I hate being a red rank killer

Yesterday it was the first time that I managed to reach rank 4 as the killer. I didn't even try! I was doing my "kill your obsession 10 times" challenge. I even let those that were no obsessions and didn't have a DS leave through the door and I still ranked up.

And then I started to get very skilled players or try-hards or just very good SWF of red ranks and I can't get more than one iri emblem per match (I hate this stupid emblem challenge). I'm not a pro at all, I suck at this game and I'm very disappointed that all I can do is keep deranking till I can get at least one iri. Even with strong killers I can't win. I was always comfortable with purple ranks at max.

Now I don't even feel like playing as killer πŸ˜“To make things worse, there are so many last second switches with keys, I just can't...

Sorry, I needed to let it go πŸ˜– I


  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    Wait till rank reset, and depip from there

  • madamretto
    madamretto Member Posts: 364

    But I waited the whole week to play, and rank reset is only on the 13th :(

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    i mean you could always manually derank by trolling every match with ghostface just tea bag until you get back to rank 5

  • madamretto
    madamretto Member Posts: 364

    That's because of not being THAT skillful, I enjoy this game. When I will master everyone and be a god at this game, I will be bored.

    I have already deranked to rank 5 and man, such a big difference. It's like a jolt of fresh air 😁Btw, I don't want to win every game or so, but getting entity displeased every match is too much for me, especially when I'm trying to do these challenges -_-

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Well... it is a self-correcting problem. If you are having that hard a time against the Red/Purple Rank Survivors, it is only a matter of time before you lose enough Ranks to be in your comfort zone. My personal goal is to reach Rank-1 only playing Myers. I worked read hard to end up in these hard fought matches, but I can understand if it isn't exactly your thing. Don't stress over it; just play your best and you will end up where you want to be.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Just play and not trying so hard for the 4K. Sometimes you'll kill them all and sometimes you won't but if you don't try so hard it is more fun.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    i love the way people say that smurfing as surv is unacceptable then saying oh just de pip

  • madamretto
    madamretto Member Posts: 364

    I'm bad with GF so I tried him and lol. I got ruthless πŸ˜„Without trying. I don't know but when I'm rank 5 killer and go against red ranks, by the way they are playing, you can tell they are not red ranks at all. However, when I'm rank 4, they all are gods πŸ˜…

    Yeah, I'm just tired of lack of progress with challenges. I don't care about 4k usually, unless something requires you to play in a certain way. I'll try tomorrow to just play. I guess the less you try, the more you kill πŸ˜†

    I chased those ranks when I didn't have my achievement, but when they were bugged and everybody got those for reaching rank 1, I thought I don't need to try. I'm comfortable somewhere at 10-8 rank. Good luck with your goal πŸ˜‰ (if you haven't reached it already)

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Not there yet, no. I appreciate the well wishes though. I'm Rank-4 with Myers right now. Getting to Red I can do. Whether or not I can get to #1 before the reset... remains to be seen.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Killer sucks, you need to run strong meta perks and hope you get a decent map and a non efficient team. swf just makes everything so much harder, honestly the games balance relies on the red rank players that cant do chases and dont work on gens effectively. but a good build and game knowledge will help you alot, but do know that even people like me (rank 1 for nearly 4years) have games where no matter what i could do i dont have much of a chance. (this is usually down to swf or a broken as map) just gotta hope there are some weak links in the match tbh lol.

  • madamretto
    madamretto Member Posts: 364
    edited October 2020

    Yeah, I still level up my killers (only Freddy and Myers are 50 lvl P3), I don't have all perks yet obviously. Moreover, I play different killers and don't master one in particular.

    And if there is a SWF team in my game, even not a sweaty one, I'm still struggling. I don't mind it being difficult to hook people and I'm okay with losing, but I hate when they get on my nerves with their flashlights and teabagging at every pallet. Okay, I suck I get it, you can loop for days, relax, jeez πŸ˜…

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I don't like being a red ranked survivor. Lately I've barely been able to hold Rank 5 because the survivors are all purple or lower against Rank 1 killers.

    I'm also just done with the general sweat level of Reds.

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    That's just random depending on the time of the day and the po of players in queue. Remember that match making sucks. I don't run slowdown perks and I get different rank players based on the times of the day (especially when there's so many players in queue and not many killers) , but usually it's always red ranks or at most a mix of red/purple.

  • Looperxs
    Looperxs Member Posts: 5

    I mean playing high ranks/ equal 2 your skill level or pass yo skill level makes you better at the game.

  • alimeria
    alimeria Member Posts: 55

    weak survivors, create killer a weak, and a weak killer create weak survivors, A phrase from a good friend and mentor who taught me a long time ago

    Everyone has gone through that and it is quite difficult. It is best to keep going until you get better or you can never overcome that barrier that you will have every time you try to play.

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,132

    I wonder why skill levels change so much at ranks 1-4. Rank 5+ survivors are babies. Rank 3-4 are average. Rank 1-2 are above average-good.

  • GoodLookinCookin
    GoodLookinCookin Member Posts: 341

    Join the club

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    "I got red on me, but it ain't from rank," said every happy killer main in 2020.

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    Survivors are so advantaged that to do the challenges you have to be super focused. Personally for the challenges I camp, tunnel, and slug. Anyway with clickclick teams that's what happens, and since they are so many...

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    Just grinding trapper achievements I managed to hit rank 1 without really trying and have since depipped a lot by grinding other killer achievements and finally learning how to play Nurse. Just playing killers I don't have much experience with has helped immensely to get my down in rank making getting my adept achievements easier on other killers.

  • madamretto
    madamretto Member Posts: 364

    I just bought Blight for the next tome, and I'm going to play as him in order to definitely derank πŸ˜„I'm still not liking the fact that there is no tutorial for every killer. Just let me choose the map, I don't even need survivor-bots, just to train how to play a particular killer without feeling embarrassed.

    I tried Billy the first time after the rework, and it's so harder to turn with him now it seems. Even with relevant addons. I miss old addons :(

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    I have a few killers I play to "not try" with

    Do Invis Wraith:

    Stay cloaked but fake coming out

    Hit survivors whom miss skillchecks and whom hide

    TOTH/Discordance/Whispers/ Nurse's Calling... I think that's what I came up with

    And speed or uncloaking/ Bone Clapper... for addons

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    All you can do really is run the meta. Daily challenges become tiresome if they want you to play a killer you're inexperienced with or who is just plain weak.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    I agree. The best advice I can give is to not care about the outcome of the match, but that's easier said than done. Survivors are the stronger side, so there's going to be matches where you just can't do much depending on your killer.

    Red rank killer was the worst experience in my DBD life. I stopped playing as much recently and rank reset put me back far enough where I'm at purple ranks right now. Honestly very refreshing to be able to not tunnel or camp and have a decent shot at a game. I hate doing both of those but at red ranks if you don't tunnel 1-2 survivors you just flat lose a lot of the time. Heck, often when you do you still flat lose due to factors out of your control, especially if you don't play the top few killers. I don't want to play Spirit all the time either.

    Currently trying to do as much as I can to not rank up too fast without throwing, I just want to have fun with the game man. I'm already seeing smol builds everywhere. Maybe I can maintain purple and keep my fair playstyle where it fits, but its not looking likely with how easy it is to rank up.