i had a conversation with a killer..

Well... the game started and this legion decided to tunnel a baby meg (soloQ) one is for sure this killer was a experienced killer, maybe not the best but a decent one.
after the meg getting tunneled very hard i got mad.. i actually never got mad like that in DBD when i play survivor, i was just asking myself how can someone be so scummy and an #########..
well i decided to get the aggro.. and as i mentioned i was very angry at him for tunneling a baby who doesnt even know how to play the game.. and when i speak about tunneling he went 3x in a row for her, just focused on her, nothing like he found the meg all the time when looking for someone else.
Anyways.. i decided to be an ######### back to him, i tried to took the aggro and just wanted to make him feel bad.. helpless like the meg. Bully the bully right? :)
The chase started and i tbagged him, dumb tech, flashlight clicky .. pretty much did everything to ######### him up. Well after 2-3 minutes he disconnected and here the conversation begins.
Legion : ######### this ######### im out
Me : why did you leave we had so much fun?
Legion : i didnt had fun, why is every survivor so toxic holy #########
Me : so .. you play for fun right?
Legion : yea
Me : so.. just a question, why did you hard tunneled the baby meg?
Legion : i always tunnel the bad survivors first.
Me : and you wondering why survivors are toxic towards you?
Legion : wdym? im the killer and i need to kill the survivors.
Me : true, true but didnt you say you care about fun?
Legion : that makes no sense
Me : so you want fun at the game, but you do everything to make it unfun for someone else who cant even do something about that, it was fun to tunnel a baby meg, but as soon you got a decent player who bullied you because you bullied a baby it wasnt fun anymore for you? so you pretty much care just about your fun and everyone needs to suffer just to entertain you, and you had fun right? please keep playing like that but never again complain when someone doesnt care about your fun alright?
after that i left the lobby. i honestly didnt want to read what he has to say.
Sorry guys but how pathetic is that? im not mad about that he tunneled someone, im mad because he tunneled someone who maybe has just 20 hours in the game, and just to have fun? is this for real?
funnier is that he cares about his own fun and is doing everything for it but as soon someone doesnt care about his fun he disconnects because it was not fun at all? people with this mindset just deserve toxic behaviour and im talking for both sides.. that is also for all the survivor mains who bully a rank 20 killer you guys are just pathetic.
He just sounds like an inexperienced killer to me. But yeah, some people just suck.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on20 -
Sounds like the same entitlement that small pp users have. Sometimes, everything would be better if they just admit it's easy, but no. Too many people try to justify themselves. "I'm the killer, I need kills, please ignore that it's my job to try and kill everyone and tunneling is the opposite of that."
It reminds me of the old Scott Jund video about player entitlement. Dude blasted him for "camping" and "tunneling" then proceeded to actually do exactly that when he played killer.
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Was this the killer by any chance?
"me play for fun! me have fun when you not have fun! me disconnect when me not have fun!"
30 -
I agree with everyone here. You are the guys I do not need to remind of common decency, but this legion...well, these players are part of the problem and why dbd is notorious for having a ######### playerbase.
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Sadly Dbd has alot of people like this; they can only have fun by ruining someone else's
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Great post, and you make some very good points. Many people are too entitled to care about anyone else. It is not something that is special to DBD though, it happens all the time.
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That sort of killer mentality is EXACTLY why I made that thread saying how we each have 4 objectives.
There is so much more to this game than kills and escapes.
If it weren't for people like them, DS wouldn't be so popular. We then wouldn't have skugging on response to DS, leading to a surge in Unbreakable use. We brought the current meta upon ourselves.
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I do my best to play nice as killer, but sometimes it's really hard when survivors do gens so fast. If I see survivors struggling, I do my best to let up. But I notice that no survivors ever see me struggling and are like "Hey, maybe we should let up?" The only time I see nice survivors are when I'm dominating or they want to farm. And hey, when they are nice I'm nice back. Because I want to encourage good behavior on all sides. Would be nice to see more of it from Survivors, though. And not just toward their fellow survivors.
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I am not trying to justify what the legion did(They're insanely entitled) but:
Let not kind ourselves DS/Unbreakable would still be as prevalent even without people like this because its an insanely strong perk combo that forces killers into "Lose/Lose" situations.
A lot of people play to win and DS/Unbreakable is the best perk combo for survivors when it comes down to helping you win games.
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I don't think that people would have really found it without being forced towards it, or at least it wouldn't be so prevalent now.
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Trust me people would find it no matter what and all it did take was streamers winning with it for everyone who wants to win to bandwagon it.
