Which killer is the most scary by looks?

Elcopollo Member Posts: 768

Which killer gives you immediate goosebumps, when you look at them? Which killer you would most likely have bad dreams about? Which killer you would least want to meet in a dark alley? Who is the most scary, dreadful and menacing killer for you, judging solely by their appearance? All skins count. Powers don't count.

Which killer is the most scary by looks? 109 votes

The Trapper (Evan MacMillan) or The Clown (Jeffrey Hawk)
Gay Myers (Luzi)VolantConch1719FreddoRattiusChchchcheryl 5 votes
The Wraith (Philip Ojomo) or The Huntress (Anna)
musstang62MilkasaSheKIndaSucks 3 votes
The Hillbilly (Max Thompson Jr.) or The Cannibal (Bubba Sawyer)
Amaranth035[Deleted User]Illutionvenomz12Bruce_AV1InsaneClownGroup 6 votes
The Shape (Michael Myers) or The Ghost Face (Danny Johnson)
Thicc_Boi_MyersMoundshroudHex_LlamaUnifalldemibgunnQwQwVenusa 7 votes
The Hag (Lisa Sherwood) or The Blight (Talbot Grimes) or The Plague (Adiris)
MandyLavernneCamoRangerKaelumSchmeltzTaigaherman_carterCritical_FishzmassanithefallenloserDawnMadAwkward_FiendChurchofPigUndershotDanishBroMissRememberMeBitingSeaalex9erIlliterateGenocideNoOneKnowsNova 27 votes
The Doctor (Herman Carter) or The Nurse (Sally Smithson)
Toxicity23GlamourousLeviathanTotemsCleanserCuupidbubbabrothaZarioKiller534jayru1991CheeseAntonrnissilleotaconnieSpaghettiandMeatbajotaroTrashmasterCryptFriendOneNonlyHappyuncreative_username7AJFUNLilSnekGhost_Pepper 20 votes
The Nightmare (Freddy Krueger) or The Deathslinger (Caleb Quinn)
MusicNerd_TCSCP_FOR_DBDKarao_Ke 3 votes
The Pig (Amanda Young) or The Legion (Frank, Julie, Susie or Joey)
Walker_of_the_fog_96cheezjtz 2 votes
The Spirit (Rin Yamaoka) or The Oni (Kazan Yamaoka)
FatelanceSeiko300FoggyWeather_TapeKnotF60_31NebulaConepichumudkipMadLordJackBlue_Archer33xtr4meFobbomusefanChechiaSatansCornhipsWompleRex3ZestyemofriendoSiMpSoUp 19 votes
The Demogorgon or The Executioner (Pyramid Head)
Doctor_GrizzDimekLeonardo1itaRullisiAhoyWolfFilledPizzatenoresaxmalatrusePior_MorteDerZuntorglitchboiGoodLookinCookinMarc_go_soloMoraveneiTheButcher6641horrortale_sansMissMayluna 17 votes


  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,914
    The Hag (Lisa Sherwood) or The Blight (Talbot Grimes) or The Plague (Adiris)

    Hag, every.single.time.

  • TheButcher6641
    TheButcher6641 Member Posts: 252
    The Demogorgon or The Executioner (Pyramid Head)

    None are scary but they all look pretty awesome. I have always been a huge fan of the way The Executioner looks. So not so much as scary but good looking in a murderous killer type of way. And can I just say that I appreciate how much trouble you went through to write all of this down. You even put them in similar groups according to their features. Well done.

  • Milkasa
    Milkasa Member Posts: 76
    The Wraith (Philip Ojomo) or The Huntress (Anna)

    Wraith scares me because you can't see him

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416
    The Nightmare (Freddy Krueger) or The Deathslinger (Caleb Quinn)

    Freddy is terrifying.

  • Toxicity23
    Toxicity23 Member Posts: 387
    The Doctor (Herman Carter) or The Nurse (Sally Smithson)

    Doctor. I'm genuinely freaked out by how his face is contorted into a seemingly forceful smile. His cosmetics don't help in making me feel better.

    Knowing the visuals of his backstory from the rift isn't doing it either.

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882
    The Doctor (Herman Carter) or The Nurse (Sally Smithson)

    I typed out a really long essay on why Doctor was the scariest, but then my browser close, and I want to die. But yeah, not even the licensed killers come anywhere close to me in terms of killer scariness, compared to The Doctor.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818
    The Shape (Michael Myers) or The Ghost Face (Danny Johnson)

    It's very disquieting to turn around and see someone in a mask staring at you, so either one.

