Why doesn't BHVR do anything about the BP grind?

Do they think it's just fine and that there is no issue with how many BP it takes to even level up 1 character?
Have they commented on this somewhere?
It really doesn't take long. I levelled up like 3 characters to 50+ in a few hours. Just play the game, do the challenges and use bps or similar.
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Most likely they are complacent about it.
The grind is there because if you do find yourself frustrated, you could purchase your progress through-oh wait. They don't have microtransactions for leveling up, they have it for cosmetics.
Well in that case, we could assume where there priority lies. Don't be upset, here buy some of our $10 outfits 😁
Don't mean to sound rude, but I think the grind is not something they have in mind in terms of what to improve or change in the current future.
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they think grinding in games are fun but they don't know that this why kills new comers from coming or staying.
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Except that doesn't guarantee you'll get the perks you want or the tiers you want. Thus the grind
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very strange timeline we're in where the grind in WoW is being reduced more than a 4 player party game like dbd
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It takes over 4 million BP to get 3 characters to level 50. Unless everyone was burning BPS/cakes every match or you had dailies/challenges saved up that's literally not possible to get in a few hours.
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And prevents old players like me from continue playing because I get bored.
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The only issue is getting characters to P3 with all perks. Something needs to be done to make that less difficult.
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well.. they did add 4 perks to bloodweb at level 50 instead of always 2 like it was for the longest time.. and they added Party Streamers/Pudding/Cakes as permanent offerings instead of events only.. still not really enough though TBH.
A monthly blood hunt would be quite welcome..
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Funny how they "balance" perks to fit new players but they are forgetting the key thing that chases them away, the extreme bp grind
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run bbq lol
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Considering that it’s a massive grind, I honestly wouldn’t expect more than 10% of the player base to actually p3 All Perks every single character. I only plan on doing that with Meg and Felix. Same for killers. Only character I bothered to p3 is Bubba
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I think it's actually for the best though that when you're leveling whatever new character that you'll usually have to run them with suboptimal perks until they've whichever ones at max levels and specific ones they want to run. I think it results in a lot more build diversity out there.
But it's insanely bad when you're starting out and like you're playing a totally different game from everyone else then too. It's crazy how out of touch most all the advice for "new" players really is out there. Half of it is literally "oh well run this perk" and you're thinking "######### I only got 2 perk spots unlocked"
That said, the promotional codes and rewards from tomes have been a huge plus for now, and nowhere as bad as it used to be. Still could always use more points from all points of view. It's always getting harder for new players to catch up with the increasing number of characters they're playing catch-up on as well. Not to mention that snowball effect for all players where the more perks you unlock the harder it is to get X specific perk when you want it on a new character and you have to burn through even more bloodwebs to get there.
Every DLC you buy with real money should at least come with like 250K blood points to start you out.... And they should really increase the damn cap too considering how easily you can spend points. Even at level 50 it's not like you ever REALLY stop leveling your characters either.
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Now get all the killers to level ~200 to max our their perks.
For 21 killers, that's 4200 level-ups.
Not even including prestige or... well, the entire survivor side of the equation.
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To keep you playing as long as possible. As someone who has no need of BP anymore (until a new chapter releases), I can tell you I'm less interested in playing since there's nothing to progress towards. This is also why things like the 1 million BP cap exist - to keep you constantly progressing. Not saying I approve of it, but that's their system.
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Yeah there's no way this dude leveled up 3 characters to 50+ in a few hours.
Not to mention leveling up to 50 itself barely gives you usable perks unless you're super lucky.
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yea same it get to be to much sometime.
yea pretty much they want new blood coming to the game but the bloodweb keeps them away.
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I wouldn't even buy every survivor as it's a waste of money, but even getting every perk on one character takes a long time.
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Hahah no it does not. Getting a character to 40 is a couple of afternoons casually playing survivor.
load out bbq on killer with some pudding/bps you can have a character in a few hours if that.
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Obtaining every perk on a single character is around 6 million points. Now factor in if the player wants to prestige. You'll be spending over 10 million points on one character. That's going to require more effort than casual play.
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3 characters. You realize there are over a hundred perks, right? Congrats, 50+ hours for nine perks.
And you don't see a problem with that.
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They have said in the past that they're working on reducing the grind. Contrary to what is apparently popular belief, judging from the comments above, they actually are aware it's a problem and do want to do something about it. They just can't do everything at once.
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Run BBQ/WGLF every round, use any offerings that boost BP gain and last but certainly not least play well.
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Why is it that everything must be handed to people on a platter so they only get what they want and not have to figure out how to play without your precious meta perks. as others have said use offerings to increase your bp gain, or perks or both! it's just a game. you don't need to have only what you feel like you want in it.
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I have the opposite problem, I am earning more blood points than I could spend. Plunderers lets me save on items, and the characters I want are already max level. I wish they would make cosmetics that you could purchase for bloodpoints. something like 10 million points for a shirt, 20 million for shoes and pants, and 5 for head piece.
I can't bring myself to spend money for digital cosmetics and since this game no 'endgame' it gets boring not having any goals to work towards.
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A neat idea i had was for every prestige you have on a character you get 15% more bp but only when playing that character. would be a good incentive to prestige and help reduce the grind a bit. you could argue that it would increase the grind but tbh getting all perks on a character thats not prestige doesn't take that much time. i could probably do it in a week or less if an events going on. if you make it too easy to get everything it will make the game boring since you dont really have a reason to grind once your done.
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are all your characters prestige 3? thats how I've avoided that problem. if not then just start doing it its not like you will use all the addons and offerings on them anyway.
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That is about the only reason to keep playing the game aside from what little enjoyment you get out of it. It's far too much of a grind. Would be nice if they could focus on actually making it fun and not take hours upon hours to level up, only to get perks/items you dont want or need.
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What i forgot to mention is that ridiculous 1 million BP cap. Why is that a thing? You can not even get to level 50 with 1 millon
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No, they’re not P3. I will probably P3 them since there’s nothing else to spend them on, but I’m not a fan of the bloody cosmetics and see no rush to do so.
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I think they've realised that the grind is the only thing keeping people playing.
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Clearly you are a new player because you dont know how difficult it was to get bloodpoints or get to P3 back in 2016-2017 now the game hands you it for doing baby killer/baby survivor things(the tomes) if you still find yourself struggling to level in a day and age where you get handed all your bloodpoints with little to no effort i think you should either Get Good or reconsider uninstalling the game
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It's pretty obvious why its like that. They want you to play and pour money into the game for as long as possible. They aren't going to change this, because they are a company and this makes them more money.
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They want you to keep playing, it's that simple