Killer Concept: The Vigilante ('V' for Vendetta)

Godot Member Posts: 806
edited October 2020 in Creations


The Vigilante is a mysterious and agile killer, capable of surprising his prey during chase.

His personal perks, Ideas Are Bulletproof, Beneath The Mask and Only Truth allow him to place fear in his prey’s mind, only to wear them down and strike them where it hurts the most later.

  • Real Name: Unknown
  • Alias: V
  • Speed: 110%
  • Height: Tall
  • Weapon: Vendetta Rapier
  • Terror Radius: 24 meters
  • Power: Vendetta Daggers
  • Alternative Power (LALT): Lightning Dash
  • DLC: ‘V’ for Vendetta


  • The Vigilante has 4 Vendetta Daggers. Holding down the Use Ability (M2) button will raise a dagger. Releasing the button will throw it. You can charge up the throwing, similarly to The Huntress. Due to the daggers being more light than hatchets, throwing feels a bit different. Pressing the M1 button while the dagger throw is wound up holsters it, slowing The Vigilante down by 0.5 seconds.
  • If the dagger hits a survivor, it will be stuck in the survivor’s back or front, depending on where the survivor is facing. A survivor hit by a Vendetta Dagger suffers from the Poisoned status effect. Survivors suffering from the Poisoned status effect have their visions slightly distorted and limited. The Poisoned status effect will also be on a 65 second timer in total. Failing to get rid of the dagger for 30 seconds, Poisoned will place a healthy survivor into the injured state. Keeping the dagger in for yet another 30 seconds, Poisoned will place an injured survivor into the dying state, but it will not reveal their location. On a dying survivor, the Poisoned effect wears off within 5 seconds and the dagger falls out. During these last 5 seconds, the dying speed is increased by 50%
  • Hitting a survivor in the front will allow the survivor to take out the dagger himself while on the move. Pulling out the dagger will get rid of the Poisoned status effect, but instead it will be replaced by the Deep Wound status effect. Deeply wounded survivors have to mend in order to begin fully healing.
  • Hitting a survivor in the back won’t allow the survivor to take out the dagger, but it has the same effect as hitting a survivor in the front. Instead, another survivor has to take out the dagger with a 2 second animation, while both are stationary. Doing this does not inflict the Deep Wound status effect.
  • Dropped Daggers can be found on the ground where it was previously removed from a survivor, or wherever it ended up being. Dropped Daggers are shown to The Vigilante in a white aura, within a certain range. Dropped Daggers can be retrieved with an animation, similar to The Trapper picking up traps. Daggers thrown outside of the realm or somewhere unreachable will be replenished automatically.
  • Whenever there is only one survivor left in the trial, the Poisoned status effect no longer affects the last survivor. Instead, the dagger injures the survivor. Upon a successful second throw, it inflicts the Deep Wound status effect, but does not give a speed boost to the survivor.


  • Holding down the Secondary Action (LALT) button for 2 seconds will initiate the alternative power, slowing down The Vigilante by 85% of his base movement speed for 0.5 seconds, also showing a quick preparing animation. After initiating, this action cannot be cancelled.
  • After 0.5 seconds, The Vigilante will disappear in a flash and, depending on what movement button (WASD) is pressed, he will dash forward, backwards, left or right 4 meters, with a movement speed of 350%, similarly to The Nurse but faster, and will automatically face the nearest survivor for an easy hit.
  • After a successful hit, The Vigilante will enter a state of fatigue for 3 seconds and lightning dash will not be available for 30 seconds. An unsuccessful hit will result in a 2 second fatigue state and lightning dash will not be available for 15 seconds. The Vigilante’s state of fatigue does not block vision in any way.  The Vigilante can dash through pallets, breakable walls and survivors, but this will increase the state of fatigue by 1 second.


