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What's your top 3 hated killer list?

Member Posts: 1,579

Mine are

1) Freddy (I don't need to explain)

2) Trapper (I step on every trap imaginable and I don't like having to walk/crouch through every grass patch)

3) Spirit (mmm no thanks especially if she has stridor)

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  • Member Posts: 7,669

    1) Freddy - i dont really mind the killer himself, but when combined with multiple slow downs the trial gets extremely sluggish and boring for survivors. plus the killer has basically no real downsides, so thats also not very thrilling to go up against.

    2) Pyramid Head - in his curent state he is just faking his power at every pallet / window, cheesing chases. add free hardtunneling on tormented survivors and voila, you got the recipe for a very boring match. i hope the changes are going to fix that.

    3) Legion - for the sole reason that i usually play solo survivor and always have at least one or two survivors selfcaring, even though its a legion and they have sloppy. STOP SELFCARING AGAINST LEAGION FFS ;-;

  • Member Posts: 2,785

    1. Freddy

    2. Pyramid Head

    3. Hag

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    Hillbilly - Doesn’t matter how bad he’s doing one mistake from the survivor team and it’s game over. One bad looper on your team and he will generate so much pressure from that.

    Legion - Like watching paint dry....except somehow even less interactive

    Ghostface - Busted, cheap, and they all camp anyway.

  • Member Posts: 793

    Trapper - Survivor is supposed to be easy mode, I don't want to stare at the floor for 10 minutes straight

    Spirit - Run Iron Will or die

    Pyramid Head - The power fake meta is a little annoying but my main gripe is that P Head makes it nearly impossible to pip at high ranks because he ends chases quickly, doesn't get stunned at pallets, cages instead of hooks etc.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Ghostface, because F those bugs.

    Freddy, because ease.

    Leatherface, because Bamboozle.

  • Member Posts: 122

    3.) Spirit

    Why? Against most Killers I find it preferable to try and stealth to avoid the chase, if at all possible. Spine Chill is in almost all by builds so I (usually) receive a heads-up when the Killer comes my way. A Spirit with Stridor also just nullifies my Iron Will for the entire trial. The mindgames are occasionally very fun, actually.

    2.) Doctor

    Why? It's just the constant pinging of his power that becomes an irritant. Sure, if you're literally right next to a locker when you hear it charging you can avoid it, but that doesn't seem to be often. You've gotta keep track of his ~1min timer and plan accordingly.

    *I was tempted to put Deathslinger here (the Monitor & Abuse build everyone uses).

    1.) Hag

    Why? I've played against some very good Hags and it can make the whole trial feel really oppressive (forced to constantly crouch). Also, imo, less-skilled Hags tend to play very "campy" and that gets old real quick.

  • Member Posts: 605

    1. Spirit

    2. Freddy

    3. Ghostface

  • Member Posts: 2,919
    1. Freddy
    2. Legion
    3. Huntress
  • Member Posts: 3,255

    Baby Pigs, Red Rank Huntress and Doctors at the moment simply for being so plentiful lately.

  • Member Posts: 4,467
    1. Hag
    2. Ghostface
    3. Trapper
  • Member Posts: 7,162




  • Member Posts: 3,014

    Plague. You're essentially exposed most of the round, and if one teammate decides to cleanse you're exposed against a killer with range.

    Deathslinger. Can practically hit you outside their terror radius.

    Ghostface. I can never see him.

  • Member Posts: 2,238




    Runner ups are Trapper, Hag (I don't like being paranoid about stepping in traps all game), and Huntress.

  • Member Posts: 994
    1. Hag
    2. Nurse
    3. Doc

    God bless that people don't play hag that much.

  • Member Posts: 365

    There's a lot more than 3 I can name but I guess Spirit, Slinger and Hag.

    Doctor is annoying, always has been. Nurse can be oppressive with her mobility and disregard of game mechanics but I was around back when Nurse had 5 blinks so I don't mind her as much lol. Huntress and her hitboxes, I used to love going up against Huntress but after dedi servers, I find her frustrating. Legion is annoying as a mending simulator ETC.

