.......dead hard

So I'm growing bored of sprint burst and tried to go back to dead hard again after months. I am not joking, I never got it to work once. Not one single time after 2 hours of playing. I was exhausted on the ground 100% of the time. I know this happens to people on every platform and against all platform killers. So like...
Is that ever going to be looked into or are we all just accepting that dead hard is useless? Is this another "idk i guess that's just how dbd is now" just like we accepted with the weird flashlight angle adjustment thing?
I just wanna know if there's hope for dead hard or if I should just go ######### myself.
If they make Dead hard work 100% of the time without any guess work from the survivor, then they may as well call it mettle of man.
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dead hard's power doesn't come in the form of being able to force the killer to miss. Dead hard is the strongest and most OP when you are looping and you need that extra few seconds to get to the pallet or to a window to get to the next broken chain of pallets and windows that will either lose the game for the killer if they continue chasing you, or drive the killer away from you if they understand the game a bit.
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So suddenly a working Dead Hard would be too strong? When it worked perfectly before Dedicated Servers?
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I played quite a few games as killer yesterday and the survivors I was facing used dead hard without any issues.
So it's clearly not broken for everyone.
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To be fair, you wont notice if they got exhausted on the ground. I have situations where I chase a Survivor 3 times and the third time he uses DH, which makes it likely that it bugged out the first two times.
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Yeah, that could be true for some. However, as killer I often bait a dead hard anyway so it shouldn't bug out if I'm not actually attacking.
There will also be a few survivors who forget they have it. I rarely use DH but when I try it I almost always forget about it because I am not used to having it.
I agree there are issues, but I also think it's not completely broken.
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I mean, yeah, I also have working Dead Hards or see that Dead Hard is working by baiting it out. But I also know that the moments it does not work are way too much. But I dont know if it will ever get fixed.
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From what I can tell it's ping dependant. With my 30 ping, as killer I always have to play around it carefully, or I will denied the hit even with some goofy delays. As survivor, I can time it perfectly and I still almost always end up exhausted on the floor.
Their falling animation looks different when they're exhausted on the floor. It's similari to when a survivor who's in a pointing animation gets downed.
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I've been wrecked by it not going off and being exhausted on the ground plenty of times but when you have that crystal clear ping moment where a killer fakes a swing twice - gets on your ass and tries to quick swing you instead of lunging and you dead hard away to a pallet loop... Just <Muah> Italian Finger Kiss.
It's just more rewarding than Sprint Burst and Lithe in most cases though those two are usually just as powerful if used correctly (especially SB if you know how to manage your exhaustion well) to gain distance on the killer and extend chases. The problem I have with them is that it usually just discourages the killer from chasing you at all - and they go pick on your teammates who get downed in 5 seconds... maybe on the ground with an exhausted dead hard 🙄
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Don't get me wrong dead hard is a very good perk but it's way too overrated by some as the best exhaustion perk , I really believe that the best exhaustion perk is different for every person due to the playstyle certain choices may be better than others , my advice I would give is to go back through and play a few matches with each perk and see which one makes you feel good while using it , as long as you're happy and having fun that's all that matters
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Dead hard for distance, not to dodge a hit
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I believe I get what you mean, OP. The latency in some cases makes the perk completely useless. I have a business line for my Internet and it still happens to me, I get it to work half the time. I have to admit I might screw up here or there but I know times I've pressed the button EARLY and the frames stutter and then im on the ground. Ever since dedicated servers there is a latency even with good internet.
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If it's for distance, why does it nullify an attack?
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If you dead hard for distance you reach a window or pallet whereas you normally wouldn't of.
This is the part I don't like about dead hard honestly.
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Overthinking it, Use dead hard for distance not to dodge, its more consistent for distance.. Bigbrain..?
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No, answer my damn question.
If it's not meant to take a hit, WHY DOES IT NULLIFY AN ATTACK?
Answer me and stop dodging the question.
Is it meant to nullify an attack? Yes or no?
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This is just hilarious. You realize that you can bait a Dead Hard and still down the survivor.
You couldn’t even do that with Mettle. Bad comparison.
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Dead Hard were meta and borderline op for ages. There were just more broken ######### like old nurse before.
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I answered your question, it was made to dodge an attack but it isn’t consistent, so BIG BRAIN, everyone who uses it uses dead hard for distance, you don’t use it to dodge like its concept you use it mainly to make it to a pallet or window, you may use it to dodge once but then the killer knows you have it.
TLDR for your small brain, Dead hard is best used for distance, not for dodging hits.
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Git gud dh works fine
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Okay but if you read the description of it it's not meant for distance. Obviously yeah it's good for that too but those times when I need it to work for the exact reason it was made for then I would actually like the perk to work before I'm exhausted on the ground.
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Wow actual great advice from someone on the forum. Thanks for your solid input my guy, I'll keep that in mind. You get a two thumbs up from me.
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I really haven't used DH much since dedicated servers but I tried it again because I was bored with SB and don't enjoy really any other exhaustion perks, but since crossplay and I go against PC killers I've found it works 0% of the time for what the perk was created for.