Legacy Skins Back??

Beginning, I Was Thinking Why not do something new to replace the legacy? How to Choose if you want blood prestige or legacy prestige, because I lost my legacy in 2019 by Loss of savefile and ... Why never put that in the game again? They have already released the EXCLUSIVE COSMETIC of the event to the whole audience. I think it should be more rare than the legacy but is just my opinion. Talking more about what I mean, a lot of people are hacking the game and changing the savefile JUST TO HAVE LEGACY wouldn't it be better to do something creative to put these skins back on? The The legendary cosmetics from international events like comiccon etc that were sold by absurd prisoners and only the people who went to those events and got the TINHAM codes and was released For all players now, the legacy is a skin that was the old prestige and many lost it due to the loss of savefile including me! It would not be better to do something to have these skin What did everyone like, back behavior? That would be fantastic in fact I would even cry if it happens.

Well that was my indignation + opinion about the legacy, I want to see your answers or if you also lost the legacy.


