What do you consider a 'good game?'

Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022
edited October 2020 in General Discussions

Be it killer or survivor. No matter how the match turns out in the end, what is it that makes you sit back and believe that match was well played? You could be a killer and have a 4k escape, but feel the match went well. Or a survivor, where the killer 4ked at 5 gens.

To you, what about a match gives you that 'gg' vibe? Not out of curtesy, or sportsmanship, but actually feeling that match went well.

Edit: I should have been more clear. 'Having fun' is the ultimate goal for most players, yes, but in terms of DBD, what does 'having fun' mean to you? I know it can differ from player to player. Certain styles, facing certain survivors or killers. Heck, facing a survivor with a certain skin will do it. Bones? Shutting down NOED? Mindgaming a difficult tile? 4king on Ormond? Having a dance off against Ghost Face? What parts of the whole that make up a match leaves you feeling that that was a good, or fun, match?

Post edited by Rivyn on


  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Being able to consistently hit multiple lethal rushes, and shutting down loops with my blight. Also, if I won with 12 hooks, and I know the survivors had a pretty good time not being slugged, tunneled or camped, I would class that as a good game :).

  • GoodLookinCookin
    GoodLookinCookin Member Posts: 341

    One where I have genuine fun

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    One where I had fun.

  • GrisouOats
    GrisouOats Member Posts: 71

    Where the killer doesn't do any tunnelling/camping.

  • GrisouOats
    GrisouOats Member Posts: 71

    Ones that don't involve a killer tunneling or camping.

  • Kjetrr
    Kjetrr Member Posts: 43

    A game where I get to play. Maybe that sounds silly, but I am already satisfied when I get to do gens, clean totems, get chased around...in the end I just don't want to feel like I didn't accomplish anything.

    I don't have to escape and I don't care what perks the killer uses, I will just try to adapt and have fun regardless.

    What DOES ruin a game for me is facecamping on the first hook and being tunneled out of the game. And by tunneling I don't mean 'I was stupid and ran into the killer again' but the killer outright ignoring other players and completely focusing on me. It doesn't happen often, but it is really frustrating when it happens.

    So, a good game is a game where I could make myself useful. I know that I won't be in the top percent in the game (my disability turns every killer into a stealth killer for me), so I will just try my best and won't be upset should I not 'win'/escape.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited October 2020

    As killer: A game where I can play how I like to, no tunneling no camping ect. and feel like I had a fair shot. So basically a longer match with survivors who don't play optimally, but still put up a fight. You usually find this around purple ranks if you're not using the top few killers. Also no perk abusers, please if you have DS or BT, don't throw yourself at me (for a save or otherwise) or jump in a locker from a gen. No smol builds pls. A 9-12 hook no sweat game is my aim.

    As survivor: A game where my teammates aren't potatoes, farm me, or DC. Again, a longer match, and the killer doesn't just camp someone. I'm actually fine with tunneling, just find it boring to do myself. Camping just makes the game more M1 simulator than it already is. Also a game where the killer is not Spirit, Myers, Hag, Hillbilly, Cannibal, or Freddy. Just those 6, I'm fine with the rest.

    Should go without saying, but no keys or moris, or dummy thicc strong add-ons.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Funny... I had a thread just like this

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    long interactive chases, that end in a w, for killer and survivor

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    A good game has no Salt either before or after it. It is challenging, i.e. both sides have to work to achieve their goals. Blowouts are never going to be as exciting as a close match. That's it. That is all I require for a good game.

  • NoelleMina
    NoelleMina Member Posts: 638

    Games where I simply have fun.

    Games where I Pip.

    The Killer spins with me, before hooking me.

    Games where Survivors and/or Killer are being straight up goofy. Best ones imo.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    what he said

    but killer 9 or more hooks 2 to 3 deaths

    survivor not sure 2 or 3 get out maxing out everything.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818

    Games that feel evenly matched, where the other side makes roughly the same number of mistakes that I do, and there's lots of back and forth and opportunities for reversals and exciting plays. The kind of thing where, if you looked at a recording of it, you'd see that I played horribly at some points and really well at others, and the opponent(s) did, too.

    Also, if I managed to do whatever challenge I'm trying to do at the same time, that's the cherry on top.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    Any game that's tense or exciting, and everyone does their best, or at least the player being gg'd did well.

    I once had a guy say they refused to gg because of a dc. I respected that, as just because I had a decent game doesn't mean their experience will be the same, but told them I gg'd for their skill, to which they replied they will gg for my respectfulness and sportsmanship. They were a better player than I, and I gave them the hatch at the end, understanding the uphill struggle they had.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    As a survivor, when the killer doesn't camp and tunnel.

    As a killer when I am competitive. 4ks are great, but when I face a good squad and made them actually worry about getting killed , that is also enjoyable.

    Then I can feel good about 1 or 2 kills, watching their buddies flee the gates not wanting to even risk a teabag !