Any combo as strong as DS/Unbreakable in a PvP game like DbD would be run as meta no matter what.
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The only thing I’m disappointed in here is that it would have been fascinating if you had stuck with the conversation to see his response. You might have been able to turn his attitude around and realise that he was making that Meg’s experience miserable, just as you were making his miserable, and potentially change his approach to matches in the future.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on2 -
That’s DBD in a nutshell. Killers hard tunnel the rookie out and then act like the survivors are the bad guys when they tbag at the end.
Survivors bring OoO, Ormond/coldwind offerings and act toxic and then act like the killer is the bad guy when he starts to play scummy in return.
Both sides are full of hypocrites.
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Somewhat unrelated, but I often repeatedly slug the weakest link in an SWF squad for the inherent extra pressure it gives me. I operate by the motto that it's better to slug someone than hook them repeatedly if you want that survivor to have the most chances and potentially the most fun he/she can have in that game.
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I love this post so much. I hate killers like that honestly, they thing they’re god tier or good for tunneling baby survivors or the weak ones but when it comes to an actual good survivor they rage quit. Thank you for teaching killers like that a lesson. I can’t imagine how that meg felt, getting downed instantly because you’re not aware of what’s going on or where to go is an awful feeling, even if it’s just “A VIDEO GAME”.
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The issue is generally a mentality of "play to win" rather than "play for fun". I can truly enjoy this game when playing with my buddies and we just laugh at how much we mess up while trying to "outplay" one another, but not in a competition kind of way.
While playing SoloQ, I must be one of the very few people that actually play without DS or Unbreakable as I'm actively not playing to win. Then, I am criticised by both Killers and Survivors by "not knowing how to play".
However, what @PigMainClaudette said should be something to take in consideration. DS and Unbreakable are responses to mechanics of the game that were abused by Killers and it's merely a crutch to a poorly thought design that requires a harder rework of the game direction to be sorted out. Until they can actually do that, there isn't much we as players can do than try to not abuse each other...
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I kinda see what he's saying.
Playing Legion (who is very low tier) at high ranks is a nightmare. Sometimes, tunneling the worst Survivor off is the only way you will have a chance at winning.
He seems inexperienced though and he likely got decimated the game before, so he decided to try a new strategy, which was to get rid of a Survivor ASAP. Your choice to bully him essentially just taught him that whether or not he plays fair, he'll get the same result, which is definitely NOT what you want to teach new players.
I would've gone about this way differently, but what's done is done.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on2 -
Nailed it.
If everyone ends up going all out and people move on after the match ends, that's fine. But I can't even pretend to have any sympathy for people that want to go all out and then throw a tantrum when their opponent(s) do the same thing.
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Well.. What do u do about toxic survivors who bully baby killers. Who will fight for that baby killer whose been abused?
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on5 -
"Baby Meg toxic".. Legion "unexperiment killer"..
That's how I imagine the story..
You must, you, are a veteran survivor.. It's not up to you to solve Meg's problems, if he tunnels this survivor it's for a reason, let the new players settle their story together and stop looper and click click because a killer camp or tunnel !
He's right, he's the killer, a noob killer, tunnel and camp... He needs PB to progress it's the beginning, killers get nervous and almost all of them need addons... We were all the same before, you remember!
Ps: And in your next game it will be you who will be DC because a high rank will have you slug EZ...🤣
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on2 -
Good lord, while me as Killer sometime just drop 2 hooked survivors at infront of their last hook, to give them another chance because some survivors play so bad (then after match they'were actually Purple/Red sometimes)
Dominate Survivors already a win to me. Killer who wants 4K that much that dont care about others' fun is super selfish, same to bully squad.
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I never start with a meta build but when I'd have been able to make a difference if I had a certain perk I am more likely to use it the next game. Usually start with calm, lithe, we'll make it, pharmacy/wake up By the 5th or 6th game I'm back to the dull meta just so I can be useful. It's a problem on both sides.
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I think you could've handled it better...
I have had a similar experience but I was the killer
The conversation started the same as yours... but I explained what the match was from my POV and we can to understand each other
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When I see them tunneling or camping someone, i feel inclined to step in. I'll even take a hook just to let them get some room to breathe. It's such a dick move to be hardcore tunneling or trolling one. You can also usually tell the bad ones too...
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on1 -
This exactly. People act like DS unbreakable became meta for no reason. It quite litterally was the killer players who influenced the meta.
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If you continuously try to abuse and tunnel baby survivors they will quit the game. Same for killers you don't try and bully baby killers. They need to have angood time so they continue to play, and get good.
