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Sticking it out in solo

Hey guys,

I have tons of hours in the game (I mean tons) but I can't seem to 'git gud.' I was not always solo in the game; at least 1000 hours I played with a friend, but now that I'm on my own I find it hard or tedious or something to rank up as survivor. I can get to red ranks but then I de-pip and I know the ranking system is sad but surely it's not that sad. How did you guys make the climb and how do you stay progressive when you're solo?


  • UnholyMagpye
    UnholyMagpye Member Posts: 9

    I go in to games with a positive mindset, I personally find that most teammates are good or at least decent. It's rare for me to have a game where a teammate is so bad that it makes me wonder ######### is going on.

    Keep in mind that you don't need to escape to rank up either, just do your fair share of gens, rescuing and distracting. You'll get unlucky sometimes but other the long stretch, your skill will see you through to ranking up.

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    First I want to say not to stress about rank and to just make sure you’re enjoying the game even if that means putting on perks like slippery meat and up the ante Kobe build for fun.

    what is your current rank, perk loadout, and what would you say is your biggest weakness/struggle?

  • ringwinning
    ringwinning Member Posts: 552

    I think I struggle a lot with recovering after I get hooked. I often get tunneled or continue to get chased and I can't get back on gens and then I die. Yesterday I was rank 8 but I bombed a little bit.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    i also rank-resetted twice to rank 9 and i found it much more difficult to get back to red ranks, than to stay in red ranks. Green and purple rank killers tend to hard-tunnel und camp much more than red rank killers who know they have to be everywhere anytime. I play more "aggressively" (i don't hide as soon as i hear TR or Spine Chill goes off, i'm ok with getting chased since i want to get better in it), which means i'm often the first one to get down (and then tunneled and camped sometimes).

    I managed to get back to red ranks easily with a 2-man swf. Solo Q is horrible imho, it's a lottery, you heavily depend on the skill of your teammates and of course, the skill of the killer. They need to rework it, we need more communication-abilities. The current DC-epidemic doesn't make it better (guilty of this as well sometimes).

    But as i said, teammates in red ranks are usually better, they can loop longer, they prioritze gens and not hiding. Even if you're not good at looping, you will not always be the one who gets chased and i escape more often in red ranks then in violet ranks.

    How to pip: Try do everything a little bit and try to stay alive. I had problems with pipping because i don't prefer to go for unhooks - but doing this is essential if you want a pip. The ground rule is: 2 gens, 2 unhooks, 2 chases (winning them at best). Stuff like pallet stuns and totems also help i think.

    ok, do you take med-kits with you? It's the best item for survs, i usually have one. If you don't have one, take a good healing perk (Inner Strength! please don't use Self Care, it's bullshit) or an aura perk (Bond, Kindred) so you easily find someone who can heal you.

    Don't heal right under the hook! If the killer is not in a chase, he will come back to the hook. Go to some hiding spot. Also: Be patient! Don't just rush to the nearest gen after you get unhooked. That's usually the one the killer patrols first if he comes back to the hook. Go to a gen more far away from the hook. Decide if you should heal first or your team needs to finish some gens. This also heavily depends on the killer (if he has 1-shot abilities, healing doesnt matter so much, especially if you're running Iron Will, which you already do, great!).

    Try to play more stealthy, try to foresee the killer's next move. For example at the beginning of the game, it's better to leave the gen next to you and sneak your way to some gen on the other side of the map where the killer spawned. Or to an important gen in the middle of the map, but those usually get heavily defended.

    Here's my build for example, i did good with that in red ranks:

    Spine Chill: so much value against any killer but especially stealthy killers. If you're not good in chases, it will help you to stay away from the killer. If it stays for more than 2,3 seconds, quickly find out the direction from which the killer is approaching and hide somewhere or run far away

    Sprint Burst: gives you a head start in chases and often makes the killer miss his hit if he is not expecting it. I think Dead Hard is better but i'm used to SB.