  • 4 Common
  • 5 Uncommon
  • 5 Rare
  • 4 Very Rare
  • 2 Ultra Rare
  • Common Add-on #1 - Slightly (by 0.2 seconds) increases the speed of a Vendetta Dagger becoming fully charged. Does not stack.
  • Common Add-on #2 - Dagger Hit scoring event awards 100% more Bloodpoints, but no longer inflicts the Deep Wound status effect.
  • Common Add-on #3 - Vendetta Daggers take slightly (by 0.5 seconds) longer to remove. 
  • Common Add-on #4 - Initiating Lightning Dash takes slightly (by 1 second) longer, but reveals the target location and instantly faces whichever way The Vigilante wants the dash to go.
  • Uncommon Add-on #1 - Moderately (by 0.4 seconds) increases the speed of a readied Vendetta Dagger becoming fully charged. Does not stack.
  • Uncommon Add-on #2 - Slightly (by 0.2 seconds) decreases state of fatigue after a successful dash hit.
  • Uncommon Add-on #3 - Vendetta Daggers take moderately (by 1 second) longer to remove.
  • Uncommon Add-on #4 - Moderately (by 8 meters) increases aura reading range on a Dropped Dagger.
  • Uncommon Add-on #5 - Allows the survivors to scream and reveal their location for 5 seconds when being placed in the dying state due to the Poisoned status effect.
  • Rare Add-on #1 - You see the aura of the survivor that took out a dagger from another survivor, for 5 seconds.
  • Rare Add-on #2 - Successfully hitting a survivor in the back with a Vendetta Dagger inflicts the Mangled status effect until fully healed.
  • Rare Add-on #3 - Considerably (by 16 meters) increases aura reading range on a Dropped Dagger.
  • Rare Add-on #4 - Considerably (by 5 seconds) decreases Lightning Dash cooldown after a successful hit. Does not stack.
  • Rare Add-on #5 - Successfully hitting a survivor in the back or front with a Vendetta Dagger inflicts the Exhausted status effect for 60 seconds.
  • Very Rare Add-on #1 - Standing within a 8 meter range of a Dropped Dagger will grant you the Undetectable status effect.
  • Very Rare Add-on #2 - Tremendously (by 10 seconds) decreases Lighting Dash cooldown after a successful hit. Tremendously (by 10 seconds) increases Lighting Dash cooldown after an unsuccessful hit. Does not stack.
  • Very Rare Add-on #3 - Allows the ability to dash through a generator that only 3 or more survivors can work on. These generators are revealed in bright green. Dashing through one of these generators will cause it to instantly explode and regress by 30%. Normal generator regression applies after this effect. After dashing through a generator, the auras of all generators currently not being worked on are revealed in white. This effect can only be activated every 120 seconds.
  • Very Rare Add-on #4 - Considerably (by 5 seconds) increases the duration of the Poisoned status effect along with its effectiveness by 50%.
  • Ultra Rare Add-on #1 - Dashing through a downed pallet or breakable wall will break it, but increases the state of fatigue by 0.5 seconds. Dashing through a survivor will injure them by a health state, but increases the state of fatigue by 1 second. If successfully injuring a survivor with a dash, hitting after dashing will not be allowed.
  • Ultra Rare Add-on #2 - Decreases available Vendetta Daggers by 2. Survivor auras are revealed within a range of 16 meters of a Dropped Dagger. You no longer see the white auras of Dropped Daggers.

His personal perks, Beneath The Mask, Hex: Ideas Are Bulletproof and Only Truth allow him to place fear in his prey’s mind, only to wear them down and strike them where it hurts the most later.


Beneath The Mask

You take of your mask and show your true face, frightening everyone that looks at it.

  • Bloodlust Tier I can be gained 1.5/3/4.5 seconds sooner.
  • Destroying a pallet, a breakable wall and kicking a generator while in a chase will no longer get rid of Bloodlust, however hitting a Survivor or the Survivor being out of range will cancel it immediately.

"Beneath the mask there is more than just flesh..."

HEX: Ideas Are Bulletproof

A Hex rooting its power on hope. The false hope of Survivors gave you more power.

  • For the first 10/15/20 seconds of a chase, if a Survivor performs a fast vault on a window, all windows within a 24 meter radius, including the one that was vaulted, are blocked by The Entity.
  • This effect lasts until the Hex Totem is cleansed.

"....Beneath the mask there's an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof."

Only Truth

Your prey are bringing each other down and they don't even notice it.

While not in a chase and being at least 32 meters away from Survivors, the following effects can happen:

  • Any time two healthy Survivors are within 8 meters of each other, the auras of all other healthy Survivors are revealed to you and they suffer from the Oblivious status effect.
  • Any time three healthy Survivors are within 8 meters of each other, the aura of the fourth healthy Survivor is revealed to you and they suffer from the Exposed status effect.
  • This perk is only revealed after hitting someone while they suffer either from the Exposed or Oblivious status effect caused by this perk.

"I told you, only truth."

Post edited by Godot on


  • JackFrostMan
    JackFrostMan Member Posts: 204

    Kinda wished we could see your perks but onto the powers and how I feel about them from a "on paper" stance

    Vendetta Daggers: I personally feel iffy about the forward/back thing since I feel like that could lead to a lot of nonsense (I mean, look at huntress hatchet hitboxes for why). The poisoned effect feels like a very delayed deep wounds type situation and I'm not sure how much of an effect it would have compared to deep wounds.