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Funny how people keep on saying this...
People said the gen rush meta was because of the nurse:
The Nurse got nerfed and the meta didn't change.
People THEN said the gen rush meta was because of the spirit and her prayer beads:
The spirit an her prayer beads got nerfed and the meta didn't change.
People THEN SAID AGAIN said the gen rush meta was because of billy and his instant saw:
Billy and instant saw got nerfed and the meta didn't change.
Notice a pattern?
4 -
Did you notice that gen rush was never the meta and that the term "gen rush" is thrown around loosely?
Actual gen rush is focusing gens to the point of leaving survivors to stages on hooks. You have to realise that if the survivors aren't getting chased what else are they supposed to do? Scott actually made a video on gen rushing.
I also never remember anyone saying gen rush was the meta due to billy or nurse. I mean spirit actually does encourage it because of her lack of real 1v1 counter lol.
Post edited by azame on3 -
Lol @azame
UB became popular again because people were slowly finding out it might be used to negate DS' only weakness: getting slugged
Also, priotizing gens has always been good strategy. You dont need to unhook someone within 5 seconds. Dont know about you, but most survs do tend to focus gens once their buds interrupt their chat about cute boys to tell them the killer is currently in a chase.
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What was the response to tunnellers and campers from killers? "Just do gens."
Survivors did. They found out that doing them quickly gets you out reliably.
Spreading out also avoids Discordance, Infectious Fright, slugs, and Plague's vomit being spread to the whole team.
I am in no way insinuating that one side is to blame. Just noticing a trend myself.
5 -
Um, I'm not really sure about that lose/lose situation. I'm trying to be neutral here, no offense, but try to look at it this way: DS and Unbreakable fill 2 slots of perks, from the total of 4. I believe we all agree that each slot is very valuable. When you don't tunnel, those 2 slots will completely be wasted, and it's actually a big lost for those who use it, don't you think?
2 -
Costing 2 slots is not overly costly when it:
Killers can't pick you up after DS so they have to leave you slugged no matter how aggressively you played with your DS' 60 seconds.
A single DS(5 seconds) + the extra chase(Lets just say the average is 30 due to distance and average kill) if all 4 survivors are up and working is 35 seconds total 35 X 3 =105 seconds worth of gen time which is about 131.25% generator progress gained by one DS
Killers can't slug you with Unbreakable. While its one time use it can outright win you games for reasons I don't need to state.
DS is one of the best gen rush perks in the game along with Unbreakable as they both reduce the natural game slowdown the killer's pressure would normally apply.
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Anxiety time is really toxic, and new players don't like it. So once again, a veteran stays in his corner and leaves the newbies with the newbies, I wonder what rank they all were?
I'm ranked 9 Nurse and I sometimes get full ranks 1-3... I've already won with my Nurse, but, it's boring to have red ranks when you are not ready !
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I'll sandbag the ######### out of them. That's what I'll do.
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In the risk of sounding incredibly biased, he probably didn't know what he was doing was bad. And you made his game miserable. You could of taught him that that is a bad thing to do, but instead you became as bad as him. Ill punish spammers in MK by spamming myself, then ill tell them "hey, you shouldn't do that, its ineffective" and ill show them how to play. You could've helped him, and instead added to the problem.
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Just to be clear, an inexperienced Killer engaged in extreme hunting behavior not knowing any better, so you engaged in extreme aggro style to do your best and make him disconnect? Did you feel trying to make him disconnect would somehow improve things down the line? My overall issue is this:
- His hunting behavior valid if annoying.
- Your aggro style is valid if annoying.
- Your methodology only ensured more bad blood.
8 -
OP, you're a king for doing that LOL
OP said the killer was clearly experienced at the game, but only just decent and not a great killer.
I have to respectfully disagree with you here that the killer didn't know what he was doing, especially when he himself apparently used the word "tunneling" to describe what he did to the baby Meg. You don't use common lingo without knowing how the general playerbase tends to feel about it. Even if you stay away completely from social media involving the game, by the time you hit green ranks, you've been in enough post game chats to know what killer behaviors upset survivors the most.
And what was OP even supposed to do? He can't show a killer how to play killer when he himself is playing survivor. They're opposite roles. He basically did what you said, anyways- explaining WHY he bullied him after he saw him bully & tunnel the Meg out of the game for no reason other than her being bad and an easy kill. I don't really feel any sympathy for a killer who bullies a bad survivor and then, in the same game, gets bullied in return by a better survivor- at that point it's a well-deserved taste of his own medicine. If OP made the killer's game miserable, it's cause the killer made the Meg's game miserable.
