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Looping in dbd



  • Member Posts: 81

    Yes and i stand by that but i’ve not once said that i don’t want it to exist at all i recognise that it is needed but i wish that there was something more interesting about it than just running in a circle or that there would be fewer

  • Member Posts: 81

    i just don’t enjoy as both survivor or killer running from loop to loop until i ######### up or the killer loses interest

  • Member Posts: 114
  • Member Posts: 769

    Speak for yourself, OP. That rush of looping a killer for 5 gens into the exit gate is awwwesssooommmeee.

  • Member Posts: 8

    Looping is the fun is this game. If looping gets removed survivors just die once they get found so that will lead to hiding all game. I absolutely hate playing killer against stealth gamers, most mind numbingly boring thing there is.

  • Member Posts: 140

    For me looping is fun because i either win or lose, im not very good at looping so it makes md happy when i do it right.

    I do occasionally play stealthy games, but not extreme immersion. Its better for me to be the gen jockey that I am given my lack of looping skills lmao.

  • Member Posts: 54

    I don't loop. I try to evade the killer by using other tactics. More often than not I get caught. If I found looping enjoyable I would do it no matter what others thought about it on this forum.

  • Member Posts: 967
    edited October 2020

    I find it the most fun when I try to save a hooked survivor from a camping killer on my own cuz the other survivors left.

    There is a 20% chance I will succeed the save and both of us making it out.

    There is a 50% chance 1 of us will still make it out .

    There is a 50% chance we will both die or I will fail the save. It depends on the killer and his loadouts as well my perks and items, and some randomness to happen.

  • Member Posts: 72

    I created an account just to say I agree, because I think I know what you mean

    Optimal survivors who loop you, stun, and run to the next loop are pretty annoying and it really doesn't require as much skill as most people in this thread are saying. For killers it kinda just creates long amounts of wasted time you can do almost nothing to avoid, unless a survivor makes a mistake.

    They shouldn't just remove safe loops or god pallets but they should generally just make loops less safe. Some of the most fun experiences I've had playing this game are on maps like hawkins or the hospital with almost non-existent loops. And I'm saying this as a survivor main, because optimal looping really just isn't fun.

    Also, to the people saying things like "looping is dbd" it's really not all there is to the game and blendettes prove that. There's just too many problems overshadowing these other parts of the game, like a lack of interactivity, and meta perks

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Chases are the reason DBD is as popular as it is. Without them, the gameplay would be extremely stale.

  • Member Posts: 13

    People who think looping is the only thing in this game aren't really putting themselves in the game. When I play survivor, I play to survive. I help other survivors when I can. There have been matched I sacrificed myself to improve the odds of other players, but mostly, I'm just someone trying to survive after being dropped in the trial by the entity.

    When I play killer, all I want is to kill as many as I can. If some is successfully looping me, they are waisting my time. Sure, they aren't doing generators, but up to 3 others are. So I will hunt them and go after the looper later.

  • Member Posts: 984

    If you chase mindlessly or don't try things whilst chased, then it gets boring. It's up to you to make your chases fun - both as killer and survivor

  • Member Posts: 994

    What i hate is when surv is literally running a circle around a truck or some crates and i cant get bloodlust and it just goes on. That is boring chasing. Looping how ever is fun. Killer shack looping is fun. (When in surv)

  • Member Posts: 984

    You need to hug the structure you're chasing around and round the corners as tightly as possible. It may sound like an overkill, but it makes the difference between a survivor making 5 circles and only 1 or 2 circles (loops).

  • Member Posts: 994

    Btw. This doesnt mean i want looping gone. Chasing to me is the best part of dbd.

    Yea i know. I do play at red ranks. But i still. Find it so boring and not interactive. Its literally just running in a circle like a old tom and jerry commercial.

  • Member Posts: 12

    When you get looped for I minute and you haven't gotten a hit don't just commit to it and also your buying survivors time to get gens done so it's always best to chase a survivor if there taking you away from gens then that how you tell that there distracting you and also survivors get distraction points. Also it's best to run discordance, ruin, or surveillance so you know if a survivor (s) get back on the gen. But when chasing a survivor if you don't manage to get a hit off them your not bad if you go for another survivor.

  • Member Posts: 789

    then you should play another game, this clearly isnt for you since its all this game has

  • Member Posts: 2,159

    A mix of stealth and looping, depending on the situation. I hate "Iron Will" due to it's buggy status.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Hello, this is the first time I have ever read someone being bored with looping. Everyone in the community loves this as it can be fun. Things that j can suggest is maybe try not looping and using different perks that allow you to have a different play then looping. If not that, maybe come up with a mechanic they could implement instead of just complaining you know? And then if it's still boring after you after some time, I suggest switching games, it may not be for you.

  • Member Posts: 747

    Being looped at a strong loop into another strong loop is so boring ill agree with that but other than that looping a killer is the only exciting thing in the game. As a survivor I want to be chased its boring just holding M1 and urban evading to my next gen.