    Lightning Dash: I feel like this could either be the best part of his kit or just a weird gimmick. It is basically a very limited blink but on someone with a movement speed faster than survivor's. Sounds interesting but it's a bit hard of thinking on how many situations it would have a use in.

    Also the fact it's the vendetta guy cracks me up. The two ideas are somewhat solid stuff you can mess with but imagining a guy with that mask running around is just funny.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    Thanks for the short review! I like coming up with ideas a lot, even if some may sound stupid, so I don't take into consideration the bad side of the game, such as bad hitboxes. Whenever a Survivor is running away from you, they always face front, so likely the dagger might land in the back 90% of the time. If, however, it lands in the front, it's not as bad as if it were in the back, but it's still punishing. Taking out the dagger injures you, but leaving it in also does.

    I'm going to keep refining this idea. So far, the most fun I've had was with the Add-ons. In my head, I could imagine certain amazing plays with a few of his would-be add-ons.

  • JackFrostMan
    JackFrostMan Member Posts: 204
    edited October 2020

    For his addons, I'll just give some notes on what I feel like should be changed or anything particularly weak/bad (ignoring the obligatory "oh weaker power but more BP" addon). That or just ones I find interesting.

    Rare Addon #5: Just say "hit with a dagger" if it applies with both front or back. The fact it's 60 seconds feels a bit much, though, since addons with the same function on similar killers are only 15-30 seconds.

    Very Rare Addon #3: Jesus ######### that's just...holy hell, that sounds incredibly strong. Maybe I'm overestimating how many gens it can effect or how long 2 minutes actually is but it's basically an extra pop + thrilling use.

    Ultra Rare Addon #2: Seems terribly weak. Giving up 2 daggers and your ability to find them for a limited aura reading doesn't sound the best.

    Ultra Rare Addon #1: Actually sounds interesting and yet somewhat limited by the fact your blink is basically four meters. Not sure what to change but it feels iffy.

    Very Rare Addon #1: I'm just having a hard time understanding how useful that would be on a killer like this. I'm not sure it would even really have a use?

    The rest are typical number tweaking addons or other minor things, so there's mostly fine.

  • JackFrostMan
    JackFrostMan Member Posts: 204

    Thrilling as in "knowing what gens aren't being touched" instead of "blocking gens", by the by

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    Alright, so I will tell you what I initially had in mind for these add-ons and why they came out the way they did. I'm loving discussions like these.

    Very Rare Add-on #3: The most overpowered of them all, and it's not even Ultra Rare quality. Despite it being overpowered, it has a 2 minute cooldown (which, in theory, is quite a long time, if you ever used Any Means Necessary, for example) and it can only be used on the generators revealed in green, otherwise known as: generators that 3 or more people can work on. Essentially, this is a powerful version of PGTW to push back gen-rushing that is being done on generators that more than 2 people can access, such as the 4-man generators in the middle of Coldwind Farm. An effect that is fit for a perk but placed in an add-on is seen on The Blight, as he has an add-on that does literally what Hex: Blood Favor does with the pallets, only difference being is that it's less reliable.

    Very Rare Add-on #1: I can imagine a number of ways this being useful. Imagine looping someone in the shack. Combining Very Rare Add-on #1 with Ultra Rare Add-on #2 can have an interesting & powerful effect. See below for the effect of Ultra Rare Add-on #2. As you might already know, one of The Blight's very rare add-ons turns him Undetectable while rushing. This is kind of it, but instead it's a beacon that turns you invisible. If you want to be toxic, you can throw a dagger at a hooked survivor and camp it with Undetectable, without having to equip Insidious.

    Ultra Rare Add-on #2: Imagine a survivor taking out a dagger and dropping it, but they don't know that The Vigilante has this add-on equipped. He can instantly find these careless survivors, because that's what the add-on does: It reveals survivors in a small range, continuously.

    Ultra Rare Add-on #1: Sounded like a cool concept in my head, since The Blight has a pallet-breaking add-on. In this case, this add-on also injures a survivor when you dash through them. Dashing for The Vigilante is essentially pulling a "nothing personal, kid" despite it having a 4 meter range only.

    Rare Add-on #5: Gotcha'. Can lower this to 30. Might've been over the top with this one, to be honest.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    Updated Add-ons:

    • Uncommon Add-on #3 - Vendetta Daggers take moderately (by 1 second) longer to remove.
    • Common Add-on #2 - Dagger Hit scoring event awards 100% more Bloodpoints, but no longer inflicts the Deep Wound status effect.

