It's time ... you can now ask your Lore question!

PatBrutal Member Posts: 565
edited October 2018 in General Discussions

Here you will be able to ask your Lore question!
And those questions will be used in our next panel! Stay tuned!


  1. One post per person
  2. One question per person
  3. Short and sweet question!
  4. No other questions, if it is not related to the LORE
  5. Spamming is not allowed
  6. Troll/off-topic questions will be deleted
Post edited by PatBrutal on


  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946
    edited October 2018
    If the entity is feeding of hope.
    Are the survivors supposed to escape?
    By escaping the survivors are on a high only to be thrown back, without realizing they are trapped in a endless loop. The killers are just there to enhance this illusion. And the survivors won't get eaten at the hook, but rescued by the entity, so the cycle can continue.
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    What happens to survivors that don't ultimately succumb to the entity or does everyone eventually break?

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited October 2018
    Lore Question: If the a survivor loses all hope of escaping and knows there's NO ESCAPE, does the survivor starve the Entity the hope it feeds off and causes the Entity to release the survivor back to their original world?
  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831
    edited October 2018
    Are the killers with "glowing eyes" (like Wraith, Doctor) possessed by the Entity? Is it controlling them?
    Post edited by popoles on
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Yo what's up team! For rin, it said she inherited something from her ancestors. What was inherited and how did she get her powers? Was it granted by the entity or from her family. 
  • Deity
    Deity Member Posts: 19
    edited October 2018

    Are all of the killers completely and utterly devoted to carry out the entites' bidding without question? Why is this? If any of them were to go against the entity - what would happen and who would be most likely to rebel and attempt to regain their independence?

  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    @Patricia said:
    Here you will be able to ask your Lore question!
    And those questions will be used in our next panel! Stay tuned!


    1. One post per person
    2. No other questions, if it is not related to the LORE
    3. Spamming is not allowed
    4. Troll/off-topic questions will be deleted

    Lore question: The trappers lore never actually told how much people he actually killed within the mine, so my question is, how much people did trapper kill within the mine

    Non question: There is a grammer error within the nurses background where it says the ambulance crashed into the "wood"

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088
    edited October 2018
    How do you fit dead licensed characters in lore? Bill died in L4D series. Then L4D2 survivors came to this place - he was still dead and his body was in place. Btw, Bill's body is infected with zombie virus. If his body would be transfered, zombie apocalypse among survivors started.
    Detective David Tapp is also dead, and there was funeral for him at 3-d SAW movie. Amanda's body also was shown after her death.
    Post edited by Rattman on
  • Twinkletits
    Twinkletits Member Posts: 60

    Is the entity conscious (is it even describable as a "person/creature") or is it more like a place/realm which just does things just because?

  • Unit
    Unit Member Posts: 190
    Is Benedict Baker going to be a killer with Vigo as a survivor?
  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    How old is each survivor? And how old was each killer before they were recruited by the entity?

  • Cassie
    Cassie Member Posts: 1
    How the standard survivors, like Dwight, Meg, Claudette and Jake get into the world of the entity, they went into the forest and then? Will their background story bei reworked or completed, cause all other characters have more detailed story?
  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    One of the bloodweb diary entries states that there’s a rumor among the survivors that beyond the walls during a trial, the entity can be seen skulking about. 

    Is the entity actually visible anywhere else besides the hook? Is the entity itself a killer? 
  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    Does the entity have a favourite killer/survivor?

  • GT_Legend2
    GT_Legend2 Member Posts: 845
    Who does there Huntress see and throw a hatchet at in the main menu?
  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    - Regarding the Nurse, is there any lore related reason for her appearance (namely the sack on her head/hidden face)? Is that part of the torture performed by the Entity to make her kill or not?

    - Same for Doctor. His current state, full of cables, pried open mouth and eyes. Entity's work or part of his pwn doing?
  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    @Thatbrownmonster said:
    Does the entity have a favourite killer/survivor?


  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2018

    It was hinted that the Trapper's mask is made of bones.

    How he did it ?
    What "base material" ?

    Or is it the Entity that gave it to him ?