  • Member Posts: 341

    Looping is stupid and should be reworked or overhauled, cause no new player is going to look at running in a circle and say "Wow that looks fun!"

  • Member Posts: 1

    I agree looping optimaly gets boring real quick what i like to do i loop in the most brainded ways ever or just be completely random its fun seeing the killer lose u after doing something extremly random

  • Member Posts: 1,528

    Lol I played against a nurse who didnt blink earlier, and somehow a teammate got downed.

  • Member Posts: 3,904
    edited October 2020

    I found games only felt repetitive at higher ranks. There are strong loops and players with more experience tend to hyperfocus on those loops as their main destination. So every chase starts to get predictable and often you make the decision to drop chase based on how close you are to the standard play loop. The double window in the asylum main building comes to mind.

    Not to say they can't be played around or don't have counters but the predictability of it all makes for dull games. I found survivors mix it up a lot more in the mid ranks, making mistakes or running tiles sub optimally, allowing me to run tiles suboptimally and generally sweat less and get more creative on the mindgames.

    The standard optimal tile runs are so well known now that common mindgames are almost formulaic at this point. Also a mistake in the mindgame genreally costs the killer more than the survivor so as killer your sweat factor goes up quite a bit when you game with folks who can run tiles optimally consistently.

    I prefer the dreaded game of cat and mouse over ring-a-ring a rosey as both survivor and killer.

  • Member Posts: 134

    But not for killer. It's miserable. I agree with OP. Of course survivors would never want anything that would hinder their ability to run for 5 gens. To me, that shouldn't even be possible. It takes no skill, the other survivors are playing gen simulator and the killer is just chasing you in circles. Survivors who do this think they're good and don't realize it's poor design. The simple fact that that's a thing proves DBD is survivor sided. And the argument is always drop the chase and find someone else or use a killer that can help at loops. Those are band aid fixes. I wanna play whatever killer I want with whatever build and still have a chance. But nobody is willing to budge to make sure both sides are engaged and having fun. Regardless of what you or any other survivors say, the killer isn't a play thing to mess with and bully, they're people trying to play some games and have a good time too. You need each other. Theres no dbd without both sides and I know plenty of people who've stopped playing killer because you have to sweat so much. You wanna loop for 5 gens and rush gens but throw fits when a killer camps, tunnels, or slugs. I'm not saying you personally, just using your reply to build an argument.

  • Member Posts: 81

    Yeah i agree it seems that the problem with looping that makes it feel so tedious is not only the sheer number of loops that there are but also the fact that as you get higher in the ranks survivors and killers both are able to run the loops more optimally and because there isn’t any real variation of things you can do at loops it just ends up being the same thing over and over

  • Member Posts: 81

    Half walls on autohaven maps as well as crotus pren asylum where the survivor can see you the whole time

  • Member Posts: 436

    Asylum is a very annoying loop but it can be mindgamed by dropping down from the second floor. That being said it spawns in one map. There are maybe 2 main buildings that can't be mindgamed, but once again only spawn in one map.

    If you're talking about a long wall jungle gym, they can be mindgamed by faking running one side and then vaulting the window to cut a lot of distance.

    Either way, as both killer and survivor, there are a lot of things you can do to swing typical loops in your favor if you don't play on autopilot.

  • Member Posts: 81

    Sorry if i wasn’t clear but i meant the loops on crotus pren where there are half walls which is a large majority and there are quite a few on almost every map those ones are the ones that are generally used as filler in the maps and they are the ones i find most tedious

  • Member Posts: 436

    Safe filler pallets - 1 to 2 loops at most. 15 seconds of time at most. And even then there's mind games as survivor. If you expect killer to respect the pallet you can get another loop out of the pallet.

    Unsafe Filler Pallets - Definitely requires good play from both sides. Survivor must get a stun and killer needs to bait out the pallet without getting stunned. If pallet gets dropped then survivors need to decide to commit to a vault or fake the vault and killers need to predict or bloodlust.

  • Member Posts: 4

    I find that running the killer is the most exciting part of the game and more entertaining than holding a button and timing a skill check

  • Member Posts: 2,559
    edited October 2020

    Hiding and holding M1 in a tense situation where I'll die immediately if found because DH is at five stacks and it's a good Nurse gets my heart rate going. That's what I live for.

    @op the act of looping is pretty boring. Going around in circles to abuse the killer's larger hitbox can be tiresome at times, but I find fun in chases when I get to know what the survivors want to do so I can then try some crazy shenanigans to catch them off guard. This really only applies in jungle gyms or loops with solid, high walls. Also, I play a lot of Huntress, so even when there are low walls, I can do stuff.

    But I feel you. I've played no-cloak Wraith before with no perks on an open map with good survivors, and it was extremely tiresome to participate in chases around any sort of structures. Reminds me of what it was like when infinites were a thing (just feeling-wise. It's obv not the same. Don't jump on me).

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