the generators have to be nerfed !!

gstvslv_02 Member Posts: 20

i was playing blight these days, i quickly found a survivor and the chase ended for just 15 seconds (he fumbled all over hitting the walls), i put him on the hook and in less than 30 seconds i took 1 gen! during the whole game I did quick chases and even then I took gens (with extreme speed).

I was watching a video of souza (the biggest dbd youtuber in Brazil):

and it just proves how unbalanced this game is, the developers are going to nerf one of the best perk ( pop ) to get the gen to slow down, it doesn' t make sense!!

Seriously? do you want to favor survivors like hell? nerfing things you don't need, you should smell useless perks (both killer and surv) and fix bugs, and not nerf perks that don't need nerf just because a bunch of kids complain

I'm sorry if I feel strange, my English is bad and I'm using a translator to help me. I put it in English because I want a greater reach


  • GoodLookinCookin
    GoodLookinCookin Member Posts: 341

    Generators are fine the way they are, its other factors that stress the player into thinking they are being "gen rushed".

    There are too many factors that play into dead by daylight that could affect how the game plays out.

  • gstvslv_02
    gstvslv_02 Member Posts: 20

    you must be a man to survive, just by reading * they are fine the way they are * already demonstrate that you don't play killer and think it's super fair generators extremely fast. I play both ways and say: I feel it in the skin, both surv and killer, generators have to be nerfed

  • odra
    odra Member Posts: 369

    what the hell imagine 5 gens, 1 gens equal 1 hook so at least you could get 5 - 6 hooks. it equals 2 kill which is win for killer.

  • Milkasa
    Milkasa Member Posts: 76

    Bruh 2 kills is a win? That's like saying that, if BHVR made it so that only the first two survs to leave were allowed to leave and the other two were blocked from leaving, that that was balanced. Yeah, that's technically a win for the survs as well, so add it to the game?

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    That would make the game so toxic. Do you know much sand bagging and hook farming/leaving them to hang will be happening. Also this punishes survivors that are skilled enough to keep all survivors still alive to the end game and rewards bad killers that couldn’t even kill one by that time as well. It would be so unfair and if you’re part of the two survivors left behind the game would either turn into hide and seek or just DC.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Also technically getting a 4 is like getting a 100% on a test. You don’t need to get one to pass your test but it feels good and makes you feel more skilled if you do. 2K is what a killer should be getting for a good game. 3k for a great game and 1K for game where they weren’t doing as good.

  • Milkasa
    Milkasa Member Posts: 76

    That was rhetorical, mate. I'm saying that if gens are going so fast that they can only get 5-6 hooks with chases that last almost no time at all, it'd be the same as if the game only let 2 people out of the trial. I wasn't saying that thats what should happen.

    Hell no, 2 kills is considered a balanced game, which is what the devs aim for. But getting 5-6 hooks could only ever get you a 2k if you hardcore tunneled. A 1K is just a loss, not a game where you didn't "do so well". I didn't even agree with the original post, its Odra's "5-6 Hooks Is A Win For The Killer" that pissed me off. Its like saying that getting 2 or 3 gens done and having everyone die is a win for the survs