    1. Spirit
    2. Ghostface
    3. Cannibal
  • Member Posts: 206




    Spirit & Slinger negate all your skill and get free downs with their power. Freddy gets immense value handed to him for doing absolutely nothing (stall mechanic, teleportation, BT negation, etc).

  • Member Posts: 321


    2. Legion- holding down m1 even more than normal is just fantastic.....

    3. Clown- tbh I dont really know why I dont like him. He's the weakest killer in the game sure but I just really dislike going against him

  • Member Posts: 3,398

    I mean he barely functions properly lmao. Can't really blame people for hating a killer that literally doesn't work 80 percent of the time. Personally I find it hilarious that he's so broken but to each their own.

  • Member Posts: 2,529

    So, what I get from this thread so far, survivors only like to the following killers:

    Wraith, Billy, Nurse, Myers, Pig, Clown, Plague, Demogorgon, Oni, and Blight.

    Basically apart from Nurse, and Oni survivors only like going against weak killer. Nurse is extremely rare, because she is hard, and Oni is easily countered by just predropping pallets to deny him his power.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I’m a killer main so I’ll go with my three least favorite killers to play

    3) Hillbilly. I like his map mobility, that’s great. But I hate using his chainsaw to get hits, it just always feels awkward compared to Bubba’s chainsaw. And now with Blight I can enjoy having even better map mobility than Hillbilly. So every time I play Hillbilly I just think I’d rather be playing one of those two instead.

    2) Huntress. Generally speaking I enjoy melee attacks as a playstyle in this game more than ranged and of the four characters that have ranged attacks Huntress is my least favorite. It’s mainly because of the combination of being 110% movement (which I don’t enjoy) and because I just find the charge up on her hatchets to be a little irritating. Don’t get me wrong, she’s great at hitting survivors over pallets and doing a 1-2 combo to knock down healthy survivors, but in terms of playstyle I think Deathslinger with his quick shots and reloading on the fly is just a bit more fun.

    1) Nurse. Easily my least favorite killer, I hate playing her. Staring at the ground literally every 5-10 seconds while moving super slowly between blink attacks is excruciatingly annoying. I totally understand her potential to be really powerful but have zero interest in bothering to get to that point. She definitely could use a revamp to make her actually be fun to play. One thing that could help would be let her at least keep her head up and look around between Blinks and if that makes her a little too powerful then slow her blink refresh slightly to compensate. And honestly her Plaid Flannel add-on could probably just be part of her base ability, that way new Nurse players wouldn’t have to give up an add-on slot to see where they’re teleporting and it would be a way to help mitigate some of the occasional terrain glitches where Nurse gets blocked by oddball terrain.

  • Member Posts: 1,568




    Anytime I play as them I feel so helpless, I can't make a single kill!

    Oh, wait, it's a survivor main thread...

    1. Hag cause heart attack fuel
    2. Spirit because almost impossible to counter
    3. Trapper for similar reasons to Hag, I hate looking down

  • Member Posts: 71
    edited April 2021

    Spirit AKA toilet brush because she looks like one & Hillbilly. Never liked him even when I first started playing DBD.

    Post edited by GrisouOats on
  • Member Posts: 5,295
    edited October 2020

    Bubba because majority of the ones I run into are either face campers or they never ever M1, denying me my dead hard.

    Plague because I seem to be the only one who does not cleanse.

    Clown because most clowns I run into tunnel people off the hook.

    Clown and Bubba are more of a behavior thing than an issue with the specific killer but to me it just feels like clowns/bubbas do it more often.

  • Member Posts: 824
    1. Pig
      1. Because of RNG. When every box but the last one doesn't work. The most infuriating thing.
    2. Trapper
      1. Again, the RNG. You can either get out right away or spend 2 minutes failing to get out of a trap.
    3. Clown
      1. This time not because of RNG, but because of the FPS hang that happens when a bottle hits sometimes. This is almost always a guaranteed hit for the clown. A down, if I'm already injured and it happens.'

