So it's impossible to play this game for fun anymore????

On both sides of the game you have killers and survivors who play to get the round over as fast as possible. These killers are also ones who play the special 4 year cakes if there are any left out there and then totally destroy a team. Do they not realize that the longer the game goes on the more points they will get in that case and so will survivors?
I'm both shocked and not shocked at the same time that people play the game like this. Had a killer tonight that brought in a mori tunneled like crazy, camped hooks and killed us all in less then 5 mins. I'll ask again isn't this game supposed to be fun and not a sadistic torture session?
I can understand having a daily where you have to mori someone, I have one of those right now. It feels like both sides have the attitude of we have to play to win every single time and if we don't we will just DC.
As a killer I play for fun, sometimes I have good games and sometimes I don't. However most of the time the teams I get are toxic tea bagging children. Even if they're not they act like it. So it's impossible to win no matter what side you're own.
- If you're a survivor you end up playing against killers that don't care about anything other then ending the game as fast as they can, sucking all the fun out of it.
- As a killer if you don't play hard to win you're just treated like a chump and called trash with use of every possible exploit and advantage a survivor has(I'm looking at you flashlights and pallet blinding). Not to mention today I could swear people were running through walls as survivors. it could just be the first person perspective throwing me off though. If you do play hard and try to win you're called a camper ect.
Lastly this is for both sides.
No one cares what rank you are but you, the higher in rank you climb the less fun the game becomes. Yeah you have to do so much to keep the rank you have but do you really think that the people you destroy and the killers you mess with see your rank at the end of a game and say "Damn they're good at this"? No they look at your rank and think wow no wonder they played such a fast, selfish and annoying game. this goes for both sides.
Video games haven't been played for fun for a long time. They only exist to get mad at.
Grrr I can't believe I got killed last round by the worst killer ever! more match.
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Winning is fun though.
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yes it is. But that doesn't mean that people have to win every game they play. I can still loose a game and find fun in it, but that seems to be a very rare case for a lot of people who play this game, "oh I'm going to loose?" better DC ######### the killer and the rest of my team, as a killer I "can't catch this person right away" Better DC. "Oh I see mori" better DC and end the entire game. "Oh no it's a killer I can't stand" Better DC too bad rest of the team.
Pretty sad but yeah it feels like that sometimes. I get frustrated but I've never rage quit, even as a killer a team can give me the run around I still stick it out, my enjoyment goes out the window and I don't care anymore but I won't rage quit then either. Any DC's I have are because the game kicked me out or froze and I still loose a pip and any item I played.
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After playing a while, the game can get very repetitive very fast. Make do with what you have and try to have fun otherwise maybe play another game until your back in the mood.
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Very true I just needed to vent that because it feels that way sometimes, even playing as killer I really wouldn't enjoy a round that I could end in less then five minutes
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I'm not interested in dragging out onesided games. If I can end a game in 5 minutes, why shouldn't I? It's PvP, not handholding simulator.
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Theres an iniversal truth in every video fame:
- Players optimise the fun out of video games
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The point is even the killer gets more blood points the longer the match goes on. and if you're going to play something that gives bonus blood points to everyone on both sides wouldn't it be smart to get the absolute most out of it? and to counter you're argument it's not a killing simulator either and when games end that quickly it sure feels like it is.
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It's a killing simulator. Or do Killers now have different goals?
I'm at a point in this game where I don't really care about bps anymore. I have all Killers on P3 and nearly 50% of the survivors, too. Don'r get me wrong, if there are 5 BPS/Cakes or whatever and the other side wants to farm, I'm in. But if there is no intention for that, the round is played like every other round.
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but you do see the point I'm trying to make right?
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I keep playing for fun but keep my tryhard, I usually try to complete the books, daily challenges and get trophies on steam, and when the survivors understand what I'm doing and play chase or hide and seek with me, I take it easy on them, or I even miss it, because I know how losing items is boring
if you want tryhard matches, send a message on steam, same nickname, but I cant speak english very well.
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There are plenty of ways to play for fun in DBD.
I like to occasionally play basement guard or shack guard, where I’ll wait there until the survivors come looking for me wondering what the hell im doing. I’ll hit them every time they try to enter the shack or basement.
They eventually catch on and it becomes a silly challenge for them to see if they can get past me, and if I can keep them out. I usually laugh my butt off the whole time.
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and that's awesome, I do that sometimes as a killer too, sadly it's hard to communicate that to the survivors. I like the challenges and daily rituals. and if I get a 4K I get one but I don't feel I HAVE to have one every game. I've run into many killers as a survivor that just want you dead and it's over and that's what's frustrating. As a survivor I don't need to get out EVERY game too but when it doesn't even feel like game and more of a slaughterhouse that's frustrating.
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I’m fairness to killers, that is their objective though.
Sometimes survivors just play recklessly with misplaced confidence, and make it easy for the killer to snowball like this.
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I understand that too. and maybe it's just the people I play with, because I feel Like I complain the least out of all of them. sure I made this topic it's after weeks and weeks of hearing.
- That's BS
- That shouldn't be allowed
- Killers should be penalized for doing that
- Greedy Killer
- Thirsty Killer
- I hate the pig because survival based on luck is pathetic
- I played Streamers dammit
- Why play the 4 year cake if you're just going to destroy us
sure I get frustrated too and it adds up over time but I've notice the most I'll do is tell the killer off and hate those damn Chainsaws and the doctors insanity stuff. but I try not to get that bad.
