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General Discussions

what do you think is the scummiest tactic in this game?

For Survs it think the worst tactic is the classic "Yamoka offering and 3 murky reagents immersed party", where everyone just puts on urban on P3 Blendette and hides in bushes until the killer DCs out of boredom, as far as i'm concerned it's basically holding the game hostage, I know, it's a horror game, the big scary killer has a weapon, but come on, at some point immersion stops being cute and starts being infuriating

for Killer, pretty obvious, corner trapping, which is actually holding the game hostage

what are your opinions on this?


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  • Member Posts: 1,811

    Survivor side. Qeue as a group of 4, use Object of Obsession and as many 2nd chance perks as possible, 4 high tier items you know you can put to good use, and burn an Ormond offering - voila, it´s almost a guaranteed win.

    Killer: Use Bubba with Noed, insidious and 2 passive stall perks. Use an ebony Mori. Facecamp the 1st poor dude - profit.

  • Member Posts: 789

    sending the killer to ormond or mothers dwelling

    and killer for me is tunneling i get if someone is being an ######### and you want them gone but ive seen people tunnel baby megs off of hook

  • Member Posts: 3,755

     Moried off the first hook before 1 gen is done

  • Member Posts: 436

    Run Insidious with Infectious Fright and Ebony mori. Hook a survivor and use IF knowledge to make an educated guess about where the nearest rescuer will come from. Hide with insidious and wait for them to be unhooked so no BT, run out, down the unhooked survivor and mori them

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    Bodyblocking someone in a corner the entire game until the endgame collapse kills them. (Bodyblocking on its own isn't reportable but an extreme case of it might be depending on whether Customer Service sees the video and considers it a case of Unsportsmanlike Conduct or Harassment. )

  • Member Posts: 1,171

    Afk Wraith farming.

    Hiding until team dies and go for hatch Strat.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    As a survivor:purposely sandbagging teammates, map offerings, and playing so immersed that the killer cant find you and not attempting to progress the game.

    As a killer: tunneling folks out of the game with 5 gennys left or first hook moris.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    For Killers: hardslugging with the intend of bleeding everyone out.

    For Survivors: sandbagging others so you get out.

  • Member Posts: 907

    A Killer going All in against a solo group.

    Regarding survivors.. I don't know, Last Second Switch, crawling under a hooked survivor so they can't be picked up (I guess this is an exploit?), Haddonfield-Offering, just to name a few.

    Special Mention: Hatch Gremlins.

  • Member Posts: 2,924

    before and after makes no difference when the map is still dark as hell

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Using Decisive strike as invincibility for free gen time

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    Locker DS. In my eyes, it's an invincibility exploit. You abuse an invincibility exploit on me, not only are you getting reported, but I will throw the match to show you what tunneling really looks like.

  • Member Posts: 2,924

    Understandable, a bit overkill but understandable

    also your username made me envision Demogorgon in a chefs uniform and I thank you with full sincerity good sir/madam

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    For survivor I think it's a swf with OoO and keys.

    For killer it's bringing an ebony mori, hooking the first person, going just outside of TR range then waiting for the save.

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    A lot of what's been mentioned so far are game mechanics that, while they aren't pleasant for the player, are part of the game, and you sometimes have to just suck it up and live with it. I play a ton of both survivor and killer, and while I'm not a fan of being moried early or tunnelled as a survivor, or seeing keys, DS exploits, or certain map offerings as a killer, those things are part of the game. They're not necessarily fun, but I don't think any of them fall into the "scummy" definition. Even running OOO, which is usually going to get you my full attention as a killer and then some, isn't what I would call "scummy" -- it's a perk in the game, though it's probably going to end up with the player running it having me as company until they're dead, lol.

    "Scummy" for me is a crossing the line act that is something past what's "permissable: gameplay. A survivor who sandbags the team to help the killer (this has happened, thankfully, only a very few number of times) is probably the worst thing that would fit the definition, or someone hacking/exploiting as a way to cheat (again, very rare). When the hook bug was a thing, I faced a team that purposefully brought in a sabotage build and used offerings to increase the distance between hooks to attempt to use that to their advantage (plus they attempted to bodyblock hooks when I downed someone and was fighting the bug to try to cause wiggle escapes for their teammates) -- that, I thought, was a pretty scummy tactic using a well-known bug to try to avoid hooks (I 4Ked anyway, which was pretty satisfying).

    The only killer acts I've found "scummy" as a survivor is having someone facecamp right out of the gate (during EGC, I understand it). It happens very rarely, but the "facecamp the first person downed" killer would fall into that definition. The Spirit player who refused to ever hook anyone, but kept downing people and leaving them there until everyone finally bled out (this wasn't typical slugging, which is a perfectly fine tactic) -- yeah, that person played scummy.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    Survivors hiding is the worst one. I once had two survivors left with three gens to go I was searching for 15 minutes before I had to DC.

    Killers pretending to give hatch and then close it when you are near, then letting you bleed out. Happened to me a couple of times.

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    The "pretend to give you hatch or door" play definitely is scummy. I had a killer down me as the last survivor after they'd closed the hatch, carry me to a door, let me wiggle off, then downed me again as soon as the door was opened, just to hook me near the exit. The tease is completely unneccesary -- if you want the 4K, just take it when you have it and don't prolong things.

  • Member Posts: 832

    holding the game hostage in any way. that goes for both sides.