  • ArtoTime
    ArtoTime Member Posts: 35

    The ones where I have fun, and I feel like I also gave everyone else a chance to win. Or games where I almost lost, or even lost, where I learn a lot, I think can be extremely fun!

  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    A close game, where you could feasibly see it having had the opposite outcome.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    As survivor: Long chases where I save pallets by using windows as much as possible. I also like linking window loops together and generally mind gaming the killer. It's fun.

    As killer? Not really sure. I don't really have fun playing killer anymore, although I guess a 'gg' would be gaining a bunch of BP, 2-3 kills and completing a challenge.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Any game that doesn't make me regret my own existence is a good game

  • shakala
    shakala Member Posts: 30

    Ever since crossplay? My bar have been low since, just a no camp and/or tunnel I'll give a GG post chat.

    Actual fun? Outplaying or win mind games with killer. I don't need to escape to feel like it is a good game. A lot of times I'm happy to sacrifice myself to get teammates out.

    As a killer, no toxic survivors that BMs.

    Basically boils down to everyone be not toxic and I'm already happy enough.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    Did I have fun? Then yes.

    Did I wish I could be in another match/ playing another game/the [opposing side] is purposely trying to make the match as miserable as possible? Then No.

  • LaUry
    LaUry Member Posts: 100

    GG for me is when all the survivors are good and the killer is good too.. Kills escapes doesn't matter

  • Get_Beaned_B0I
    Get_Beaned_B0I Member Posts: 106

    Just a game where nobody acts like a butthole and both sides get good bloodpoints

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    At least feeling like I had a chance to have an expected game. I get the need to slug to slow things down a bit or the need to camp someone a bit to draw the others out when the game is getting away from you. People that do these things as standard practice should only face 4 man toxic blendette squads. If I run across you a few times and don't get away its on me. Hook me and I never leave your sight until I'm dead makes you trash.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    when it comes to killer a 2k

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Mortal Kombat

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695
    edited October 2020

    Being matched with people of similar skill. That's not to say that there isn't value to be had in playing against more experienced players, but no one likes to get wrecked over and over.

  • Entity_Lich94
    Entity_Lich94 Member Posts: 320

    I would say those close games were it feels like both the killer and survivors are pretty much on par with eachother. Survivors are getting gens done but the killer is getting downs and hooks fast too.

    These games dont happen often but they are really fun when they do

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    Games where no-one farms without bt, moris off first hook, disconnects at 5 gens are good games.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    As both roles, for me, a good game is a match that lasted more than 5 minutes, preferably nearing 10 minutes, so that everyone involved gets the balanced amount of bloodpoints, all depending on what everyone did during the match.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited October 2020

    At this point... ANY MATCH WHERIN NOBODY DC'S! Honestly, I don't care how toxic or idiotic my teammates/survivors/the killer Are/is, as long as they see the match through to the end and I actually get to experience a full match, then its a "Good Game", all other times are irrelevant and killing this game for me.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Yep. A blowout is never as exciting as a match fought down to the wire.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,109

    One where plenty of chases happened. Nobody was camped or tunneled to death. No mass slugging. Gens lasted longer than 6 minutes. No BM, moris, or keys.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309
    edited October 2020

    It takes a lot for me to view a game as just straight up not good in any way, the presence of cheaters, mass disconnects or afk player(s) are pretty much the only times I'll consider a match a garbage waste of time.

    But the really good games in my eyes are the types where everyone does a bit of everything. You know the type, everyone gets a decent amount of points as it wasn't just one survivor running the killer for 5 gens or a killer camping 1-2 people to death while the others did gens and left easy. Basically "close games" no matter if all survivors, no survivors or anything inbetween end up escaping, I think they're the best no matter which side I'm playing.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Being able to enjoy the match. If I feel it is too stressful or not fun in some other way, then it is a net loss, as I have effectively wasted my time.

  • riotangel
    riotangel Member Posts: 176

    Which would be more exciting?

    A basketball match with a team steamrolling another 104-21.

    Or a balanced match flipped at the very last second 87-88.

    A good match keeps everybody guessing who'd actually win. What may appear as an initial clear victory for one side could jolly well turn around into a shocking defeat.

    It also keeps both sides on their toes, pushing them to play at their best levels; thus improvement.

    This game however, being an asymmetrical design, seldom breeds that sort of situation. The so-called "even" outcome of 2-kill/2-escape is very rare in the matches I've played through the years.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    When it was a competitive match. Not necessarily a very close one, but a game were both sides had a chance to impact the outcome.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,938

    For me to think it's been a good game, there's usually had to have been a lot of chases (and this is playing as either Survivor or Killer). I don't mind if I've been beaten on either side, I don't have to escape as a survivor or even get a kill as a killer to make it feel as if it was a good game - I see those things more as bonus's rather than fun conditions.

  • Guest1567432
    Guest1567432 Member Posts: 728

    For me it's simple....4BBQ stacks=good game.