What is the most depressing part of the game for you?

What is it that, as soon as you know it exists in your CURRENT ROUND, makes you care less about the CURRENT ROUND?
Is it when you realise that most opposition have DS?
Is it when the killer has Ebony?
Is it when killer has Noed?
Is it toxic opposition?
For me, it is Indoor Maps. Whenever I spawn in one of them, I feel like I am already half way towards rage quitting. They should all just be deleted from the game in my opinion, most killers and most survivors detest them. The Lerys rework was great. It made a horrible map into a barely acceptable map. But I'd still love to see it gone.
The most depressing to me is seeing the Ormond offering only to see one or several Survivor Auras right after loading in. It´s at this moment I realise it´s gonna be miserable.
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Maps. Any indoor map, Haddonfield, Mother's Dwelling, Ormond. Can I win? Sure. Will it be fun? Never is.
Honestly one of the best changes they could make is a way to avoid getting indoor maps. Unfun chases, can't use your powers as killer, they're just totally game ruining
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Sweat SWF squad with all 4 second-chance perks (and/or OoO), flashlights and/or keys. T-bagging included 😅
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The toxic community.
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When you try not to run DS and the killer turns out to be a sweaty tryhard tunneler or when I don't bring BT and the killer is a rank 16 Insidious camping Bubba main.
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i second indoor maps, especially Midwich. I hate it so much that I’m ready to dc the match as soon as it starts. I practice patience though and see how my teammates do, if they’re a bunch of potatoes, I die on first hook.
I used to be anti-dc but I have come to hate that map so much, I refuse to play it since it isn’t fun for me at all.
The other depressing thing I see is when players call for nerfs without actually playing both roles. It just seems like people want an easy game with no challenge. Yes, some things need balancing, but the game isn’t anywhere near as bad as people make it out to be. Just wish the devs would get an influx of money and higher pro-programmers and rewrite the game from the ground up.
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That it could be so much better.
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The lack of variety in gameplay beyond characters & maps.
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Killer using an Ivory/Ebony or Survivor using a Dull/Skeleton Key (especially if they find it in a chest)
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Honestly this.
This game has so much potential but much needed changes just take waaaay to long
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The most depressing part of the game is the fact that your individual skill doesn't really matter on both sides.
- You can be a god-survivor and still die every single match to a completely clueless and new killer if your team is a useless bunch of hiding chickens.
- You can be a god-killer and still get a 0k if survivors are "decent" at looping and aggressive on the gens.
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Jeff's backstory, that is so depressing.
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It's hard camping. Because the Killer is losing points, the Survivors are losing points. And the guy on the hook doesn't even get to play.
If the Killer refuses to play the game normally, the ranking system and bloodpoint system makes everyone lose automatically.
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All of it. I’m definitely entering my last days of playing. Anymore I find myself hopping in for a game or two, only to realize how boring this game has gotten, and then off it goes. I think part of me thinks one day it’ll load up bug free, with either better, non-cloud based servers or back to P2P, and different game modes instead of status bar simulator. o/
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Honestly the toxicity. And yes I mean on both sides.
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The most depressing part of the game is, that some devs seem to value one player group over a other sometimes and that you can wait years for specific changes at specific characters.
Besides that, I can't find much on DBD to critize.
With that I do not want to say that DBD is perfect, but I think that the most other problems will be anyways solved - sooner or later. You have also to give the devs a bit of trust - if they have not prove you wrong there.
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toxic players.
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Nothing about this game depresses me because I wouldn't play a video game that was depressed me. Wacky philosophy you should try sometime.
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Loading up the game and seeing its the same lobby waiting for me... id like a different lobby... maybe one that I can actually move around in..
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Realizing that some matches are simply unwinnable.
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The most depressing part? Probably the fact that I play it to keep my mind off killing myself... but hey still alive and still going strong I guess.
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As killer: When I get "outplayed" not by skill but by perks.
As survivor: If the killer is being campy or tunneling hard and the other survivors are waiting around the hook all too happy to feed the killer.
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I'll split it into the most depressing situations for killer and survivor. For survivor, it's doing amazing chases but inefficient teammates cause you to lose. For killer, it's knowing that you're not in control (despite being the killer) because of having to actually retreat from strong loops, focus gens over chases, etc.