  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    @GT_Legend2 said:
    Who does there Huntress see and throw a hatchet at in the main menu?

    megs with sprint burst

  • CalliopeDESU
    CalliopeDESU Member Posts: 8

    Will we get more lore to see in the future maps or journal pages to collect i think it would be really cool to see the notes of past survivors (Killers maybe ? ) and to know more about the world of the entity

  • reinett
    reinett Member Posts: 1
    Hmm what if a survivor lost hope and what if a killer didnt want to kill and had empathy what will the entity do 
  • MyLegoBuddy
    MyLegoBuddy Member Posts: 12
    So this has probably been answered, but how do we get multiple same survivors in a match? Like 3 or 2 Dwight's in the same match?
  • Artangels
    Artangels Member Posts: 23
    How the nurse died? She died before the entity take her? Love lore questions <3 ♥️
  • TheCowrus
    TheCowrus Member Posts: 5

    Did The Nurse commit suicide?
    She appears to be hanging, however this is never explained in her lore.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Why Kate Denson is so sexy?

  • MrWraith
    MrWraith Member Posts: 1

    What happens to survivors when they succumb to the entity and can no longer keep surviving?

  • slapapplesauce
    slapapplesauce Member Posts: 1
    Are the whispers that the killers hear they way the entity talks to them
  • CookieDog
    CookieDog Member Posts: 8

    Is the entity a more bigger picture then a tormented demon/spiirit to these killers. Are they looking for a place to somehow calm there raging thirst until the survivors can take it anymore?

  • BadassLaurie
    BadassLaurie Member Posts: 27

    Is There Any way to Escape from the entity? Can Killers Make An Decision Or There's no way to say NO For the entity?

  • Montesque
    Montesque Member Posts: 2

    What do the killers do/where do they go in between trials?

  • tinyzweater
    tinyzweater Member Posts: 4
    There are certain characters (i.e. Dwight, Claudette) with bandages on their base cosmetics. How do injuries work for the survivors? Do their injuries go away as soon as they escape, or do they have to tend to their wounds at the campfire? What happens if a survivor gets an injury at the campfire from a fight breaking out or something? Are survivors in danger of catching sicknesses while at the campfire?
  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    How do survivors interact with each other personality wise.

    For example lore wise at least Min from the journal entry about her, is basically the least altruistic survivor she was even described as a lone wolf who wouldn't help others so how would she interact with others and so on

  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    Does the entity have a much closer bond with Leatherface than any other killer?

    Because Leatherface most likely considers the Entity his new family, does the Entity have any special relation back to him?

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    Did Rin Yamaoka get her revenge on her father or did the entity just give her false hope and brought her to its realm 
  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295

    Is The Entity an angry mechanic or why does every map only allow the primary option of repairing generators to escape? If the generators aren't left by The Entity what would be The Entity's intended way to escape the trial for survivors?

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    Rattman said:
    There is no restrictions for number of questions, so Iam gonna use it)
    1) How do you fit dead licensed characters in lore? Bill died in L4D series. Then L4D2 survivors came to this place - he was still dead and his body was in place. Btw, Bill's body is infected with zombie virus. If his body would be transfered, zombie apocalypse among survivors started.
    Detective David Tapp is also dead, and there was funeral for him at 3-d SAW movie. Not questioning Amanda, cause not sure whether we saw her body after her death or not.
    2) Photo in main building in Red Forest, above campfire. There are man, woman and child. Obviously, its Huntress, her mother and...? What happened with this man, how he related to Huntress? No mans were mentioned in Huntress lore.
    3) All survivors were kidnapped with different circumstances, but Adam Francis was kidnapped in front of girl. She became first alive Entity witness? Why Entity risks leaving witness? And how transfer looked like from witness perspective?
    Amanda's body was shown and the end of saw 4 and beginning saw 5 after strahm kills s.a.m.f Jeff (dead meat reference btw)
  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433
    If the Pustula flowers bloom once every year, why didn't we hear of them before? 
  • Malkaplus
    Malkaplus Member Posts: 6

    Can survivors act freely when they gather around the campfire after escaping? In other words, are they able to chat, become friends, eat, explore, build something ...

  • Renne
    Renne Member Posts: 8

    If a survivor was picked from a different era, way back on the past, how would he know how to repair a generator? for that matter how does any survivor know? Does the Entity just grant them the knowledge or oversimplifies the process so that anyone can?

This discussion has been closed.