There's no guarantee that the killer would have even stuck around to say a single word in the post game chat for the OP to say "no no tunneling babby survivor bad!", so he did what he could with the tools he had. A lot of people who play like that also happen to be the same type of people who don't learn a lesson until someone teaches it to them in the hard way, which is basically what OP went for here. IDK, I support him in it and don't really think he was wrong for doing it. It's not like he did it without reason, you know?
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Idk I'm conflicted here.
I'm of the opinion that no one at all should be toxic to anyone regardless of how the other person is.
We should be adult enough in order to not stoop to that level at all.
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I know, but I still think he should of turned the other cheek. Told the guy what was up, instead of bullying him. Because by doing that, he might tunnel more in retaliation.
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I agree with this post.
I mean, I know I'M entitled, but holy sh!t
I get the same criticism for "tunneling" when I play Myers because I always go after the player that can't loop or something to get stalk. After I have enough, I leave them. Not landing a single hit, but I'm still "tunneling"
On the flip side, as survivor I get criticized for being toxic when I'm doing Navy SEAL style rescue operations on my teammates who I know will never pay me back but whatever. I also get called toxic for taking hits for another guy. It's pretty dumb.
This kind of stuff definitely goes both ways. Unfortunately there are a lot of these entitled people.
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I'll preface this by saying that this is not an issue of us-vs-them. The roles could have been reversed, but my conclusions would be the same.
This is a typical case of someone who can dish it out but who can't take it. It's the equivalent of the kid who's all fine and dandy when winning a ball game, but as soon as he's losing he stops playing and takes the ball home with him and it's everybody's fault but his.
If that guy wants to tunnel rank 20s, that's fine. It's perfectly within the rules and the killer's purview. However, the utter entitlement (I hate how that word is spammed within this community, but it's fitting in this case) that the game should cater to his fun and his only disregarding anyone else's is just plainly undefensible.
You gave him some tough love and explained your point in a civil manner. It's a legit method like any other. Some people learn a lesson more easily than others. Some, however, need to be taught the hard way because they don't get it until it's them on the receiving end of an asskickery. Nothing wrong with that.
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Ok lets start with DS. Survivors were getting tunneled. Tunneling is a "legit" strategy so survivors got wise and put that on. Then killers started slugging. Survivors got wise once more and put on unbreakable with DS.
Nobody ran UB with DS. Not old not after the rework. I ran in with DS once before it became meta. That was because I didn't have adrenaline on claudette. Also ik you dont need to save in 5 seconds. That's not what I was trying to say. Also why do you keep bringing up talking about cute boys?
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yeahhh I dont think this took place
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Clicky I being object solo and I'm 89% sure I'm not toxic. Also what's wrong with coldwind og map thats fairly balanced if you exclude fracture cowshed.
Thompson house is semi neutered due to lack of tiles and good pallet spawns. Bamboozle destroys on that map. Abattoir and torment creek are still very good though.
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That's why new players need time to learn.
On the bright side you can hone your nurse skills against experienced players.
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Coldwind is definitely survivor sided.
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Well... I agree that Rotten Fields is Survivor-sided but the rest of them can be extremely Killer friendly in that fast routes to patrols Gens, accomplished by cutting the fields, are very efficient.
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True that. I hate this cycle.
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One thing I always found funny about this game is how much people complain about certain things the ‘other side’ does - but they themselves are part of the reason people play the way they do.
Examples being, killers complaining about DS, BT and being teabagged, but then these killers will go out of their way to camp and hard tunnel survivors, which is why they bring these perks in the first place. Then you’ll get survivors just assuming a killer will play ‘scummy’ when they weren’t going to and then they will proceed to do everything they can to make the killer have a bad experience, which then makes killers want to start playing less fair, bring Mori’s and start tunnelling.
If people just stopped adding to the problem the community would become so much better. But I know it’ll never happen, as sadly most people don’t think this way.
Whenever I experience toxicity I just ignore it. If I alter my play style to ‘get back’ at toxic people, I’m just becoming as bad as they are. I definitely switch my brain off when playing this game. I refuse to let it annoy me.
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Why do ppl make jerkfaces out to be heroes ? Try to be kind and teach killers.... do not engage in this toxic behavior.... so the killer, by your standards was decent and he shouldve known better ? Well if he was on the forums and watched youtube videos then yea, maybe..... or maube he got bullied the last couple games, even after he let the weakinglings live and now hes not holding back.