I'm pretty sure the Entity reads my mind at bloodwebs

From the 4 perks I always pick my first and second choice before getting started on the bloodweb. Nearly every time the Entity takes my second choice.. even when there's a higher tier perk for it to take.
I'm a little concerned that BHVR has this mind reading technology tbh.. 😳
I think even the entity knows which perks are useless and picks the more meta perks before anything else. The entity likes to troll like that!
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At some point, you get to where you can kinda predict it too and then use it to throw out useless perks on the bloodweb and vise versa. I lowkey like it but also the progression system in this game feels so... amateurly designed.
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yeah I've always disliked how the bloodweb seems to prioritize tier 3 perks or perks of higher rarity to consume. Makes it take a unnecessary amount of time to level a perk
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I usually have the opposite - the Entity takes the two perks I'm not interested in.
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Sometimes the Entity is a cruel mistress. "BBQ & Chili? But what about Monstrous Shrine? Surely you want that!"
Sometimes the Entity is kind. "Here's Hex: Undying, followed by Ruin! Enjoy, my child!"
But honestly none of this would be a problem if the grind were lessened significantly.