  • BitingSea
    BitingSea Member Posts: 332
    The Hag (Lisa Sherwood) or The Blight (Talbot Grimes) or The Plague (Adiris)

    I was close to voting Oni, but The Blight in actuality is probably the most terrifying to be chased by. I've never been chased by him bc I don't play survivor, but his entire aesthetic is mortifying even in the killer menu. His entire body leaks serums and vital juices that he once used in experiments, his ENTIRE BODY BY CANON is ENGULFED in this horrid, whatever it is at this point and it glows even in the darkest of dark. I feel like I'm being chased by a terrible mistake that's been weaponized, a monster never meant to escape a lab, yet here he is spreading dread across The Entity's realm, screaming and slashing whatever he can see through his blighted eyes. He walks in such a damaged state yet maintains normal to even tremendous speeds that no human can manage unless they like get hit while sprint bursting. His jaw hangs like it's been torn off but it maintains to be a part of him just through infected skin that barely keeps it on alone. He has literal bubbles of this godawful serum pulsing on his skin, his jaw leaks the damn thing, his eyes and skin glow that same bright warm color that's painted all over the environment he uses to hunt you down, the environment that you used to call a safe place being weaponized right behind you and all you can hear is his screaming. If I go against him ever, I'm probably going to squeal and cower in a locker.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,276
    The Hag (Lisa Sherwood) or The Blight (Talbot Grimes) or The Plague (Adiris)

    I won't explain why Plague is scary, it's definitely more Blight and Hag, but being chased by Plague makes me feel... kind of sad.

    She's someone who actually wanted to help people. She was more altruistic that all the survivors and she was still twisted by the Entity. It's pretty sad.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,138
    The Demogorgon or The Executioner (Pyramid Head)

    It's the absurdity in The Executioner's shape and appearance which gets me more than the others.

  • cheezjtz
    cheezjtz Member Posts: 52
    The Pig (Amanda Young) or The Legion (Frank, Julie, Susie or Joey)

    amanda's pig head would scare the living ######### outta me ngl.

  • UwUdestroyer
    UwUdestroyer Member Posts: 18
    The Hag (Lisa Sherwood) or The Blight (Talbot Grimes) or The Plague (Adiris)

    I just want to quickly add - Wraith looks hilarious af

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,213
    The Trapper (Evan MacMillan) or The Clown (Jeffrey Hawk)

    I have coulrophobia.

    Doctor would be a close second, but he's not a clown.

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238
    The Pig (Amanda Young) or The Legion (Frank, Julie, Susie or Joey)

    The legion.

    I feel that his appearance is the most realistic to what a real life killer would wear.

    Just imagine leaving work late at night and having one or more individuals follow you, closer and closer.

    Maybe they are just normal people, or they just want to take your money or maybe they want to hurt you ...

  • CryptFriend
    CryptFriend Member Posts: 416
    The Doctor (Herman Carter) or The Nurse (Sally Smithson)

    The Doctor is genuinely unsettling--I have to agree with the two above me, he's just on this edge of "entirely unnatural" and "horrifyingly possible."

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531
    The Shape (Michael Myers) or The Ghost Face (Danny Johnson)

    Michael, he's literally unkillable pure evil.

  • zmassani
    zmassani Member Posts: 41
    The Hag (Lisa Sherwood) or The Blight (Talbot Grimes) or The Plague (Adiris)

    Blight's jaw scares the bejesus out of me

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531
    The Trapper (Evan MacMillan) or The Clown (Jeffrey Hawk)

    Ha, ez answer. I hate clowns, this fear was started by pennywise and it lives on in Jeffrey!

  • Gay Myers (Luzi)
    Gay Myers (Luzi) Member Posts: 4,427
    The Trapper (Evan MacMillan) or The Clown (Jeffrey Hawk)

    Clown. Just... clown. No more

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221
    The Nightmare (Freddy Krueger) or The Deathslinger (Caleb Quinn)

    I definitely feel like Deathslinger is one of the scariest simply because he looks the most "human" out of everybody else, which makes it seem more likely to be real. I mean, he is the literal definition of 'dead man walking' after all.

    Though, Doc & Bubba (sorry Myers) come in 2nd and 3rd place.

  • Cuupid
    Cuupid Member Posts: 7
    The Doctor (Herman Carter) or The Nurse (Sally Smithson)

    I’ve had nightmares of the doctor before :D but it was more based on his laugh and it was driving me crazy, I couldn’t get it out of my head for a few days?

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,277
    The Demogorgon or The Executioner (Pyramid Head)

    Pyramid and Oni