    These 3 are often considered some of the worst killers in the game but the RNG and ######### frame drops from Clown I hate so much.

  • Member Posts: 2,207


    Forever Freddy.


    Huntress because her hitboxes are the size of a train leading to a lot of undeserved hits.

    FF because of his passives. Normal Freddys are fine tho.

    Myers because he gets an instant down ability by looking at me.

  • Member Posts: 806
    1. Freddy (No comment)
    2. Spirit (Uncounterable)
    3. Ghostface (Staring into his soul doesn't reveal him)
    4. Leatherface (If you don't have a pallet in front of you, you're dead)
  • Member Posts: 1,328

    People will hate on hag 24/7 then play Spirit.

  • Member Posts: 2,238

    Long story short, almost all of my first games were against huntresses and even now when I go against them they often tunnel me to death.

  • Member Posts: 7,162
    edited October 2020

    Yeah that's right. Trapper, Legion, Ghostface etc.....all super strong. Like totally comparable to Nurse and Oni.

  • Member Posts: 74
    1. Hag- Constantly crouching around sucks and the jump scares from traps and the auto lock from her traps is annoying .
    2. Trapper: I hate walking and looking at the ground constantly, usually an easy W but I’m so paranoid the whole time lol
    3. Clown- Idk why his bottles feel useless when I use him but godlike when used against me. He’s an awful killer but remarkably annoying and effective against me for whatever reason. Could be that I suck
  • Member Posts: 1,210
    edited October 2020

    For me it's just Freddy and Trapper. But mainly Freddy as i'm a bit colorblind.

  • Member Posts: 1,256
    edited October 2020

    1.) Hillbilly - His "nerfs" were minor at best; he got a ton of amazing addons out of his rework.

    2.) Trapper - I have magnetic ankles, and sometimes don't even render traps in certain locations.

    3.) Doctor - E-Z Tunnel Oven

    Runners-up: Deathslinger for no TR + nearly having hitscan, Ghostface because... bugs? (community divided), and the Huntress because dedicated servers have doubled the hatchet hitbox in size for some reason.

  • Member Posts: 316

    1. Spirit

    2. Hag

    3. Trapper

    I too walk in every trap imaginable.

    Recently I even tried Dead Harding through a beartrap ... without having Dead Hard equipped.

    So it went like this:

    *Presses the action button* "Outplaaaaaayed"


    "Oh, right. I don't have Dead Hard"

  • Member Posts: 85

    Wraith - silent boi, you see him when it's too late.

    Bubba - 4-man down in 1 skill use (very rare but possible, makes me scared of him)

    Ghostface - Sneaky sneaky with ability to one-shot

  • Member Posts: 16

    I think my lest favorites are

    1)freddy: absolutely brainless in action yet still get the 4k because why would you balance the game?

    2) spirit: kind of annoying to get pulled of a generator with no warning other than breathing that's quieter than a pair of noise cancelling headphones.

    3) michael: I love halloween, michael is fun when I bring in scratched mirror because jumpscares are funny, but the game is unfun with. Michael because it's boring to get an undeserved one tap, and it's frustrating when you undeservedly get one tapped, his base power reduces any and all thought on both sides because it's like oh your dead now and your teammates aren't coming because they're all hiding in lockers cause big man bad, I'm speaking from both pov's. I will hook someone and there team will let them die despite how I'm nowhere near hook or literally will bring a downed survivor to the hook to struggle off and save their teammate and they will get off and just run away. Michael needs a rework, but so does every killer in this game, other than blight. Blight is kinda good if you use compound 7 and kinda terrifying with compound 38.

  • Member Posts: 391

    1) Doc. I'm so bad at looping I always try to play stealthy, and you can't be stealthy around him or even loop lol

    2) Freddy. We know why

    3) A camping Hag or Bubba

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