao.
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Skill is being able to hook and kill the survivors while also keeping pressure on gens as fast as possible. If you are able to hook and kill them all while keeping pressure you have a pretty high skill.
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I'm guessing that you're a little kid?
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I said little to no skill. The only one that takes 100% no skill is unlimited tier 3 Myers + tombstone.
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Then what constitutes, Oni,Myers and Slinger having little or no skill?
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Use what you want. Not everyone likes the same perks/killers/survivors/etc.
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Im a survivor main. My only request from killers is dont face camp. It ruins the game fof everyone. Again, its only a request. Theyre allowed to play how they want. Ive never gotten made at a killers build though. Its cool to see the variation
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Sadly there is bits of truth to what your saying sure you can play how you want, but that doesn't mean your gonna win, it sometimes is instead where you get 'lols' 'gg ez' 'git gud'. They need the toxicity of this game, they really do.
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I get messages like that from people sometimes. I generally respond with something like:
Are you trying to say you don't agree with the way I play this game? I'm glad I could help you bolster your fragile ego by telling off someone you played with in an online game. However, please understand if we should ever be in a match together again I will still probably play exactly the same as I did today because your opinion is completely irrelevant to me. Have a great day.
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If it bothers you enough to make a forum posting about it you have four choices: 1) turn off end game chat and block incoming messages from non friends. 2) stop caring. 3) stop playing. 4) play but just don't run things that annoy people.
I know this seems reductive and not very helpful but this is ultimately the truth of it man. I tend to do 4/2, I don't run things that annoy the piss outta me when I'm opposition, except occasionally, in which case I don't care and it's partially intended as satire of poor balance.
It's a game.