  • Milkasa
    Milkasa Member Posts: 76

    I can imagine skins of this guy just being the meme faces from the early 2010s. I want it.

  • Milkasa
    Milkasa Member Posts: 76

    His power seems like a mix mash of Huntress, Deathslinger, Nurse, and a bit of Legion. Though Ultra Rare Addon #2 seems horrible. If it was 16 or 20 meter radius's it would be worth it for 7K BP, but only having two of them its absolutely horrible. It's like Amanda's Letter: removes one really good ability and gives you really bad aura reading

  • Milkasa
    Milkasa Member Posts: 76

    Otherwise, amazing killer

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    Perhaps I'm overestimating Aura reading in this game, since I never really liked to touch that topic, and 16/20 meters just seemed a lot to me. You've seen how overpowered Compound 21 was on The Blight, so being able to constantly see survivors within a 16 meter radius, 32 combined if you place both Dropped Daggers close to each other, it would cover a rather large portion of the map and would seem unfair. Place these next to the last generators for example, close to each other, and you've got perfect constant aura reading, giving almost no chance to survive, even if The Vigilante is 110%.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    I really can't see V serving a tyrant like the entity, I see him being more so a survivor.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    Lore-wise, it might be tricky to implement someone like V. Perhaps, this could be changed or something. Since V dies at the end of the movie (if I remember correctly), it could be said that The Entity liked his skill, revived him but on two conditions: his eyes have to glow white (as every "revenge" killer's does), and he has to serve The Entity.

  • Milkasa
    Milkasa Member Posts: 76

    Well say theres 3 gens left, having two 8 meter radius detectors while also removing one of his main abilities would suck. Blight's was good because you were high speed, could use his power multiple time in a row, and were always close to the survivor that you revealed. You should either bump up the aura reading, or remove the limit on how many rapiers you can have

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    Updated: Finally added Perks.

    If they seem rushed, overpowered or weak, please let me know and suggest me something better and more fitting for The Vigilante. I've had tons of fun making this so far, and I'm liking all the feedback and comments I'm getting. Thank you in advance!


    Do you really feel like having the aura reading on 16 meters on Ultra Rare Add-on #2 would make it better? If so, I will edit it! Seems like then it would fit the Ultra Rare category.

  • Milkasa
    Milkasa Member Posts: 76

    Yeah, that sounds good! I never get feedback on any of my chapters, so I might as well make other people happier by giving it to them.

  • JackFrostMan
    JackFrostMan Member Posts: 204
    edited October 2020

    Came back to review the perks personally.

    Beneath the Mask: Doesn't really seem all that bad or good. Probably better on really chase focused killers and with Brutal Strength. It's a filler perk but that's not necessarily a bad thing, at least it's better than something like Bloodhound.

    Hex: Ideas are Bulletproof: Ignoring the somewhat funny name (I know why it's called that but still), I would've said it's weak but the fact it seems like it's permanent is really strong and actually makes up for the fact that it's a hex perk. Some tweaking on the range and amount of time it's active during a chase may be necessary but this could be really good.

    Only Truth: Seems kinda the weirdest bunch. Assuming the aura reading is about BBQ levels (4ish seconds), it seems like a somewhat decent way to find survivors outside of whispers range. The two healthy survivors is probably decent depending on the numbers and the exposed survivor one really depends on the numbers.

    What does the last line mean, exactly? With the whole "only revealed after hitting someone while they suffer either the exposed or oblivious status effect caused by the perk"? Doesn't that seem redundant that they would know something is up if they get exposed/oblivious out of nowhere?

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    I'm down for this as a chapter, it's one of my favourite movies of all time, however V is more if an anti villain.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806
    edited October 2020

    You know perks like Thanatophobia, Deathbound, Hex: Retribution, Hex: Huntress Lullaby, Hex: Ruin, Sloppy Butcher, Hex: NOED, and stuff like that?

    You see, these perks are "revealed" to survivors once you activate them. Thanatophobia is revealed to the survivor (shows the perk icon on the side, basically) once someone is injured. I know this isn't mentioned in these perks, but I felt the need to mention it here just in case.

    With all the Hex perks, they are shown once you activate one of their features: For Ruin, let go of a generator. For Lullaby, do a skill check (fixed next update). For Retribution, cleanse a totem.

    Sloppy Butcher, you hit a survivor and the first time you do so, they will be shown the perk on the right.

    Hex: NOED is revealed once you hit a survivor when all generators are repaired.

  • JackFrostMan
    JackFrostMan Member Posts: 204