  • Member Posts: 102

    Looping. Yes you are obviously a pro at hugging walls, mind gaming and being just out of reach for a lunge, but it takes away from the game. Especially when the survivor teabags and flashlights for attention. Look at me, chase me, let the other survivors do generators. It just shows that that survivor just wants to be the ball hog and not work with the team. When the other survivors pop off all 5 generators in under 5 minutes because you distracted the killer and everyone gets away without a hook, it's not fun for anyone.

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    Helping the killer in any way, especially aiding them in finding other survivors.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Yep, I'm thrilled every time I get sent to Midwich as Spooky Myers. I actually find it the 2nd Best map for that build after The Game (Meat Packing Plant). Lerys is just oblong enough to be inconvenient to my Wall-Hack but Midwich is just the right size based on its layout.

  • Member Posts: 910

    I find that running a key with a hatch offering, then hiding through the duration of the match is one of the worst things. I often find PIII claudettes hiding amongst the edges of maps, awaiting their teams death, with a key in hand and an offering in play. When I find those situations, I neglect everyone else for that player.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Yep. I've seen a few which ran Iron Will, Sole Survivor, Self Care, and Distortion... along with Hatch Offering and Key.

  • Member Posts: 1,013

    Ya know what I love to do in this situation. Become a Bush whacker and just swing at everything til I find ANYTHING. Best tactic to this tactic. Can't hide forever.

    Plus with the new graphics going on. It is a bit better to spot butts sticking out. Or even they carry items. Especially Medkits that red just pops. It isnt as bad to DC on that map.

  • Member Posts: 1,791
    edited October 2020

    Like when you're playing killer? It's a legit strat. I wish more people would bodyblock for me.

    It's also free hits.

    Post edited by Tactless_Ninja on
  • Member Posts: 1,503

    For survivors, it's using every second chance perk in a build, and blinding with the help of pallets knowing that it's free. Not to mention just hanging around a door to teabag and run out

    For killers: it's relying on a chainsaw for a one hit down and playing level 3 BBQ Nurses and BM and NOED in the same build, plus a mori on top of that.

  • Member Posts: 932

    Easily "TACTICAL DISCONNECT, INCOMING!!!!!!" (DCing to open the hatch.)

    ######### people who do that. I go out of my way to write their name down and mori them in subsequent matches.

  • Member Posts: 95

    Setting mousewheel down as the teleport binding on hag LOL its ######### broken, can just unlock my mousewheel and spin it all day once all traps are down and its an auto-hit whenever somebody sets a trap off, no lunge required.

  • Member Posts: 426

    voice communication

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    Not really a tactic, but the scummiest thing someone can do during a match is to go into said match with "make someone mad" as some sort of primary objective. The "play for salt" stuff. Luckily a lot of the people that do it are gigantic hypocrites that cry their eyes out when it doesn't go as they hoped or their opponent(s) give them the same treatment in return.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Locker DS. Easily the scummiest tactic in the entire game, because it actually works. A very close second is facecamp-into-noed, however that's mostly just used to secure an undeserved 2k, not an undeserved complete victory.

  • Member Posts: 459

    Aim dressing cheating survivors. Nothing makes me more angry and those survivors get hard tunneled out of the match. Like, learn to loop and mindgame instead of cheesing a flawed game mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 1,328

    Waiting for the unhook animation to finish, then downing the hooked survivor.

  • Member Posts: 369


  • Member Posts: 6,278

    Basement Hag. Particularly the part where you’re damned if traps are set off, and damned if you crouch because Hag is coming back anyway, and there’s no way you and your rescuer are crouching up those stairs in time before she gets back.

    General trapping of any hook is scummy IMO, but basement Hag in particular is vile.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    I used to hate this, but now it makes me laugh. It’s surprising how often I’ve managed to down another survivor on my way to a hook, and still manage to hook who I was carrying, making their body blocking attempts and going down for their teammate a total waste of time.

    Plus In a clutch a drop is much less punishing than it was before. So funny watching the others panic if I drop who I was carrying.

  • Member Posts: 321
    edited October 2020

    When either side gets really cocky when they win. So survivors hanging around the hatch or an open door when they are the last one just so they can tbag and killers slugging you and then just nodding their heads when you are the last survivor.

    I dont know why but people like this seriously irritate me. Instead of just taking their win and moving on to the next game, they just have to behave like children and hold you hostage just to gloat about it.

  • Member Posts: 1,138

    I have to admit I've done this. I once had the mindset that everyone in this game was out to make me feel like trash, so I just went on a mission, playing for salt as you put it.

  • Member Posts: 1,101

    Scummiest? None.

    Most annoying? Key escapes + DC for hatch tech from survivors and perhaps 3 gens strat on small map from some killer like doc.

  • Member Posts: 1,596

    Dropping someone near hatch, waiting for them to crawl to it and then closing it in their face, that is scummy, yeah. But allowing you some last objective points before killing you off, possibly even letting you finish the corresponding daily in the process, what is wrong about that? You think the killer teased you, but maybe he just wanted to be nice without giving up his 4k.

    If you never expect any mercy from the killer, you cannot be disappointed / teased, so when they are actually nice it will be a welcome surprise.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Scummiest for survivor is probably tunnelling a unhooked survivor with a mori. This is even worse if no gens are done and they were camping before the unhook. Close second is tunnelling as Pig when your trap is active since you can only escape by hatch.

    Scummiest for killer is probably a swf team bringing you to a terrible map, with a key, rush gens, with small pop build and t-bagging the whole game.

  • Member Posts: 331

    Locker DS

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