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The d/c penalty needs to come back, I pretty much just quit the game entirely because someone always quits when every thing doesn't go their way. It a killer you don't like? d/c. You got chased first? d/c. The killer was actually better than you and downed you quickly? d/c. It's ridiculous how pathetic survivors act when there is no punishment for quitting early.
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If you're not playing to win, you shouldn't care if you lose. Sorry, but that's the gist of it.
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Not when the journey there filled only with misery, frustration and suffering. It becomes hollow.
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I think people that care more about winning than having fun should really think twice before playing a video game that's not even that competitive.
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They have fun by winning. That's what competitive people find fun, winning.
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Competition always brings the worst in people I guess,this is why I dont take it that seriously in the first place.
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Pretty much. The red ranks are just tryhards these days. If you don’t bring the meta you suffer for it.
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It's because the competitive crowd rolled in on a very chill and core-unbalanced game. Don't get me wrong, I like playing games competitively, but in DBD it just leads to exactly that: short, unfun trials. Yay, take your dopamine hit. Over there. With all the other people that think it's impressive to have 4-minute escapes or Nursey 4k's.
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Competition is good, it pushes us to improve ourselves. When I got my ass kicked in Taekwondo, I wasn't angry, I was excited because it meant I could reach that level if I trained more. The problem is lack of sportsmanship. Sore losers, sore winners, and a general lack of respect for your opponents.
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Different people have different perspectives of fun. This is what my version of fun looks like
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I guess more excerpts need to be added to the rulebook... If you burn a 4 year cake - you shall take it easy especially in the pressence of other Bloody Party Streamer effects
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We were gen rushing a game yesterday, not really on purpose... so we decided to stop and get some chase points (red ranks)
Found the killer with a team mate, watched the mori happen... and beelined back to the generators.
Moris are not fun. Being constantly zapped by the doctor is not fun. Having people look for the hatch instead of pounding out that last gen... is not fun.
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Of course I'm playing to win, but I can play without being a toxic #########.
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It's not about adding to the fake non existent rule book it's like someone said up higher, respect for your opponents, I don't demand that someone give me a free ride if they play a cake, I just question the point of doing it for such a short match when they could get way more points with the bonus added. The most I do is tell the killer off for playing toxic that's it, but sometimes I have to get my feelings out there. I get BS from both sides playing the way someone doesn't like as a killer DC and called trash. having a good game as a killer, insulted by survivors, having a bad game as a killer, insulted by survivors. Having a bad game as survivors; insulted by killers.
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Did you 🤣🤣🤣 really think DbD is fun? Man killers are trash, they tunnel most of the time, rare the ones I don't see tunnel 😂😂😂
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Dbd no it's extremely hard to play for fun, when I want to play a game for fun I play team fortress 2. I now play dbd on occasion because it is so hard to have fun playing anymore.
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You're not really playing to win if you handicap yourself with arbitrary restrictions like "don't end the trial too soon" (whatever "too soon" even means). Playing to win means playing to win. It means defeating the opponent in any way you can (within the confines of the real rules, like the ones about not hacking).
Also, you said you don't play to win in your OP, you said you play "for fun". You're also literally chastising players for winning (because they're playing to win) instead of playing in the way you want.
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If a game is onesided because one side is bad, that's one thing. When a game is onesided because one side is wearing their Nike Bands and chugging Gatorade at a dangerous pace, then fun is just being optimized out. Games like Dead by Daylight are not Triple A titles with millions playing and tuning into the next tournament, they're meant to be niche recreational (as opposed to casual or competitive) games.
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#########? It's toxic just to want to win? I've gotten crushed all the time when I ran cake offerings as killer. Have we reached the point of the rulebook where we can't even want to win anymore? lol
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No statement about games especially multiplayer have ever been more true.
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Chaotic evil
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So much this. I play dbd on and off for two,three years and I barely used unbreakable ds and bt. I even chose head on as my exhaustion perk even though I only get to use it in one out of maybe five games. But lately? I started to pack BT because there's tunnel and camp in nine out of ten games. I feel like it's an achievement that I still don't pack DS these days. With the extreme toxic killer that I just had, made me consider to start using DS and unbreakable now as well.
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No I play killer too and I understand that sometimes games don't go good for one side. but I have noticed the "Rule book" that killers have to follow but survivors don't. My argument is just that if anyone uses a cake offering isn't just common sense to get the most out of it when it works for everyone?
The rules I've come across that people seem to have(most result in a DC or trash talking
- Killers are not allowed to camp the hook EVER even if they know that there are thee people around just trying to bait them off the hook for the save
- Killers can never watch a hook even from a distance away to see someone comes off.
- Killers can never hook someone who just comes off a hook, even if you're not there and that person runs right into you again.
- Pig players must ignore anyone with bear trap on their head armed or not. Another hook could result in a DC
there's way more, anyone have a link? I bet someone has recorded all these somewhere.
As for Survivors
- do whatever you want, the most broken overpowered builds you can get and get cheep blinds in oh and body block and don't forget to teabag at the door. If the killer doesn't like it, we they're just trash.