Pop nerf? But DS untouched?

Just why?!!! I just played a game where a Felik who had just got hooked for several of his mistakes aside from running slots of of various mistake counter perks. This individual was attempted to be rescued by a Tapp whom i grabbed and had 2 potential sacrifices. Mind you i decided to let his 2 other teammates recuse Felik one who was wounded and another potential grab at endgame collapse. I hook Tapp, and as i look around expecting the 1 healthy survivor to rescue, guess who got tapp? Felik! I chased him and he had dead hard, but he never ever used it so something was odd. He opened the gate, down into carry... Now why fid he feel invincible? Decisive strike! After 15 seconds of being unhooked and than a 20 second chase , where he was able to get a free unhook on tap and did not have to use dead hard. DS should be a anti tunnel perk, not a free escape, free save, free one man army game plan ability. His other 2 teammates merely waited at the other exit gate and did not get involved whatsoever. Felik was in a literal god state taking advantage of dead hard which he knew he could use if i slugged and incase that failed he buys another 5 seconds of escape time. Devs you people have to nerd DS to a bare minimum of 35 seconds. Pop was a meta perk, but it is only rewarded for successive downs. Why are you punishing skill and letting game breaking perks exist?
Just because DS hasn’t yet been changed, doesn’t mean it is not being looked into. It’s a tricky perk to balance.
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Okay so I don't like using this but honestly you've earned it. We'll done.
(image credit to @SCP_FOR_DBD)
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So you think you didnt tunnel? This explains a lot. DS isnt comparable to Pop just because there Was the same time limit. Oh wait lets buff any means necessary to 45s cause it has the same time limit.
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Ds should be 15 seconds, but it stops in chase or while slugged.
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I don't think anyone has ever made a post about this. Congrats for having this completely original thought. You should be on the balancing team fs
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Im going to keep saying it until something is done. Because as a rank 1 killer i have to constantly deal with this nonsense game after gamer after game. On top of that this team had annoying RNG and i main demogorgon, time matters for my killer. Im not asking for a demo buff
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They're never going to change DS unless it's to make the timer longer or have it work multiple times in a match. I was watching high level survivor streamers in their 4-man SWFs utterly destroying every killer on every map earlier today and all I could think of was "yep, pop goes the weasel needs to be nerfed"
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Oh yeah sure, cause that definitely means you can't just bump any of the other discussions. You just gotta spam the forums right?
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Make it so it pauses when you’re in a chase or slugged but it deactivates if you touch a gen, totem, exit gate, or start the unhooking action. You’re clearly not being tunneled if you’re able to do these things and that way people can’t just slug out the DS
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I know that there would be ways to exploit it but the devs could fix those. Maybe its there for 6x as long while slugged? I dont know but d's needs a change.
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Honestly, I think (old) Pop is more powerful than DS is right now. It's nearly unavoidable and always offers a huge strategic advantage. I've won many games because I simply just kicked a few gens with this perk.
DS is annoying and abusable, but it's rarely the whole reason you lose and has some soft counters. DS wastes your time, but only once (per surv) while pop is used 3-6 times in a normal game where your getting hooks.
(Win/Lose is being used as a general term for More/Less kills.)
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its actually very easy to balanced and that balance idea has been going around the forum for like a year already
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I'd say make it like Tinkerer and revert it back to the previous version so that it is truly a decisive strike as it should be.
Tinkerer: Punishes the survivor for doing the objective and rewards the killer for doing absolutely nothing.
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As a rank 1 killer main I rarely have to deal with it, and it's not because I tunnel as pyramid head and cage. It's because I, funnily enough, can pressure other survivors across the map. There are 4 people in each game. Chase them.
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Exactly what scp said lol
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DS is not tricky perk to balance. Quite simple actually. It should work same as now but DS should de-activate if you perform action like repairing generators etc. If you can repair gens you aren't being tunneled
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I agree again. You should be part of the balence Team.
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Which exacerbates one of the biggest problems people have with DS, End Game. If it doesn't go down while slugged or chased you'd never get a kill end game.
Also, a timer so short would just be "abused" like Legion was on release, chase backwards for 15 seconds and you'd never deal with DS again.
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Killer meta is often targeted because the survivor is never having fun ;(... silence is compliance with the sad state of the game. Yes this was made news a week ago, but i and many others have to deal with this.
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DS is fine. Just go for another survivor or down injured and leave for a min.
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Wait, are you telling me you want old DS back? I'd like to see some reasons why.
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Its the problem with this community in a nutshell. DS suddenly has a problem with its timer because another perk (which is entirely different) got theirs nerfed. Lmao
Even though the real discussion should be that we are still allowing Camping and Tunneling to remain as a meta built in mechanic (meaning it doesn’t cost you a perk or add on slot) and nothing is being done about that, so DS being available for 60 seconds is more than ok. If those two don’t change then DS should stay as is.
I don’t care how many Pop changes we see. The game isn’t balanced around perks that have nothing to do with each other.
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Tricky? As easy as making it infinite timer but if you do any action thats not running vaulting and drop pallet it desactivates or even timer go faster like 15 secs
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But a long timer makes it not anti tunnel.
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60 seconds is not that long when you put it in perspective that uhooked survivors will A) Run as far away from you as possible B) Heal themselves and C) Work on generators/Chests/totems ect. If you hook a survivor and they get unhooked and you're already chasing someone else you have to factor in the time it takes to down that survivor, hook that survivor, find the DS survivor, and down that DS survivor. At that point all you would need to do is wait out the timer and pick them up like normal. Ds's timer begins as soon as that survivor is unhooked if you just chase them for 60 seconds or leave them on the ground for 60 seconds and you're good to pick them up and hook them like normal.
"But Unbreakable!!!!"
Right, here's two easy counters to unbreakable. First, you could wait out that timer (which would be longer than whatever DS would have left unless you instantly downed them from the hook which would be crappy to do), wait for them to pop it and down them again or you could just pick them up. Contrary to popular belief, you're only stunned for 5 seconds and can go right back to chasing, downing and killing that survivor. The amount of times I've actually been able to use DS in such a way that I didn't end up dying could be counted on both my hands.
"But I lost because of DS!!"
While survivors don't deserve to escape, killers equally don't deserve to get kills. You being upset because someone used a perk to do their primary objective is like survivors complaining that a killer picking up someone and placing them on the hook.