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General Discussions

Dead by Daylight,the game where killers act more civilized than the survivors

Which in retrospect,should be the other way around.Whenever I play killer,2 out of 3 games are survivors complaining of playing my role and doing a good job as a killer.

Sometimes just straight out insulting because they get salty and rage for no reason.And pretty much every single time survivors escapes,they feel the need to boast sending messages like gg ez baby killer,i'm better than you learn to play,uninstall,while keeping a straight face.

What makes survivors so angry?Whenever I play soloq and a survivors start being rude for no reason to the killer I always try to tell them there's no reason to be toxic and wonder why they couldn't just leave and calm down.

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  • Member Posts: 475
    edited October 2020

    People won't change, especially for a video game ! Yes I can tbag, but only if a killer toxicly farms the BP... But a Bubba waiting on the hook he don't know play, and he doesn't deserve a tbag, because the game becomes difficult for killers...

    I don't know your style of play, I don't know anything about you, but if you haven't done anything toxic.. they're the problem, not you. I'm on console so I can't read the chat, but on Xbox (without the cross platform) when you win it's a maximum of reports on your profile... You're lucky that it's only words, so leave the game when is over and don't look the chat.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    What do you guys do when you play a game that doesn't have distinct sides like killer and survivor? For instance, Call of Duty? If you can't clearly separate the people you think are civilized and uncivilized into two obvious groups? Do you maybe just play the game?

    Try doing that. It works wonders.

  • Member Posts: 704
    edited October 2020

    I'm playing the game to get as many bps as possible in the end,meaning not to camp since that just hinders that aspect.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    I see equal crap from both sides, Survivors tend to be worse in post chat, Killers tend to be worse in-game but the quantity of douchebagery is almost the same from both sides.

  • Member Posts: 446

    I've experienced toxicity from both sides equally. Toxic killers would tell you to ######### for denying them a single kill and survivors go for the good ol' ggez baby killer.

  • Member Posts: 30

    1 evening of playing:

    -2 x camping huntress

    -2x pig who attacks you when you are stuck by the machine and try to untrap

    -3x afk Oni

    -3 various killers who downed whole team in 2 minutes

    Yes, civilised as hell

  • Member Posts: 30

    Nobody throws himself at anyone. It's the killer who follows everyone who come to help the 1st one down.

  • Member Posts: 39

    Teabagging lol so outdated.

    Its clearly bouncing up & down on the D.

    Anyone who admits to riding the D also gets mad when they get camped

    Can you confirm? Because I can confirm if you didn't do that then you'd still be alive...(lol)

  • Member Posts: 39

    What do we do in games like cod where some kid bounces on the D?

    You laugh at them. They only did that because they finally got their first kill and took it personal

    If they message you or try call you out for outplaying them then laugh harder.

    Someone decided to not have fun in a game about having fun & tried to make others miserable right?

    So just note, if that ever happens your definitely doing something right.

    Don't let other people dictate you.

  • Member Posts: 636

    Both sides can be toxic

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    I'm not sure you understand what "disproportionately" means. I'm saying that even if I take into account the fact that there are 4 times as many survivors, they have still been more toxic than killers.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    You're not "pointing out" anything. What you're doing is like saying a jaywalker and an arsonist are both criminals. Yes, they both broke the law, but the arsonist is just worse.

    Likewise, many people experience a lot more (and worse) toxicity on the survivor side that's not explainable by the player ratio.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    If you don't care about the numbers, then why did you bring them up as a counter-argument?

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    I disagree. It matters a lot if one arsonist sets one fire and another sets ten. Legal systems in most countries recognize this for virtually every crime in existence.

    They are not equally guilty, which is a nuance you want to ignore so you can say both sides are the same instead of addressing that for each toxic killer, there are more than 4 toxic survivors.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    You see more toxic Survivors because the population HAS to be higher but that doesn't mean that its somehow worse.

    I already told you they're disproportionately toxic.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    I can't because I'm not writing this stuff down, This is just my experience.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    And neither do you, because nobody writes this stuff down. We're all sharing our experiences and perceptions.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Hey, you're the one who asked me for evidence of my perception (which is based on my experience) first, I just asked the same of you. So the answer to "evidence of what" is "the same evidence you were asking of me", whatever that may be.

  • Member Posts: 29

    The quote about living long enough to see yourself become the villain has never been truer than with the dead by daylight survivors.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Yeah... I get way more evil survivors than evil killers. However, that might just be because of the math: as survivor, there's 3 others who also have to be decent. As killer, there's 4 others.

  • Member Posts: 8

    Wow, people are sometimes toxic in online video games? Eye opening post, never realized it.

    And you dare say... People are mean more often when they're in a group, relative to a person alone?! (killers). ASTONISHED.

    Thank God we have this post to help the developers figure out how to solve this catastrophy. It's not like we have an option to just ignore it and move on to the next game.

  • Member Posts: 1,346

    If you play killer more than survivor you're seeing 4 different survivors a match. If you main survivor you're seeing 3x the amount of survivors per game than killer. I can only imagine why people see more survivors being toxic than killers.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    this what I do suck one game make us have to turn off all massaging and friend requests.

  • Member Posts: 436

    Survivors are definitely more toxic verbally.

    Killers will hop on freddy equip a ebony mori and proceed to play in the most toxic way possible.

    It's a never ending cycle.

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