    Iron Will: Helps you loosing the killer in a chase, helps you if you can't heal, because sound is a very important detection ressource for killers

    Kindred: Helps you do coordinated unhooks, shows you what your mates are doing, shows you the direction the killer is going after the hooking, even you're not going for the unhook it shows you were your help is maybe needed (doing a gen or healing mates). You can also use Bond but i think Kindred is better because of the killer aura reading (exposes facecampers)

    You can also use Decisive Strike, i don't do anymore because too often it's not getting used but when it does, it gives you and your team much more time. You can replace Kindred with it, if you want to play more selfish.

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    Your perks aren’t bad at all to be honest. My current build is Desperate measures, botany, borrowed time, and bond. This has maintained rank 1 for me but getting there I had on iron will, spine chill, DS and Unbreakable on my Laurie because I tend to get slugged and don’t even need DS which is great and sometimes distortion for killer perk info and blocking aura.. undying/ruin made me give up on distortion though to be honest..

    Bond I find really helpful solo and highly recommend it. If I don’t have a medkit then bond helps me find someone for a heal out of chase.

    If you have windows of opportunity then I actually recommend it to help figure out pallet and window spawns a little better. It helped me with understanding pathing a little more. I’m still working on judging distance better to avoid hits in certain situations but it will come.

    I don’t know the exact science to it but if you finish roughly 2 gens, unhook 2, and heal people every chance you get then as long as you put up a decent fight in chase you will pip.. I mean I’ve slammed out altruism on really bad games and still safety pipped off that alone haha

  • ringwinning
    ringwinning Member Posts: 552
    edited October 2020

    Thank you guys! How about this build? It'll help me stay more stealthy. I'm still not sure about Bond vs. Kindred but I don't have medkits with me because the bloodweb has been selfish so maybe I should take bond? IDK:

  • lreyna
    lreyna Member Posts: 3

    Give up self care. Trust me. Theres a lot of solid advice already listed, but getting rid of self care was a blessing. I switch up my perks all the time, but my mains are Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike, Urban Evasion for my stealth characters, Prove Thyself, Dead Hard, Deliverance....a few to play with

  • lowiq
    lowiq Member Posts: 436

    I would run DS if you're playing solo. Never know when the killer decides to camp or when your team decides to farm you.

    In general, I would say the key to pipping up is game awareness. You should always be doing something, either running the killer, working on a gen or saving a teammate. If you're wasting time hiding or running around the map, then that's time you're not getting points and making your team lose.

    Try to think of the game at a macro-level to understand what you should be doing at any given time. And if you ever find yourself doing nothing productive during a game, try to review after to see what the correct play was at that moment. Just always ask yourself if a certain play is the correct play at any given moment. (e.g., should you working on a gen when two teammates are down / hooked? should you going for a save across the map when you are injured? are you hiding even though someone on your team just got injured / obsession lit up?)

    Once you better develop game sense, you will get much better and ranking up will be easy :).

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    Looks good. Personally i would switch Quick & Quiet for Detective's Hunch, if you want to run Inner Strength.

    • It helps you find totems, that you need for healing. Furthermore, the killer-meta is moving to totem-builds (Undying + Ruin!) right now. it will help you gettting rid of these killer perks. NOED is basically not a problem anymore with this perk. Try to do every totem and if you can't, try to remember the spot if you need to.
    • it also helps finding gens (to prevent 3-gen situations in the endgame) and chests (if you need a key or anything)

    I tried out Spine Chill, Sprintburst, Inner Strength and Detectives Hunch today for some games and it looks like a solid build. You should also be able to run Iron Will and Kindred instead of SC and SB, just a matter of taste i guess.

  • ringwinning
    ringwinning Member Posts: 552

    Thanks for the advice! I didn't know if I wanted to run Inner Strength 'cause I usually don't run healing perks I just ran a healing perk since this thread suggested me to. Do you think I need it? The bloodweb hasn't been giving me any medkits.

    I'll try out that build but I really like Iron Will so I'll see what works today and hopefully I'll rank up!